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"G" Miscellaneous_May 1929 to May 1930
"G" MISCELLANEOUS Gasoline Ordinance No. 275 5-15-29 Gasoline Ordinance No. 276 0-5-29 Grote, L. I.-1929 Valuations Complaint 2. Book, Page 9, 182 9, 235 9, 396 Glenn,Wheeler-Venetian Way Transportation" 412 George Washington Hotel -Objections to Filling Station adjoining 1-2-30 9, 425 Grote,L,I.-Requests tax exemption on miniature golf courses 5-7-30 10, 133 5-21-30 10, 143 Grote,Equalization of Taxes 5-21-30 10, 143 "G" MISCELLANEOUS 3 - BOOK, PAGE Grethen,John P. -Res. 2282 On death of 10, 1g1 Goldstrom's Bakery -Permit for Distil- late Tank 7-16-30 10, 201 Grote: Comment on exemption from taxes of property 1-7-31 10, 428 Gleason: $225. for auto damages 4-1-31 118 6 Glass House ordered moved 11-1g-31 11, 224 ft " Temporary permit 12-16-31 11, 242 Goldstein,.'.Max: Request for settlement of Claim of Lrs. Louis Levine 3-29-32 11,310 PG" MISCELLANEOUS. Book Page -Dr.Qwdy, R. A.._. &cat. ordered paid -3-32 7,367 Goldstrom,So1, requests entertai$men-t- -11 8- for Flamingo Park 1932 season 10-12.32 / xleason, Arthur to be pais3.- 5.00 per month as Golf Pro 11-23-2 11, 446 Goldstmom, Sol. urges higher license fees and police powers for license Commission 10-4-33 12, 147 Garrison, WesleyE. Inc. repurchase of Tax Certificateon _Lot 2,B1k.1 San Marino 10/4/33 1e, 156 "G" MIOGELLANEOUS 5 Goldstrom, Sol. urges directional sign at Hollywood 11/15/33 12, 18 Garrison request (above) again requested 12/15/33 12, 213 Garlick, Robt. J. offers boat . as tender to large vessels 12/20/33 12, 216 Offer of Mr. Garlick proves im- practical 2/7/34 12, 257 Granat, Ronald, urges passage of Ordi- nance to protect landlords 4/18/34 12 356 Grady,Thos.E. bill ordered paid 6/6/34 12, 422 "Gt1 MISCELLANEOUS 6 Book Page Gautier,. R,_ B. granted permit to move house to SanMarino Is. 7/25/3+ E. H. Graff ith requests permit to construct boxing arena 9/1g/34 13 76 Gerling, Richard, requests fish market permit 11/21/34 13 162 Gibbs, Leon, given permission for a Flash Game on the Pier 13 263 1/30/35 "G" MISCELLANEOUS Granat, Roland, urges more Life Guard facilities for South Beach 1/16/35 7 Book Page 13 233 Gallagnerts Bar denied liquor license 3/12/35 13 325 Granat, Roland, urges purchase of additional property for park purposes at South beach ocean front 4/17/35 13 358 Goldstrom, Sol. urges higher zoning for South Beach 6/19/35 13 449 "G" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Gerling, Richard given permit to sell fish at retail at foot of Biscayne St. 8/14/35 Geiger, August - request interpre- tation of Zoning ordinance with reference to set -back on Drexel Ave. 8/15/35 14 38 14 42 Golden Rule Homes office given permit to move to Lot 4,B1k.10,Normandy Beach South 8/21/35 14 52 Grossman, Murray, representing MBJCC ask for for weekly 9/855 14 ok "G" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Gregorie, James B. presents ordinance re:real estate brokers and salesmen recommended by M.B.Realty Board 9/18/35 14 94 GOOD HOTEL -liquor license 9-18-35 14. 101 Permit for construction of private garage opposite Archway Ocean Villas o Collins Ave. authorized. 926/35 14 104 Gulf Refining Co. given permission to erect Neon Sign on Alton Road proprty. 10/2/35 14 118 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. granted beer licenses (3 stores)10/17/35 14 151 G1° MISCELLANEOUS /0 Book Page Gallagher's application to sell liquor m urged granted by B.R. Cisco 10/30/35 14 166 Gallagher's Inc. granted liquor license 11/6/35 14 172 A. Goodman filed application for Night Club license in Panna Bldg. 11/15/35 14 193 Gallagher's Inc. request night club permit 11/29/35 14 218 Gallagher's Inc.grantedW}A club 14 PAR "G" MISCELLANEOUS 11 Book Page Grady,Thos.E. expenses in connection with Rate Hearing ordered paid 11/29/35 14 219 Garden Club -delegation appear tt pro- test-paeeage--of Flower Ord. 219 --- Gatti Restaurant - granted beer and -wine- license 12/4/35 14 22O Gellis,Isaac - granted beer and wine license 12/4/35 reyhound Bar anted liquor license _ 12/6/35 4 220 14 2.30--- "Gt° MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Gallagher's Inc. denied. night -Club license 12/6/35 14 231 Gurtner, P.M.asks permit_to install steam boiler -referred to Hioe,C1 - 232 Gallagher t -s- again reqs c)ub_ ioersP (no action) 12 231 - ettlement of X200. laim 12/30/35 14 25 Cel�l� li`� r' a Inc-. ,refused night club cense 12/30/35 14 253 11G" MISCELLANEOUS Gallagher's Inc. granted night club. Book 14 Page 265 13 Date 1/8/36 "G°1 MISCELLANEOUS /y Book Page Goldetrom, Sol urges provision be made for loading and unloading -ac us-inesa-lace-e----alae more - parking lots be provided 2/5136 14 287 Graves, Mary A. petitions Council --to -stop- construct i -on- -of--se-pt-io tank overflow 2/26/36 14 311 Graves phAy-granted licenso to sell beer and wine 3/18/36 14 336 GERLING, R. given permit for fish market on Smith property at bay "G" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Go1de n,tHarry - asks permit to .&nstall dryoleaning press in dig at 8th &- Wash. .11/5/36 15- 215 Goldhagents Restaurant granted beeran�c wine loense —11/12/36 15 219 Gatti Restaurant granted liquor tioense 12-16-36 15 291 Good Health Sun Bathek er it to operate !i2 -1b -3o 15 303 "G" MISCELLANEOUS license 12 1. 3 14. Book Page 15 304 _rant, J. B. - given parking lot permit N.W.cor.Lincoln Rd.& Lenox 12/30/36 15 308 Gescheidt,Harry - makes offer for Liber - 30 Gerson's granted beer and wine license 2-17-37 15 39S George1 sliest ani-DDelioatessen granted mer and wine permit 3-3-37 15 415 1"G" .MISCELLANEOUS Gilroy, Mike - granted liquor license 3-17-37 /7 Book Page 15 444 Agreement—with_ ¥. C.Gryzmish for for golf course & bulkheading of Isle of Normandy discussed 4/12/37 16 1 Council authorized Mayor and Clerk to sign agreement with Gryzmish for filling and bulkheading north half of Isle of Normandy 4/23/ 7 16 35_ Golf architects employed for new Golf Course. 6/23/37 16 154 "" G " MISCELLANEOUS /74 Book Page Golf Architect to draw plans, etc. for new Municipal Golf Course on Normandy Isle author- ized. 5/19/37 16 101 f1G1 MISCELLANEOUS a Book Page Garden Club urges planting of Royal Poincianas. 6/23/37 16 155 August Geiger requests permit for construction of utility building at N.W.corner of Sheridan & 40th St. (granted) 8®20-37 16 238 Oryzrnish-M.C_Aug.16th estimate on Normandy Isle Golf Course order paid amount of $20,018.88 8-20-37 16 239 Gottfried, David- accident reported to Council - committee appointed to settle claim 9-22--37 16 267 410 MISCELLANEOUS /9 Book Page Gottfried, David - accident claim of $750.00 ordered paid 9-30-37 16 279 Gulf Oil Corp. granted permit to build washrack at 5th St. and Bay _20-20-37 Gay Nineties granted liquor -license 11-17-37 Good Hotel granted liquor license 329 16 370 Gay Nineties grantRni7g _cl.ab 16 370 license 11-17-37 16 371 Golden Grill granted beer and Wine licence 1]x,9-37 16 31 4 11G" MISCELLANEOUS Gregnrie,J.B, urgQs readjustment of street numbers on Alton Road. between Lincoln Rd. & 17th St. 12-1-37 Gryzrnish-M. C. JJov. estimate for fill ordered paid 12-1-37 16 406 02o Book Page 16 403_ Gro s srnan,Jacob - grant ed beer and wine license 12-3-37 16 415 Granat,Atty. Roland -representing group -of -sign -writers -128-37 i6 439 Gregorie,James B. granted permit to rehang sign on Alton Road 12-8-37 16 439 tlG11 MISCELLANEOUS Guard rail along Indian Creek side of Collins Ave.north of 44th Street 12=t=y7- -authortzed Gay Nineties - denied permit for sign i present 12-15-37 design Book ijage 444 16 445--- Goody's Grill Coffee Shopranted -beer and wine license 12-15-37 16 452 -Gulf Fishing -Docks -granted -permit -t-o- ereet sign 12-15-37 16 452 Gerstel,L.M. (Trustee for Town Casino) granted__night club license 1-19-38 16 504 "G" MISCELLANEOUS Q a - Book Page Greyhound Cuba Tour s,_Ino.._gr_ant ss%._ _. Travel Bureau license 3-2-38 17 47 Goldstein, Ed, agrees to settle for $200.00 on accident claim 3-16378-----1/-- 61 GoldberOdi.Iadore -request zon- ing change for Men--Rd.between 10th and llth Streets 5-4-.38 17 Grande, Vincent -granted permit to operate shoe fepair shop o541st St. _7-6-38 17 209 137 "G" MISCELLANEOUS a3 Book Page Gleason, Art - appointed Manager Municipal Golf Course 8-3-38 17 239 Green, Carl - requests zoning change to permit construction of apartments on Collins Avenue south of 88th St. 9-7-3g 17 264 Goodman,Jerry -perking lot permit granted 11/16/38 17 347 General Warehouse Co. granted warehouse permit 11/16/38 17 34$ Green, W. A. granted permit to construct warehouse 11/16/38 17 348 "G6° MISCELLANEOUS Geiger, August - appoint ed as asso- ciate member of Civil Service Bd. _244 Book Page 12/1/38 17 372 Grable Bakery granted -Hermit at 429 West 41st St. 12/i4/38 7 39g Goldstrom, M.— asks for parking lot for Franklin Hotel 12/14/38 17 39S Greyhound Bar granted liquor -—itoerrse- -12/21/3g 1-- 413 "G" MISCELLANEOUS Goldstrom, Melvin -granted parking lot for Franklinr Hotel guests 12/21/38 17 414 Giant Eye application for beer and wine license referred to City Mgr. 1-4-39 17 433 Greyhound Cuba 'ours,Inc.,granted Travel Bureau license 1-11-39 17 434 Goberna,Mitchell asks for per- mission to maintain parking berth for loading and unloading tosurr9buses Gay Nineties granted iiluar� 17 446 license 1-188-39 17 449 Book Page "G" MISCELLANEOUS Gay Nineties granted night club license 2/1/39 •6 Book -Page. 7 467 Beer and wine license denied Giant Eye Rest. 2/1/39 17 469 Beer and wine license again denied Giant Eye Rest. 2/15/39 17 471 Beer and wine license GRANTED to Giant Eye Rest 3/.1/39 17 4g6 Girard, W. E.(Jerry) offer to purchase Liberty Ave.Fire Station accepted 4/9/39 1 21 UG" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page 1ucksman,Harvey-granted extension of archery range permit 4/19/39 16 -37 Green -Bert urges Council to pass Res.urging C.A.A. to add addetional -plane on-s-erv# ee- betwe e -n -Miami - Tamp a & St.Petersburgh-no action 5/22/39 18 91 _Goldstrom,_81.- asks C nc 1 to pave 13th St. from Meridian to Drexel 6/22/39 18,10f Goldstrom, Sol - urges Council _ to to sit pass ordinance to prohibit sale of-unpasteurize milk 7/5/59 18 156 "G" MISCELLANEOUS a� Book Page Greenberg, Archie -granted parking lot permit for 15th St. & Collins 9-6-5 18 251 Golden Grill- granted beer and wine irrse 9-13-3'- 18 262 -- Graf Hotel BId . -Oouno i1 agree that -package liquor- oan n©t be sold in -this building 9-20-39 18 265 Goodson,Clayton, City Employee - authority gi en to par him wages 9-2-cp.-39 18 279 Gulf Fi 4r in g--D-ook s granted- erm to construction new dock 10/18/3- — 9 18 325