Flamingo Terrace Addition_July 1935 to August 1936FLAMINGO TERRACE ADDITION / approved-tm order to -be Book Page Plat/filed for record 1-5-35 13 488 Aboveplat reported filed for record -7-24-35- 1-4- -15 Property owners file petition for footbridge over Lake Pancoast 6:17----36- 14 482 City-Errgr -to prep are sketches—and _est ma tes on above 6.,17,,36 14 482 Property owners again ask for lights & footbridge over Lake Pancoast 7-15-36 15 1 -Property-ownepin-aak-for-foot, bridge ;- 8-5-36 15 29 FLAMINGO TERRACE ADDITION 2. Book Page _.AttyBen_Shepar& reports deed to City for Lot 7, Block ,Flamingo Terrace p perform - -2136 15 90 City Manager authorized to proceed with- construction of foot bridge, across Lake Pancoast at 24th St. 8-21-36 15 90 —Request of Richard A.Johnson for City to--dccd back to him rtion of Lot -7; Blk.1,Flamingo Terrace Addn,not used as bridge approach referred to Committee 5/6/42 21 73-1 FLAMINGO TERRACE ADDITION Res. #5587 authorizing a special warranty Deed to Flamingo Addition, Inc., covering portion of Lot 7, Block 4, Flamingo Terrace Addn. 7/22/42 3. Book Pag_e___ 21 410