Fishing_May 1930 to October 19331e
City Attorney instructed to prepare
Ordinance Prohibiting 9, 439
Biscayne Bridge Company request Assist-
ance in preventing 5-21-30
City Manager & City Attorney instructed
to prepare ordinance 5-21-30
lst & 2nd Readings of Ordinance 6-4-30
Third Reading of Ordinance' 6-18-30
Fishing on islands objected to 10/18/33
&1s0 on causeways
10, 147
10, 147
10, 160
10, 166
12, 159
Book Page
Petition presented by winter visitors
that they be allowed to fish on east
viaduct of causeway 3/7/34 12, 297
Above request refused /7/31 12, 297
Appropriation asked for Fishing
Tournament 11-4-36 15 191
$1500.00 appropriation made for Fish-
ing Tournament 11-5-36 15 211
$2,000.made for fishing tournament
12-8-3716 436
$2500. appropriated for flailing tournam17 311
men t 10-26-38
2500._00 appropriated for 1940
ishing Tournament Res.#4738
$1,000. appropriated for 1940
Summer Fishing Tournament
Res. #4874
Book Page
12-20-39 18, 419
5/15/40 19 122
City Manager to investigate and see
if City can provide for fishing on
M4e4 viaduct. 6/11/41 20 273
, • tournament 12/5/421 21 98-
�ouncil agreed to allow fishing tem-
porarily on causeway viaduct.
21 169
Book Page
4250.00 appropriated for Armed
orces Fishing Committee 4/7/43 22
Dr.Eric Carlb6rg _ asked Council
to relax fishing ruling on
Star Island bridge 6/20/45 23 123
Charter boat owners petition
Council to enforce ordinance
prohibiting fishing from
County Causeway viaduct 10/17/45 23 255
Book Page
Council appropriates $4,600 •
for construction of walk
for fishermen on County
Causeway viaduct 11/7/45 23 283
$5,000 appropriated for
winter and summer fishing
tournaments 11/21/45 23 301
Councilman Snedigar asks that
City Engineer investigate
feasibility of constructing
fishing pier on north
jetty 8/21/46 24 266
Book Page
City Engineer's plans for fish-
ing pier on north jetty are
submitted and taken under
advisement until some future
date 9/4/46 24 281+
Request of Anglers, Inc. for
$6,500 appropriation toward
12th Annual fishing tournament
is referred to Public
Relations Advisory Comm. 9/18/46 24 312
A. E. Woolfe urges that Biscayne
Bay be designated an Anglers
Park in order to stop netting
of fish - .referred to the City
Attorney 9/1$/46 24 315
Res. #6139 passed, authorizing
City Engineer to apply to
Government for permit to con-
struct a fishing pier on the
north jetty in Government Cut 10/16/46 24 371
Council appropriates $5,000
toward 12th Annual Metropolitan
Miami Fishing Tournament 10/16/46 24 375
Book Page
Book Page
Council appropriates an
additional $1,500 toward
12th Annual Metropolitan
Fishing Tournament 11/6/46 24 378
U. S. War Dept. denies
city's request to construct
fishing pier on north jetty
of Government Cut 3/19/47 25 57
Council votes to ask re-
consideration of application
bo build fishing pier on
north jetty 4/9/47 25 101
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings of
ordinance prohibiting
fishing on Star Island
bridge 5/7/47 25 139
3rd reading of Ord. #807
prohibiting fishing on
Star Island bridge 5/21/47 25 176
Appropriation for 1948-49
Metropolitan fishing
tournament is referred to
City Manager 6/2/48 26 376
Book Page
Request of Rod & Reel Club
for $500 appropriation for
Sailfish tournament is refer-
red to Pub.Rel.Adv.Committee 7/21/48
Appropriation of $500 made
toward Rod & Reel Club
sailfish tournament
Appropriation of $500
authorized for M. B.
Anglers summer fishing
11/3/48 27 184
6/15/49 28 217
Request of Ernie Woolfe for
ordinance prohibiting netting
or seining of fish in Biscayne
Bay referred to City Attorney
6/22/49 28 230
Book Page
City Attorney's opinion is
that City Council is without
authority to pass ordinance
prohibiting seining of fish 7/6/49 28 238
Request of Summer Fishing
Tournament for $3,500 is
referred to PRAC 7/20/49 28 254
Council appropriates $6500
from 1949=50 Publicity Funds
for Metropolitan Miami Fishing
Tournament 8/17/49 28 351
Request of A. E. Woolfe for
$750.00 additional for summer
fishing tournament referred
to PRAC 8-9-50 30 6
$750.00 additional appro-
priated from Publicity Funds
lb summer fishing tournament 8-23-50 30 46
Book Page
$300.00 appropriated from Current
Fund Surplus to cover charge for use
of Auditorium by Anglers Club in
connection with awarding prizes and
trophies for summer fishing tourna-
ment 9/20/50 30 82
Requst for Metropolitan Fishing
Tournament appropriation of
$7,500. taken under advise-
7-3-51 31 318
Book Page
Permission granted M. B. Summer
Fishing Tournament use of Auditorium
on Sept. 18, 1951, without charge,
for presentation of prizes.
$200.00 to be appropriated from
Current Fund Surplus to cover
rental fee 9-5-51 32 142
$6,500. appropriation to Anglers,
Inc. toward 1952 Metropolitan
Miami FishingTournament
(1951-52 Budget) 10-30-51 32 127
Book Page
James H. Norton - M.B. Anglers, Inc.
asks increase of $1500.00 in summer
fishing tournament allotment. Council advises
funds not available at present but
when refund from Orange Bowl contri-
bution is determined some arrangement
could probably be made. 12-19-51 32 261
$2,000 of the $5,000 allocated in
publicity budget made available for
summer fishing tournament 3-19-52 32 )436
Boob Page
M.B. Fishing Tournament asks
Council to appropriate additional
$1,500. toward promotion of fishing
tournament when Orange Bowl refund
is received. Communication filed.
4-16-52 32 496
M.B.Fishing Tournament asks
appropriation $750.00 to conduct
tournament. City Mgr. to ascertain
if Publicity Funds available; also
to consider request,for free use
of Auditorium on 9/2452 for presentation
of awards, and to report
7-2-52 33 137
Book Page
Permission granted M.B.Summer
Fishing Tournament for free use of
Auditorium on 9/24/52 for award of
tournament prizes 8-13-52 33 199
No action on request of Fishing
Tournament group for increase in
budget allocation 8-13-52 33 199
Howard Holt submits written report
on operation of M.B. Summer Fishing
Tournament, and offers recommendatii n
for improvements and changes in methoa
of conducting tournaments 8-20-52 33 220
Book Page
$460. appropriated for trophies,
etc. in connection with 1952 M.B.
Summer Fishing Tournament 11-19-52 33 368
Pub. Rel. Adv. Comm. recommends
budget allocation of $2,500.24 toward
summer fishing tournament be increased
to 34,000.00 - - approved 5-6-53 34 227
Treasurer's report of 18th Annual
Metropolitan Miami Fishing Tournament
8-5-53 34 448
Book Page
Payment of $6,500.00 released to
Metropolitan Fishing Tournament
Committee -- appropriation allocated
in current publicity budget
12-2-53 35 215
Advance payment of $1,000. on
appropriation of $4,000. included
in budget for 1954 tournament,
authorized to M.B. Summer Fishing
Tournament 1-20-54 35 303
M. B. Anglers Club asks permission
to lease premises now occupied by
Chamber of Commerce, for holding meetings.
reeorrrmriendao ion ty Mgr. for 2-17dy4and 146
Book Page
19th Annual Metropolitan Miami
Fishing Tournament audit statement
for period from July 1, 1953 to
August 7, 1944 filed 9-1-54 36 149
Payment approved of $3,000 due out of
$4,000 allocated in 1953-54 budget
to M. B. Summer Fishing Tournament, Inc.
toward summer fishing tournament
9-15-54 36 159
Payment of $6;500,00 to.Metropolitan
Miami Fishing Tournament, Inc. approved
for 20th Annual fishing tournament
12-1-54 36 352
Book Page
Payment of $1 000 allocation to
M.B. Summer Fishing Tournament
approved 6-15-55 37 232
Payment of $1,000 allocation to
M.B. Summer Fishing Tournament
approved 8-17-55 37 310
$500.00 additional allocated from
publicity funds to supplement Summer
Fishing Tournament, provided budget
is presented 2-1-56 38 41
Book Page
Lincoln Road Assn presents resolution
urging City to prevail upon Dade County
to reconstruct the Miami Beach terminal
end of the old MacArthur Casueway bridge
for use asfishing pier
9-19-56 38 411
Payment of $2,500 allocation to M.B.
Summer Fishing Tournament approved
9-19-56 38 424
Book Page
Petitions from Arthur Godfrey Road
Assn and Exchange Club of Bayshore
requesting Council to prevail upon
County Commission and State Road Board
to reconstruct the terminal end east
span of present MacArthur Causeway
bridge which is scheduled for demolition,
for use as fishing pier. City Mgr.
advises arrangement already made to
discuss same with County Engineer;
report to Council will be made later.
9-5-56 38 386
Book Page
$1,500 made available to Fishing
Tournament Committee to pay for corrent
bills 7-3-57 39 421
Res. #9562 requesting State Road Commission
to install suitable fishing facilities
on new East draw bridge: of MacArthur
Causeway 7-31-57 39 470
Communications from Gov. Collins and
Wilbur E. Jones, State Road Dept., read
acknowledging receipt of above resolution.
Mayor Oka adv nil thatit would
cost approx. ���,�uo to acqure oa
th St. bridge for fishing pier. State Rd.
Dept advi es adequatefacilities have been
n„vided; fir. ipnas plans. -21-57 39 526