Florists_November 1931 to December 1937FLORISTS 1, BOOK,FAGE Request removal of glass house at 22nd & Collins used as flower shop 11-1$-31 11,224 Temporary permit for glass house 12-16-31 111242- 1st & 2nd Readings_Ord, regulating sale of flowers, plants,etc. 11/20/35 14, 216 (did not reach 3rd Reading)_- Delegation from Garden Club--appear--bo protest passage of above ordinance_ 14 219 Ordinance regula1/4laoi; business given preliminary reading -12-.E -37 16----439 FLORISTS 2 Book Page Preliminary reading given pro- posed ordinance regulating florist business 234 let & 2nd readings Ordinance regulating florist business and cut flower stands 9-7-38 17 265 3rd Reading Ord. 4526 regulating florist business and cut flower stands 1O-.19-38 17 298 FLORISTS Book Page Sans Souci Hotel asks Council to allow "Florist Shops" in 100 -room hotels. Res. #9374 calling zoning hearing to consider same. No action on request for temporary license. 12-19-56 39 41 Zoning hearing conducted re. including "Florist Shops" among uses permitted in 100 -room hotels. Ord. passed on 1st and 2nd readings amending Zoning Ord. (Item 4, Sec. 5) 1-16-57 39 65 Ord. #1245 adopted, permitting Florist Shops in 100 -room hotels 2-6-57 39 121