"G" Miscellaneous_October to November 1939"G" MISCELLANEOUS
Book Page
Gant Gaither advises of plan to
-_bu ld - small -theatre 10-18-39 18- 325
Gulf Fishing Docks- permit granted
on-Oet. 4,-action-r-eacInded
1O)-30-39 .1 345.
Gerstel, L. M. -receiver in bank-
ruptcy for Lew Stark, Inc . granted
-1i-quor--1 a-e-nse ,.., Cou-r+ Order- 10/30/39 18 345
Liberty .Ave_.&
Gerson, Ira
0rrmit denied
- granted parking lot at
22nd 5t. 11-3-39 364
- request 1139 parking lot 18 364
Book Page.
Glasser, Mrs. Bess -requests repair
>f alley west -of Alton -Road to make
it passable__ 1./15/39_ -- - __l8_ _ —. 3 -7-
-Governor --Hotel granted -parking lot
permit on Lots 3, 14. &" , Ooean Park
Bubdn. 11/15/3 18 375
Galloway Property,Blk.3,M.B.I.Co.
—Ocean 'rontt--perm-i-t-s--grant--eel--for--404-&-
-Ooa llver-y_-and-oh.igping range 1216/39_18 1412
Governor Hotel granted liquor license
12-6-39 18 413
--GBEENE -WAFFLE SHOP granted -beer and
wine _license 12/6/39 18 413
Book Page
Gerry, Gerald G. -granted permit for
parking lot on Lot S, Blk.11, Normandy
Beach youth 1-17-40 iS 441
Greyhound Cuba Tours,Inc.granted
travel bureau 3/6/40 19 6
Greenberg,Margaret L.,settlement of
$1,000.00 authorized on accident case
3/18/40 19 20
Godson, R.W.-given permit for parking
lot -Lot 2,B1k.5,2nd Ocean Front 19 53
Book ;PigO.
Graybar Electric Co.awarded contract
for furnishing egapment on -Lincoln
Road whiteway 7/3/-40 19 186
Gulf 011 Corp. granted permit for
srectiorr of Super -Service 3tattorr at
Purdy Ave.& Dade_ Blvd,___ 7/3/40_ 19 it6
George Washington Hotel request for
sign permit referred to City Mgr.
8-7-40 19 219
Gr -u granted --neer and winne-
ltense 10-2-40. 19 314
Book Page
Isaac Gellis - granted beer and wine
license 10-940 19 324
Goldberg, Ben - granted p rking lot,
south of Drake Hotel -9-40 19 350
Goodman, Jerry: -granted parking lot
permi-t,Lots 2 an�%. Blk.1 0.F.Prop.
1O-it,®4O 19 353
Gerbers - granted beer and wine
license 10-16-40 19 362
Gender, Dave - granted beer and wine
es ti- nw - - -1O-2-40 -19 364-
n Gn
Book Page
Green -Frances - appointed as
Deputy Clerk 10-21-40
9 36-6-
Granat,Roland, asks Council to
lease-Millkon Dollar--P±e-r for skating
rink concession 10-23-40 19 370
Gittleman, Loretta - Council agreed
to allow Homestead Exemption on Lot 7,
Blk.2,-'1amingo—Te-rr Add-, zo o 0 , 9 378
Glades Corp. granted parking lot per-
mit,Lots 23 & 24,B1k.14,0.F.Prop.11/20/40 19,428
Book Page
Dr.Goodman- City to pay him $388.80
for parking of City hmployees autos
for 103.,
av r..+vcn.0 vaa
— —
—641 —ZV
1 a/
General Electric Co.awarded nantrAftt
for furnishing luminaires for Lummus and
0 19 480
Godesky,John J. -complains of nuisance
and noise at Normandy Residence and
nay S}ihnnl 12/18/40 19 483
Georgian hotel granted beer and wine
12/24/40 19 493
Book Page
Geiger,August d bill for drawing
plans for ridingacadamy ordered
pai-d46643.95 12/ 4/40
19 493
Grand, Zina ranted private school
permit at 510 Espancola Way. 1%2%41 20 2
Grossinger's Hotel granted liquor
license 172/41
20 4
General Motors denied permit to erect
tent in Flamingo Park for Parade of
-rog r s -s- 145/41 20 15
Book Page
Goodman, Morris - asks for refund
of liquor license fee paid for
Strand Restaurant - refused 1/22/41 20 1G
Greyhound Cuba Tours,Inc., granted
Travel Bureau license 2/b/41 20 42
Geiger, August - presents sketch for
proposed club house for Normandy Isle
2/12/4"1— 2045
Gottfried, David liquor permit deniAd
in 71st St. Grocery 2/19/41 20 71
page-ad,7 5.00;-autho-
2/26/41 20 87
Book Page
Green, Wm. B., Co. - contract for
construction or -Normandy isle-
-Golf Club
sle-----Go-if-Club-Ho-u.se_awarded. to them
at $39,978.00 4/16/41 20 47
Goodman -Jerome - transfers his taxi
permit to Century Cab -Co. 5/7/41 20 --211
Gee; m. , - ] is payment t them
on construction of Notmandy Isle
Club House authorized 5/21/41 20 240
Gordon,Wm.K.- awarded contract for
a.utomdabile insurance- 5/2S/4T 20 242
albut,Paul taxi—per ri- of Jas.Downing
transferred to him 6/5/41 _20 -259
Book Page
Gleason, Art - reappointed Manager
Golf Course 6/6/41 20 271
Galen,Daniel P. - reappointed Munici-
pal Judge 6/6/41 20 271
Green, Wm. S. - second estimate for
work done on Normandy Isle Golf Club
House ordered paid /11/41 20 277
Grundy, Florence W. Subn.- Res.#5301 -
authorizing vacation of 10 foot easement
u ni tnrou h Lots & 4 & E. 45 of
running e & 7 or said Subn. 7/2/41 20 321
Book Page
Green, Wm.S. - estimate ordered
paid in amount of $3,100.80 7/2/41 20 330
Green, Wm.S. - estimate on golf
course club house ordered paid
in the amount of $3,674.74 8/6/41 20 382
Granada Shops awarded contract for
furnishings in Normandy Isle Club
House 8/6/41 20 387
Grundy, Buck -Sand Bar granted
beer and wine license 10/2/41 20 428
Grande's Shoe Repair Shop granted
permitBacifoSt8.7 & i6$2147,Normandy 20 439
Book Page
Green, Wm. S. Inc. work done on
Normandy Isle Golf Course Club
House $6,046.09 & 6,019.80
10/2/41 20 439
Green, Wm.S.Inc. work done on
Normandy Isle Golf Course Club
House $3,302.25 10/3/41 20 443
Giffen Roofing Co. - awarded con-
tract for outer portion of Million
Dollar Pier (roof) $1,319.00 10/3/41 20 458
Grundy,Buck - complains of use of
name with "Sand Bar" in it for his
former location 10/4/41
Book Page
20 461
Galbut, Paul - Clerk authorized to
accept his application for Cert.of
Public Convenience tho filed late •
10/4/41 20 463
Greyhound Cuba Tours granted
Travel Bureau license 11/10/41 21 28
General Service granted parking lot
permit on S. E. corner 41st St.
and Sheridan Ave. 11/19/41 21 49
Book Page
Estimate to Uranada Sho s for
furniture in amount Of T757.10
orderedmpala.dy Isle C1u11/19/41 21 56
H. A. Griner awarded contract
for painting ox
Estimate to Wm.
11/24/41 21 69'
S. Green for work
on 'ormandy Go Course Club House
ount of $8, 3-33.83 -
11/26/41 21 84
Georgian Hotel & Snack Bar ranted
beer and wine license 12/5/41 21 07
Book_ Page
J.J.Godesky complains of nosie
from Normandy Isle Resident
and Day School 12/5/41 21 88
Mr. Critchlow given permit for
golf school and driving range on
N.W.corner of Biscayne St. and
Collins Ave. 12/17/41 21 100
Mr. Godesky again complains of
conditions at Normandy School
12/17/41 21 101
General Service granted parking
lot permit for S.W.cornerff
7rh St. & Washington Ave. %2/17/41 21 102
ti G It
Book Page
Richard Goodhart employed as
Dock and Harbor Master. 12/17/41 21 112
Richard Goodhart appointed as
Member of Marine Inspection Board.
12/18/41 21 120
Ord. No. 632 passed final reading
amending Salary Ord. No. 603 re:
salary to be paid Manager of Golf
Course. 1/21/42 21 148
Book Page
Res. No. 5449A passed granting
—.Mermission. to. Tarry Sirk and
arry Kore.tasky- toconstruct
groyne between Lots 6 & 7, Blk.
be'Fisher's 1st Sub. of
eac 1/22/42 21 158
Wm. 8.Qreen-- stimate in amount of
$678.00 ordered paid on Golf Course
Club house 2/18/42 21 205
Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
granted beer and wine license
4/15/42 21 270
Book Page
Paul Oalbut taxi permit transferred
to Paul Goldberg 5/6/42 21 301
Geiger,August - appointed to serve 4
year term on Civil Service Board
7/9/42 21 3g2
Gates of Prayer given permission to
move to Clay Hotel, Wash. Ave. and
Espanola Way 8/5/42 21 416
Gig's granted beer and wine license
10-7-42 21 42g
Book Page
Greater Miami Traffic Association
request for appropriation taken
under consideration 11/18/42 21 467
Geiger, August - Architectural
Agreement on Million Dollar
Pier improvements filed 7/1/42
Geiger,August -- bill for services
on pier ordered paid (portion
of fee) 2/3/43 22 25
Girard, Jerry -- granted parking lot
permit in Blk.3,M.B.I.Co.Ocean Front 22 61
aa C-/z/9
Z 'E $auo a vAu9 - -a ovi-da,z off. s Ln q?o U apGoM -
goaaa oa. 4tmaad u9ATS - •y aa4satq'°poo.
ZZt Zz C17/93/g 'any surnoQ ta9 aoj 4Tuzaad
-cg (5 ettATad uaA2 - •y aa4s9q0 'poov
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swamaAoa dmtaatd ao; 4ovaa.uoo uo auop
xaot aoJ awuit499 - •g •mf 'uaaa.
69 az £t7/L/tt 91T9-5# •sa}7 aald oa. -
s.u9maAoadmt uo aAwewasaadal jarup_
ZZ S4T0 sB pa 4uToddv ` •y •mM `aeST9
a 3 x008—iT/9e/ -It9 'SSU *a
aatd aoJ 4ovavoo papa -am unr, g •WW
S'llO NVrIMD S IY3 n f
Book Page
Res.#5678 — granting extension of
time for contract on pier improve—
ments 6/16/43 22 137
Gig's (Benne .Gitt an) granted beer
& wine license 10/6/43 22 179
Henry K. Gibson reappointed on aoard
Trustees, M. B. Hospital 10/6/43 22 186
Al Galbut appointed by Dade Co.
Democratic Exec. Committee as their
representative at Council meetings 22 207
"G" Miscellaneous BOOK PAGE
Greater Miami Traffic Assn, given
appropriation of 0,000 for fiscal
year ending 10/31/ 1M/3/43 22 210
August Geiger reappointed on Zoning
Board of Adjustment 11/3/43 22 � ,210
Proposal of Morty Gottlieb as to
photography concession on beach
taken under advisement 11/17/11-3 22 219
Gordon, Al - Clerk reports he has
no police record, in connection
with application for Ciro's
liquor license 1/5/4
22 244
"G" Miscellaneous
Greater Miami Traffic Assn. asks
Council to go on record as being in
favor of becoming part of Miami's
Commercial Trade Zone '/19/44 22 312
Council refers request to City
Manager & City Attorney 4/19/44 22 312
$1,000 appropriated to Greater
Miami Traffic Assn. for 1944-45
7/19/44 22 376
Book Page
Book D3 Page
Beer and wine granted Isaac
Gellie 1O/4/44 22 411
Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea
Co. granted HOT beer license
11/8/44 22 428
David Gottlieb advised no package
store license can issue at
236 First St. 11/15/44 22 434
Grayson Delicatessen grahted
beer and wine license 12/6/44 22 443
"G" Miseellaneaus �
Book Page
Grayson Delicatessen (Kunis &
Pears) granted beer and wine
license 5/2/45 23 6o
Grand Hotel granted liquor
license 5/16/45 23 91
Ben B. Gaines liquor application
for 2000 Collins Ave. referred
to City Attorney 7/18/45 23 155
Residents object to noise in
Giant Garage at 429 Euclid 8/1/45 23 184