Flamingo Park_December 1926 to May 1929FLAMINGO PARK Book, P role' Course Lese=22=his—t Council votes to purchase park 8, 443 Endorsement of Lions Club on above 8, 474 Committee on Purchase of above 9, 51 Council authorizes use of for Boxing match - 9, 53 City Mgr's Recommendation on purchase 9,125,128' Res, 1955 calling .Bond Election 9) 128 Ballot Box prepared 5-29-29 9 219 Proofs of Posting & Publishinfr 9, 222 Returns of Clerk & Insprs. 9, 225 FLAMINI° PARK 2. Book, Page Returns of Election canvassed 875729 9, 226 Resolution No. 2010 Bonds Authorized Res._ 2011 0-5-29 9, 228 $100,000 Bonds sold to First Nat'l Bank Res. 2042 of Miami 8-8-29 9, 292 4425,000 Bonds sold to First Nat'1 Bank Res. 2045 of Miami 8-13-29 9, 297 Deed, Abstract & Atty's Opinion 10-31-29 9, 383 (Filed in Envelope #30, Sectional File) FLAMINGO PARK Swimming Pool coot referred to City Mgr. Plan & Estimates presented " 1-22-30 Locker Rooms & Showers approved 1-22-30 Complaint against manner of conducting Political Rally in Park 5-21-30 Development plan presented 7-9-30 $3,000 for trees & shrubbery Sidewalks from llth & Jefferson to Band- stand authorized 9-9-30 10, 262 7-9-30. 3• BtiOK,PAGE 9 , 369 9, x-50 9, x-50 10, 10, 200 10, 200 FLAMINGO PARK -4. BOOK, PAGE Suggestion of Night. Football referred to recreation director Lemon 9-17-30 10, 264 Proof of Publishing Notice for Bids 0 10, 264 Bidders on Flamingo Park Sidewalks " 10, 265 Contract awarded to E. 0. Smith " " 10, 272 Cost of Night Football too high 10-1-30 10, 281 Permit for Political Meeting 10-1-30 10, 281 Permit for Democratic Rally 10-4-30 10, 284 Final Est. on Sidewalk Contract 10-15-30 10, 297 FLAMINGO PARK 5. BOOK,PAGE Clay Tennis Courts Discussion 10-29-30 10,305 Committee appointed on above 10-29-30 10,305 Sidewalk: Jefferson Avenue Extended be- tween llth & 12th Streets 11-5-30 10,319 Bids Received on Sidewalk 11-19-30 10,337 Lenox Company -Offer Lease 12-30-30 10,425 Lenox Company offer refused 1-21-31 10,455 Bidders on SK -26 and Comfort Station and Locker Room 4-22-31 11, 22 Sidewalk Contract; Berry & Son, Inc. 4-25 " 23 FLAMINGO PARK 6. BOOK, PAGE Revision of plans of comfort station and locker room requested 4--25-31 11, 23 Low Bidder J. C. Gaffney asked to go over plans in effort to reduce 4-27-31 11, 25 Final Estimates on cost of improvements filed with Minute Data of 4-22-31 Objections filed to location of volley- ball and basketball courts 1/8/34 12,226 FLAMINGO PARK 7. BOOK,PAGE Sidewalks & Comfort Station Bids--22-31 11, 22 Comfort Station-J. C. Gaffney Inc. 11, 25 Sidewalk-26-SK-Berry & Son, Inc. 4--25-31 11, 23 Change of schedule of diamond. ....3 Petition objecting to change" _ " 7-21I_.31 11, 109 J.H.Wendler objection to schedule 715-31 11, 100 Permission for soft drink sonoeesion asked " 119 Three Tennis Courts Bids Called For " 130 ql " 9-2-31 11, 142 " Contract Berry & Son FLAMINGO PAHA _--$. BOOK,PAGE Site for High School asked 12-16--31 11, 242 Chas. Cusick: Band Concert proposition _11,. 243 Am.Legion Boxing Tournament permit 11, 21I3 Bids on Construction of Bleachers 4--15-32 11= 317 Contract Let to John L. Berry & Son " 11, 318 n n n n n n "" 20-32 11, 320 Refreshment concession at ammond Ball Field-Amerioan Legion 5-4-32 11, 323 Admission- to Diamond Ball __games reduced 5-3-32 11,366 FLAMINGO PARK BOOK, PAGE Diamond Ball project underwritten 5OO.00 by City 3-24-33 12, 18 Installation of gas heater in Lockerrooms at $120.00 authorized 2/7/34 1?^, 256 $100.00 appropriated to finish tennis courts started with CWA Funds 7/25/34 13 16 X400. appropriated to corqplete moving of volley ball courts 8/1/34 13 29 Appropriation for volley ball court removing increased to $627.28 8/29/34 13 65 Guard rail around band shell to be constructed 10/31/34 13 134 FLAMINGO_ PARK 10. Book, Page Addition to Locker Room and Sanitary Sewer for Rest Room at Baseball field authorized 11/7/34 13 136 Completion of 3 tennis courts, started under CWA, authorized 11/21/34 13, 169 Seats to be built in baseball grand- stand at $600.00 authorized 11/21/34 13, 169 M. B. Welfare Federation given permission for benefit entertainment in Flamingo Park 2/1/35 13, z6 FLAMINGO PARK 11. Book Page $2,000.appropriated for planting hedge around Flamingo Park 4/30/35 13 378 Flamingo Park baseball field facilities to be offered to major ball leagues 7/5/35 13 488 Cincinnati Base Bali Club ask to use Park for games with Car//dina5ls Portion of walk for bicycle Briding 14 101 asked to be set aside 5/20/36 14 443 Construction of park approved shelter in Flamingo 10-21-36 15 M8 FLAMINGO PARK Removal of basketball court to west end of park urged by Dr. Agos 3-10-37 Use of Flamingo Park for political ralley authorized. 5/1g/37 Proposal of Federal Theatre project to put on Summer shows in Flamingo Park 1-6-39 17 445 No action taken on request of Federh1 Theatre project for Park 2-1-39 17 461 12. Book Pare 15 430 16 96 FLAMINGO PARR 13. Book Page City Mgr. authorized to advertise for bids for office building in Flamingo Park -Wig/39_ 1 - 325 - Bids 25 Bids received and refected on abova proposed office building 11/3/39 1U 363 J.B.Lemon'a estimate of cost for putting --Flamingo Park in -prop er---h-ape-Thr bas-ebai 1 training field 21216/39 18 386 Recreation Dept . ataff urge early con- struction of office building 11/16/39 1 3g6 —Civic League of B. gran to u8 S� :Park, a ,.!4T,--1_1-1-3 18 392- FLAMINGO PARR Contract for office building in Park authorized to A.J.Miles at $5,130.00 1/17/40 14 Book Page 18 448 1st estimate to A.J.Miles on Office Building for Recreation Dept.ordered paid 3/6/40 19 15 Gubanatorial candidates granted use of Flamingo Park for public speaking 3/28/40 19 46 FLAMINGO PARK J.B.Lemon urges lighting system to mil—field—of Flamingo Park 15 and renting_ _of f_iel & to ball club at set figure per night 4/3/40 19 66 Bids to be called for on lighting system for baseball park 4/3/40 19 66 Contract for baseball lighting system awarded to F.C.Ast subject -to—working-out—or details by mm- ___ mitt ee cont rVcW4an 19 73 Atvjriati on of $6,201.00 made f oy ad- ionas expense in conned with ball lighting stem_ //$/40 19 73 FLAMINGO PARK Book Page Use of qamingo Park for --Political rallies granted 4-1-4o 19 74 Two requests for use of Flamingo --Park for-po . ,z orizedl Dade County Democratic Exe.Comm. Republic Campaign Headquarters 0-23-40 10 Flamingo Park Whiteway lights appro- priation authorized 11-20-40 19 414 Contract for Basketball court awarded o er Contraeting Go. 11/20/40 19 415 FLAMINGO PARK 1';. Book Page J.B.Lemon and H.N.Schwart;address Council in re: proposed lease between M.B.Baseball C1ub,Inc.& City. 1/8/41 20 11 National Council of Jewish Women given permission to use Flamingo Park on the evening of Feb.12,1941 1/8/41 20 14 Tentative Agreement with M.B.BaseBall Club referred to City Atty. 1/29/41 20 25 Committee consisting of Harry M.Hice, Ju- ._ . t_ . _..visited on summer baseball committee J29/41 20 25 FLAMINGO PARK 18 Book Page Agreement with M.B.Base Ball Club, Inc. 2/12/41 - 20 46 _Use_ of Flamingo -Park on Easter -night for Inter -Faith meeting granted 4/2/41 -20 134 Use of Flamingo Park- b Philadelphia Nationals for Spring 1942 training Agreement authorized- zed- x/2/41 20 134 JL..B. C -it i-zens-League-ask--use-of F, om a .gin„ Park for political ralley (refused) 5/7/1 20 211 FLAMINGO PARK 19 Book Page City Manager and City Clerk to name 3 -dates for politioar-ralleys in Flamin- go Park 5/21/1 20 227 Flag Committee of M.B.Elks Club -granted use of-Flaminge Park June— Di 1941 6/5/41 20 264 eque_st of J.11.Lemon for t750.00 appropriation for summer muscal -pregrams in P-a-rk-ref-errled t -e City Mgr. 6/18/41 _a Appropiqiiti on $370.00 for pine 20 05 hedge ar_ound football rield,_a,t Flamingo Park authorized 7/2/41 20 330 FLAMINGO PARK 2-06• Book Page Council confirm action in acceptance of 5% gate receipts on Shaunessey Play -Off 10-2-41 20 439 Lease on ball park in Flamingo Park authorized to M.B.Baseball Club,Inc. 3/4/42 21 232 Clerk reports execution of above lease with M.B.Baseball Club,Inc. 3/18/42 21 251 Council grants use of Flamingo Park to U.S.Air Corps Training School 2 21 268 FLAMINGO PARK 21 Book Page Council grants use of Flamingo Park to Dade Co.Democratic Committee 4/28/42 21,294 J.B.Lemon - Director of Recreation given military leave - 7/15/42 Harry M. Hice appointed Director of Recreation 7/22/42 Res.#5591 authorizing leasing of portions of Flamingo Park to U.S.Arm City Mgr.recommends extdna33on4?of handball courts in Flamingo Park 2/17/43 21 383 21, 410 (€J&4i ki 21 426 22 35 FLAMI NOO PARK 22. Book Page Laurence Schwab presents plan for musical programs in park 11/3/43 22 210 Laurence Schwab's proposal accepted and appropriation of $25,000 made for necessary improvements to bandshell In park 2/9/44 22 275 Council agrees to installation of additional lights in ball field if fee of $15.00 for each ball game is paid to the City 3/17/45 23 15 FLAMINGO PARK 23. Book Page Contract for installing fencing and gates around ball park awarded to E. W. Carlson in the amount of $1,625.10 4/18/45 23 45 Council appropriates $516.86 to cover cost of horse show 4/18/45 23 48 Council gives Phillies Baseball Club permission to use baseball field for 1946 spring training 7/18/45 23 155 __--__ 24. Book Page ..,ontract awarded Filer Equipment Co. for 18 sections of portable bleachers in the amount of $4, 66o.00 11/7/45 23 285 L. Murray Dixon of Typhoon Club asks for use of Flamingo Park baseball field for high school team 12/5/45 23 307 No action taken pending report of Mr. Renshaw as to cost of rehabilitation of park 12/5/45 23 307