"G" Miscellaneous_October to November 1945"G" Miscellaneous ss Book Page Gulf Stream Yacht Club asks that liquor zoning be amended to permit bar in their private club - Council takes under consideration 10/17/45 23 247 Gulf Stream Yacht Club again asks for answer on request for liquor zoning change 11/7/45 23 264 City Attorney instructed to prepare ordinance amending Liquor Zoning Ordinance to permit liquor bar in Gulf Stream Yacht Club 11/7/45 23 2g5 "G" Miscellaneous Hook ? . Page Council authorizes employment of Attorney Vincent Giblin to go over Personnel Rules 11/9/45 23 2$6 Georgian Hotel Coffee Shop given beer & wine license 11/21/45 23 291 Gulf Stream Yacht Club denied permission to extend docks an additional 100 ft. 11/21/45 23 304 Ordinance amending Liquor Zoning ordinance to permit bar in private club known as Gulf Stream Yacht Club "G" Miscellaneous Book's 7 Page given first reading XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX but motion for adoption does,not receive a second 12/19/45 23 327 Gem's Fruit Shop granted "HOT BEER" license 12/19/45 23 32S Grossinger Pancoast granted liquor license 1/2/46 23 342A Council gives permission to Moses Ginsberg to build ridge over alley souZE of Mercantile Bank Bldg. 2/6/46 23 464 "G" Miscellaneous Book Page Gene's Restaurant granted beer and wine license 5/1/46 24 49 Wyn Griffin's Tavern grant- ed beer and wine license 5/15/46 24 89 Max Goodman of Tenants League urges city to pass ordinance freezing rents (this is upon termination of OPA on July 1, 1946) 7/3/46 24 158 Council takes no action in above matter 7/3/46 24 158 "G" MISCELLANEOUS Contract for truck signal maintenance tower awarded to Graybar Electric Co. 7/3/46 24 176 August Geiger reappointed on Personnel Board 7/17/46 24 221 Book5iPage Max Goodman protests Council's policy of issuing building permits before C.P.A. approval 8/7/46 24 232 Liquor license granted Golden Package Store 8/7/46 24 234 "G" MISCELLANEOUS loo Book Page Beer and wine license granted Hawaiian Room in Glades Hotel 8/7/46 24 234 Maurice Gratton denied permis- sion to operate dance floor at 1614 Alton Road 8/7/46 24 235 Greater Miami Drum & Bugle Corps' request for contribution is referred to Public Relations Advisory Committee 8/21/46 24 264 Grossman's Delicatessen grant- ed beer & wine license 9/4/46 24 272 "G" Miscellaneous Book ° Page Isaac Gellis granted beer and wine license 10/2/46 24 319 Georgian Hotel granted liquor license 10/16/46 24 348 GOVERNORS CONFERENCE - $4,000 appropriated for 11/6/46 24 378 August Geiger is reappointed on Public Relations Advisory Committee 11/6/46 24 378 "G" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Siegfried Geismar's complaint about dogs running at large is referred to Mr. Hice 11/6/46 24 387 Siegfried Geismar complains about dogs running at large and is told that Mr. Hice is working on an ordinance 11/20/46 24 396 David Glaser's request for permit to operate newsstand is referred to Mr. Tomlinson 11/20/46 24 398 (03 "G" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Greater Miami Junior Hadassah's request to use Pier for carnival is refused 12/4/46 24 410 Council orders Good Hotel to vacate 43rd Street on or before May 1, 1947 12/4/46 24 415 Res. #6164 is passed accept- ing deed to Normandy Water- way from Mortimer C. and Florence L. Gryzmish 1/15/47 24 467 "G" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page L. I. Grote complains that ordinances are being violated 2/5/47 24 470 Greater Miami Airport Association's request for $5,000 appropriation toward 15th Annual All American Air Maneuvers receives no action 2/5/47 24 483 Greater Miami Hebrew Academy given private school license at #1 Lincoln Road 4/16/47 25 104 "G" MISCELLANEOUS . Books Page Greater Miami Ministerial Ass'n. thanks Council for cooperation in handling community religious services 4/16/47 25 113 Judge Mitchell D. Price, representing Good Hotel, urges Council to reconsider its action in ordering vacation of 43rd Street - it is taken under advisement 5/7/47 25 138-9 "G" PJIISCELLANEOUS Book&,6Page Greater Miami Airport Association's request for 35,000 toward 1948 A11 -American Air Show is referred to Pub. Rel. Adv. Comm. 6/18/47 25 233 Max Goodman speaks on low-cost housing 8/6/47 25 295 Gene's Restaurant granted beer and wine license 8/6/47 25 296 Gallanick Restaurant granted beer & wine license 8/20/47 25 328 "G" MISCELLANEOUS Book 67 Page Richard Goodhart's request to least land on north Isle of Normandy to construct yacht basin is referred to City Manager (SEE "YACHT BASIN")9/25 363 Goldman's Food Store granted beer license 9/19/47 25 366 Georgian Cocktail Lounge granted liquor license 10/1/47 �5 389 sypsy Room, Shoreham -Norman Rotel, granted liquor 453 license 11/5/+7 25 "G" MISCELLANEOUS Book(Page Gulf Stream Yacht Club granted beer license 11/5/47 25 453 Golden Treat Granted beer and wine license 11/19/47 25 1+78 Gray's Inn granted liquor license 11/19/47 25 480 Council takes no action on Max Goodman's request that ordinance be passed requiring landlords to issue receipts for rent & requiring them to prates 12/10/47 26 18 "G" MISCELLANEOUS Book 0 Page Council continues to take Max Goodman's request for rooming house operators to post rates under advisement 2/11/48 26 189 Carl Gardner objects to granting girls' baseball team use Of Flamingo Park ball field 3/3/48 26 229 Good Hotel's request, thru A. S. Pickard, that 43rd St. from Collins to ocean be kept closed is denied 4/21/48 26 304 "G" MISCELLANEOUS Book7° Page Melvin Richard asks that occupation license of Giant Garage be revoked - Council refers him to Zoning Board of Adjustment 5/19/48 26 344 Galanick's Restaurant granted beer license 6/2/48 26 362 Council takes no action on Melvin Richard's complaint as to granting of license to Giant Garage 6/2/48 26 370 "G" MISCELLANEOUS Book'' Page Grand Hotel granted liquor license 7/7/48 26 421 City loans water pipeto group of citizens who have taken over Gratigny Road golf course 7/21/48 26 457 General Food Market granted beer package license 8/4/48 27 3 Gypsy Room (Shoreham - Norman Hotel) and Good TqsgEanted liquor 9/15/48 27 95 "G" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Gulf Oil Corporation offers to sell City their Alton Road property - City Manager instructed to negotiate 10/7/48 27 125 Gulf Oil Corporation asks for license fee to be waived for 1948-49 10/7/48 27 125 (Referred to City Mgr.) J. M. Goldweber's request for permit for "Hole-in- One"golf game referred to City Manager 10/7/48 27 130 t'G" MISCELLANEOUS Book '2 Page J. W. Goldweber's request for permit for "Hole -in -One" golf game is denied 10/20/48 27 154 David Goldstein appointed on Personnel Board 1/5/49 27 292 For appearances of Ernest Gardos before Council see "Life Guards" City Manager reports on negotiations with Gulf Refining Co. for purchase of bay front property 5/4/49 28 132 "G" MISC LL BEOUS Book 111 Page Gulf Refirire Co. offers to sell Lots 1 — 8, Blk. 111, OB 3, for $200,000 7/6/49 Council asks City Manager to ask Gulf Refining Co. to keep offer open until bond election can be called 28 238 8/4/49 28 325 Permit granted for groin construct to Reed Constr. Co. on behalf of Gulfstream Apts. 8/22/49 28 363 • "G" MISCELLANEOUS Book '76 -.Page Request of r. Miami Drum & Bugle Corps for financial aid referred to Public Relations Advisory Com- mitee 9/28/49 28 43g Complaint of Max. Thurston re. operation of Giant Garage referred to Zoning Board with request for prompt action 11/16/49 29 44 Council denies request of Greater Miami Drum & Bugle Corps for sub- stantial contribution 1-18-50 29 139 t'G" MISCELLANEOUS Book X76 Page Res. #7100 passed - approving application of GREYHOUND CORPORATION for permission to acquire and operate Southeastern Greyhound Lines 2-1-50 29 160 Gulf 011 Co. asks what City plans to do about purchasing their property at 100 Alton Rd 4-5-50 29 274 "G" MISCELLANEOUS "Gouging" is condemned by Councilman Klein '77 Book Page 8-2-50 29 505 Charles Gertler, atty. objects to use of King Cole Hotel for Heart Hospital 5-2-51 31 113 Refund of $10.00 contractor's examination fee paid on Nov. 15, 1948, authorized to Herman Goldberg 5-2-51 31 136 Approval denied Eva Glassman's application for operation of children's day camp at Community Center 7-3-51 31 318 "G" MISCELLANEOUS 7� Book Page Council advised of suit brought by Greater Miami Jewish Funeral Home and Harry Gordon to compel City to issue permit for mortuary on Bay Road 8-15-51 31 473 Honorary Golf Club memberships for Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Courses to be given Walter Winchell and Arthur Godfrey 11-21-51 32 202 "G" MISCELLANEOUS Council grants Amber Fuel Oil Co. permission to lease office bldg. on Gulf Oil property until other quarters can be found. 11-28-51 32 208 7q Book Page Norman Giller employed as architect for Police Station building. 11-28-51 32 208 Leonard Glasser, architect, awarded contract for peparation of plans for proposed Lummus Park auditorium 3-5-52 32 413 f'Gn MISCELLANEOUS Amber Fuel Oil, Inc. advises that they have vacated portion of old Gulf Oil Co. property as of 10/31/52. 11-5-52 33 341 Girl Scout Council of Dade County asks Council to put up 100'x50' building on portion of old municipal golf course to serve as camp headquarters. Request referred to City Mgr. Mayor appoints Councilmen Frank Roth and Turk on committee to meet with City Mgr. and 6cout committee to see if existing facilities can be used 6-2-54 36 3 Permit given Hotel Good to construct new bulkhead easterly of tIrir ,property at 4300 Collins Ave. ���`++ 36 106 Y0 Book Page "G" MISCELLANEOUS 8I Book Page Communication filed, from Greater Miami Manufacturers Association, advising of their plan to take an industrial exposition to Puerto Rico as a community project, operation "Handshake". 11-16-55 37 460 Joe Creel employed as associate counsel for City in defense of "hot plate ordinance' case (Gramil Corp. vs. City) without compensation Greater Miami Landscapers itge ryme'n s 57 Assn presented plaque in appreciation of be tification of City's parkways by 38 127 Park Supt. 4-4-56