Forty-Seventh Street Bridge_March to August 1936QQ,RTY-SEVENTH STREET BRIDGE Book Page 1. City Manager recommends bids be called for foundation and super -structure materials for above bridge 3/115/36 -14— 343 Bids received and opened - g/1/36 14 '356 Eppinger & Russell awarded contract on Item D g/2/36 Bids on foundation ordtiferd7relteted be-cauae--+- - +. bsther bide-hel. dew--bio-a_received on foundation for 47th St.Bridge 4415/36 14 371 14 3g2 FORTY-SEVENTH STREET BRIDGE 2. Book Page Mr. Renshaw recommends that City rent equipment for foundation con- etruotio o f )17th St. Bridge 4t16/36 14 396 Contracts awarded for various items. on th tree r dge 4/16/36 14 S96 $17,000. appropriated from County Road -&HBridge fund for 47th St. Bridge 4/29/36 14 407 1st Bsti.to Cameron & Barkley for materials funid6o�5bridge-ordered 14 501 paid - amountor• v vrT'Y-SEVENTH STREET BRIDGE 3. Book Page Final estimate to Rppinger & Rus- sell for materials onn147th St. Bridge -.43632-. 777 ordered--paid-8-19-36 15 71 - Final estimate to Cameron & Bark- ley fog -steel on 47th St.-bri-ga- ordered paid - $206.18 8-19-36 15 71