Florida Railroad & Public Utilities Commission_September 1945 to May 1946��E DRA.I LROAD �';0� S�T ILIT I� 5 Council passes Res. #5875 protest- ing holdings of hearings in Orlando 9/19/+5 Book Page' 23 228 Res. #6020 endorsing application before Railroad Commission by M. B. Airline Service, Inc. for permit to operate aero car service to 36th St. Airport 5/15/46 24 91 Res. #6024 passed, rescinding Res. #6020 passed 5/15/46 5/16/46 24 100 DitailkAD 40 ON TILITIES Council advised of hearing before Commission re. their proposed rule affecting applications for telephone service 3-1-50 29 203 2_, Book Page Mr. Richard's motion that proposed Rule be endorsed receives no second 3-8-50 29 225 FLORIDA RAILROAD & PUBLIC UTILITIES COM. Book Page Council advised of pending hearings before Commission rela- tive to certain applications for certificates of public convenience and necessity in connection with sightseeing buses,etc. 64450 29 409 Matter referred to Assis ant City Manager §..T.4=50 29 409 Miami Beach Taxicab Assn. requests that City Attorney protest application of R. J. Walters 6-21-50 29 424 FLORIDA RAILROAD & PUBLIC UTILITIES COM. 4, Book Page City Attorney instructed to attend hearing to protest appli- cation of R. J. Walters and L. L. Adams-, 6-21-50 29 424. City Attorney instructed to attend oral hearings in Tallahassee to protest application of Red Adams to operate sightseeing buses 7-5-50 29 458 FLORIDA RAILROAD & PU$LIC UTILITIES COMM.. Book Page City Attorney requested to give opinion as to whether or not the Commission has the right to give Red Adams Sightseeing Bus Lines, the permission to estab- lish a terminal in Miami Beach 8/9/50 30 5 Resolution #7605 asking for passage of bill -1951 Legisla- ture- re. removal of transport- ation jurisdiction from Fla. Railroad & Public Utilities Commission 5-2-51 31 137 FLORIDA RAILROAD & PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM, 6, Book Page Electric Light and Power AssAn representatives ask City to contest legislative act delegating rate- making powers to Fla. Railroad & Public Utilities Commission. Also ask Council to appoint experts to determine if municipal ownership practicable. No action taken at this time. 8-15-51 31 475 FLORIDA RAILROAD & PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM. 7: Book Page Representatives to attend hearing of Fla. RR & Public Utilities Comm. on Airline Coach Service application for deletion of restrictions appearing on Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity re. "pick-ups" 9-5-51 32 4+0 Council advised of pending hearings by Commission: Oct. 22, 1951 - Jacksonville, re. application of Western Union Telegraph Co. for authority to revise rates. Oct. 27, 1951 - oral Gables City Hall, re. application of Wylly's Sportsman, Inc. and Stann Stanley for approval of _ff-street bus terminal locations 10-17-51 32 la .. LORIDA'-R ILROAD�'& PUELSC UTILITIES COMM. Request of Stanley Tours that Council make two recommendations to Railroad Commission regarding off-street sightseeing bus terminal and pick-up location for Stanley Tours, referred to City Mgr. for investigation and report. 3-26-52 32 448 Mr. Lipp reports on agreement with sightseeing bus operators re. pick-up stops. City to make recommendations to Railroad Commission that they approve off-street terminal locations and pick up locations as contained in report 'or duration of current season. 4-2-52 32 464 FLORIDA RAILROAD & PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM. 9. Book Page Formal complaint to be filed with Florida Railroad and Public Utilities Comm. re. high gas rates 4-2-52 32 466 Communication sent to Fla. Utilities re. Peoples Water & Gas Co.'s conversion to 709 BTU gas 4-2-52 33 63 City Atty. to attend hearing of Commission re. operation of Coast Cities Coaches within City limits; also to prepare resolution expressing Council's sentiments in the matter 6-4-52 33 90 FLORIDA RAILROAD & PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM. 10.. Book Page Res. #8048 expressing opposition by Council to granting of permit by Commission to Coast Cities Coaches for picking up and discharging passengers within City of Miami Beach, and directing City Atty to attend public hearing called by Commission 6-18-52 33 109 Request of Wylly's Sportsman, Inc. to move off-street terminal from 7th St. & Collins Ave. to Lincoln Rd. & Collins Ave., and to make 7th St. & Collins Ave. location pick-up point,approved 11-19-52 33 379 FLORIDA RAILROAD & PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM. 11, Book Page Council goes on record as being opposed to Commission granting permission to Red Top Sedan Service to operate sedan service from M.B. to race tracks. 11-19-52 33 379 Commission to be notified that Council protests continuance of hearing on Peoples Water & Gas Co.'s application for permission to increase their rates, as this City was not formally notified of hearing. 2-18-53 34 1 FLORIDA RAILROAD & PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM. 12. Book Page Taxicab operators ask Council to pass ordinance requiring any vehicle operating under State Railroad Commission supervision from this City to any airport in Dade County, to have painted permanently on each side of each vehicle the name and number of certificate or permit holder. Ordinance to be prepared 7-8-53 34 372 FLORIDA RAILROAD & PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM. 13. Book Page Request for City to intervene in petition of City of North Miami before Railroad Commission, asking for establish- ment of Fla. East Coast Railway station in North Miami, denied 7-15-53 34 389 1st reading ordinance requiring vehicles operating under State Railroad Commission supervision from City to any airport in Dade County, to have printed on each side the name and number of certificate or permit holder (amend. to Code, Sec.35.41) 7-15-53 34 402 FLORIDA RAILROAD & PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM. 114. Book Page Discussion re. ordinance requiring vehicles operating under Commission supervision from City to airport to have printed on each side the name and number of certificate or permit holder. Action' on motion'to amend ordinance deferred. 8-5-53 314 1429 Discussion re. amendment to above ordinance. Mr. Roth presents amendment. Amendment fails. Ordinance as originally presented is adopted - Ord. #1072 8-12-53 34 456 FLORIDA RAILROAD & PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM. 15. Council advised of hearing on Dec. 1� ok Page before Commission to consider application of North Miami for Fla. East Coast Railway station in that city. City of M. B. to object. 12-2-53 35 222 Council advised of 3 hearings scheduled: 1. Application to operate 8 -pass sedans from north city limits to Golden Beach. 2. Application of Red Adams Sightseeing Tours to operate entire length of Collins Ave. and across MacArthur Causeway. 3. Application of Coast Cities Coaches to operate bus service from present 5th St. and Colli s Ave. terminal across MacArthur Causeway/ f oppose application of Coast Cities Coaches 8-18-54 36 135 FLORIDA RAILROAD & PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM. 16. Book Page City to protest application of Red Top Sedan Service for extension of their certificate No. 342 which would permit intra -city limousine service. 11-16-55 37 439 Commission to be notified that City opposes application of Couture Motors for permit to operate limousine service from Miami Beach to all points in the State of Florida. (If approved, it would permit intra -city limousine service in City of M.B.,and limousine service between ty and adjacent cities 12-14-55 37 490 FLORIDA RAILROAD & PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM. 17. Book Page Mr. Wanick advises receipt of a copy of an Order entered by Fla. RR Comm. on March 28, 1957 in which application of Twin City Transit to operate jitneys along Collins Ave. to and from Surfside to Miami was denied. 4-3-57 39 248 Mr. Shepard and Mr. Lipp to appear at Fla. Power & Light Co.'s hearing before Fla. RR & Pub. Util. Comm. re. rates charged for electricity 6-19-57 39 399