Fontainebleau Hotel Property_January to April 1954FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL PROPERTY 1. Book Page Fontainebleau Hotel granted permission to extend 2 present groins and construct 2 new ones in ocean in front of their property at 44th St. & Indian Cr. Dr. 1-20-54 35 297 Sovereign Hotel suggests owners of Fontainebleau Hotel property dedicate 10 foot strip to widen 44th Street. Referred to City Mgr. and City Engr. 417 4-7-54 35 Discussion re. widening Indian Cr. Dr. adjacent to Fontainebleau Hotel. Mayor Shapiro asks about 10 foot strip to widen 44th Street. Conference to be held with Ben Novack 4-21-54 35 429 FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL PROPERTY 1A Book Page Fontainebleau Hotel owners do not look favorably upon suggestion of Sovereign Hotel re. 10 foot strip to widen 44th Street 4-24-54 35 430 Report of City Engineer re. widening 44th Street at Fontainebleau Hotel. Appraisal of soutj-10 feet of Fontainebleau Hotel property authorized. City Mgr. to negotiate for its purchase. 5-5-54 35 464 FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL PROPERTY 2. Book Page Report of City Engr. covering request of Fontainebleau Hotel for 2 -Story Cabana District and desirability of establishing a harbor line in this location. Sketches presented. 5-19-54 35 485 Appraisal received on westerly portion of south 10 feet of Fontainebleau Hotel property. Action deferred on acquiring this property for street widening purposes. 5-19-54 35 485 FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL PROPERTY Discussion re. Fontainebleau Hotel property problems: (1) location of harbor line, (2) front yard required back of harbor line. Ordinance to be prepared establishing harbor line easterly of hotel property. City Mgr. instructed to carry out comprehensive plan for establishment of a harbor line throughout city. Ordinance to be prepared providing for a 50 ft. setback on the central 340 feet, and for a 90 ft. setback on the 180 feet at each end of property 5-21-54 35 490 3. Book Page FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL PROPERTY 4. Book Page 1st reading ordinance establishing harbor line easterly of Fontainebleau Hotel property 6-2-54 36 18 1st reading ordinance establishing „ve1,`Wc s F setbacks on ocean side of Fontaine- ,,F,,, A�C64 D�.cT,4/ bleau Hotel property 6-2-54 3� 19 3rd reading ordinance establishing harbor line easterly of Fontainebleau Hotel property -(Lot A, Indian Beach Corporation's Sub.) Ord. No. 1112 6-16-54 36 23 FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL PROPERTY 5. Book Page 3rd reading ordinance placing strip on easterly side of Fontaine- bleau Hotel property in 2 -story cabana district and Area District No. 1 -- Ord. No. 1113 6-16-54 36 24 Report of City Engineer re. widening 44th Street at Fontainebleau Hotel (submitted to Council at previous meeting) to be read again before action is taken on matter 6-16-54 36 27 FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL PROPERTY 6. Book Page Report of Mr. Lipp re. widening 44th Street at Fontainebleau Hotellread. Condemnation proceedings authorized to acquire westerly 294 feet of southerly 10 feet of Lot A, Indian Beach Corp's Sub. for street widening purposes 6-16-54 36 35 City Mgr. presents outline of what City and Hotel Fontainebleau owners would want in an agreement in connection with widening Collins Avenue along Hotel Fontainebleau property. City Mgr. to contact Mr. Novack to ascertain whether or not he will be willing to have additional provisions incorporated in the agreem1n -54 36 51 FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL PROPERTY 7. Book Page Letter from City Atty re. Fontainebleau Hotel setbacks. 1st reading ordinance creating Area District No. 57, and placing all of Fontainebleau Hotel property except portion of east side, in said area district, and remainder in Area District No. 43 7-7-54 36 53 Action deferred on Resolution authorizing condemnation proceedings to acquire westerly portion of south 10 feet of Fontainebleau Hotel property for street widening purposes 7-7-54 36 55 FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL PROPERTY' 8. Book Page City Mgr reports on meeting with Ben Novack re. widening Collins Avenue along Hotel: (1) Mr. Novack agrees to sidewalk assessment on east side of Collins. (2) Will either furnish 20,000 yards of fill or pay $10,000 toward cost of bulkhead. (3) Unwilling to give public an easement over 5 feet which will lie easterly of and adjacent to bulkhead. Agreement to be prepared incorporating provisions approved at 7/7th meeting (page 51), supplemented by provision that hotel owners will pay assess- ment for sidewalk and $10,000 toward cost of bulkhead 7-8-54 36 62 FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL PROPERTY 9. Book Page Council rescinds action as to condemnation of westerly 294 feet of southerly 10 feet of Lot A, Indian Beach Corp's Sub. for street widening (44th St. at Fontainebleau Hotel) 7-21-54 36 86 Res. #8755 authorizing agreement with Fontainebleau Hotel re. widening Collins Ave. along hotel property. 7-21-54 36 88 FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL PrOPERTY 10 Book Page Ordinance providing for creation of Area Districts for Fontainebleau Hotel amended on third reading by inserting Area District No. 58 instead of No. 43. Ord. #1120 adopted. 7-21-54 36 88 Fontainebleau granted permit for construction of bulkhead, groin and return wall easterly of Lots 1, 2 and so. 1/2 of 3, Indian Beach Corp.'s Sub. (250 ft. adjacent to & northerly of Fontainebleau) 9-15-54 36 163 FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL PROPERTY 11 Book Page 1st reading ord. establishing harbor line north of Fontainebleau Hotel to north line of City -owned park property (Lot A, to Lots 7 thru 12, Indian Beach Corp. Sub.) 10-8-54 36 225 Res. #8791 calling zoning hearing to consider placing property immediately north of Fontainebleau Hotel in 2 -story Cabana District (eastern portion of Lots 1 to 5 incl.) and remainder of,these lots in an appropriate Area District 10-8-54 36 226 FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL PROPERTY 12 Book Page Zoning hearing re. cabana and area districts of property north of Fontainebleau Hotel. 1st reading ordinance re. setbacks 10-27-54 36 287 Discussion re.' filling and bulkheading in Indian Creek west of Fontainebleau Hotel property. New agreement to be prepared in connection with City's acquisition of title to outlot lying bet. Collins Ave. and Indian Creek, withoutprovision for temporary mortgagee$' signatures 10-27-54 36 288 FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL PROPERTY 13 Book Page Res. #8812 authorizing revised agreement with Fontainebleau in connection with widening Collins Ave. along their property 10-29-54 36 290 3rd reading ord. placing easterly portion of 500 feet immediately north of Fontaine- bleau in 2 -story Cabana Dist. and Area Dist. No. 43, and remainder in Area Dist. No. 57. Ord. No. 1138 11-3-54 36 308 Permissi n given Fontainebleau Hotel vtueoe erect tents t17-23, during Library Convention 7- 3, 195 3-7-56 38 93 FONTAINEBT,EAU HoTEL PROPERTY 14 Book Page Councilman Richard urges Council to place same restrictions on Fontaine- bleau and Eden Roc properties as will apply to any multiple -family construction in strip north of City Park. Res. #9+86 calling hearing re. classifying above properties in 'H1" Multiple -family District. 5-1-57 39 311 Hearing conducted re. classifying above properties in"Hl". Marion Sibley, atty for Fontainebleau objects; directs Council's attention to Circuit Court's injunction against City of Sept. 1, 1948, which is applicable to Lot A (Fontainebleau) permanently (cont.) FONTAINEBL1AU HOTEL PROPERTY 15. Book Page (cont.) enjoining City from changing the "RE" classification on this property. .Matter discussed and tabled. Legal Dept. to study court order and submit written report. City Mgr. to make investigation as to whether or not it would be advantageous to City if Eden Roc and Fontainebleau properties were placed in "H1" District 6-19-57 39 389 FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL PROPERTY 16 Book Page Mr. Shepard's written opinion submitted re. plac;ng Fontainebleau and Eden Roc properties in "H-1" District. City Mgr. submits plat showing how proposed zoning change would affect both hotel properties; states that change is desirable. Owner of Eden Roc approves proposed change. 1st reading ordinance placing Fontainebleau & Eden Roc in "H-1" Multiple -family District 7-3-57 39 411 Res. #9540 calling zoni hearing re. Placing Fonainebl au & denRoc properties MI DIVA t ons orfs Ounce l an L of actiD taken ui parking eof 3 cars ng spacesat ratio of 3 ca s per hotel room 7-3-57 39 427 FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL PROPERTY 17 Book Page 3rd reading ord. rezoning Fontainebleau & Eden Roc Hotel properties in "H-1" MultipleFamily District and in Area District No. 69 - Ord. #1257. 7-17-57 39 461 Hearing to place Fontainebleau and Eden Roc Hotel properties in Parking District No. 3. Mr. Shepard explains that the ordinance, repealed by voters at the Special Election, created Parking District #3 and that it no longer exists because of that vote. City M r. and City Atty. to work out set of restr ct1 ns for all property in the so -cal ed Ocean Front Strip 8-21-57 39 509