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Highway Improvements H-111_February to November 1930
HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-111 Lenox,Jefferson, Euclid & Lincoln Road to Alley Penn. BOOK, PAGE Ordered Res. 2202 Estimates Confirmed Res. 2224 - Final Estimate Work Accepted Res. 2319 Assessment Roll A. R. Confirmed Res. 2346 Bidders on Contract 27-h No action on awarding a -26-3o 2-26-3o 3-12-30 10-1-30 10-15-30 11-19-30 12_330 6--4-3o 10, 10, 10, 10, 45 51 86 282 10, 295 10, 360 10, 402 10,7.5Z contracts 6-11-30 10,163 Contract ATarded. toverq'lades KOY,PAGE Construction Coro. .6-18-30, 10, 16G 1st Estimate Ordered Paid 8-6-30 10, 219 Appropriation from Highway Bond Fund 8-6-30 10, 218 2nd Estimate Ordered Paid 9-3-30 10, 258 3rd & Final Estimate 10-1-30 10, 282 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-112 Lincoln: Alton Road to Ordered Res. 2148 Estimates Confirmed Res. 2190 Final Estimate Work Accepted Res. 2319 Assessment Roll A. R. Confirmed Res.2346 Alley 2-6-30 2-6-3o 2-26-3o 10-1-30 10-15-3o 11-19-30 12-3-3o BOOK, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, Bidders on Contract 27-4H 6-4-30 10, No action on awarding contracts 6-11-30" PAGE 466 483 39 282 295 360 402 152 1633 ContIct Arded to Evei Con- struction. CorT.Dortion b-16-30 First Estimate ordered paid 5-6-30 Appropriation from Highway Bond Fund 8-6-30 9-3-30 10-1-30 2nd Estimate ordered paid 3rd & Final Estimate BOOK, PAa; 10, 166 10, 219 10, 218 10, 258 10, 282 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-120 8th Street: Washington -Pennsylvania Ordered Res. 2300 Estimates Confirmed Res, 2304 Final Estimate Work Accepted Res. 2351 Assessment Roll A. R. Confirmed Bidders Res. 2388 BOOK, PAGE 8-20-30 10, 249 8-20-30 10, 249 9-3-30 10, 257 12-3-30 10, 4o4 12-17-30 10, 417 2-4-31 10, 461 2-18-31 10, 470 9-3-30 10, 256 Contract 28-H awarded to Burr Construction Company 9-3-30 10, 260 BOOK, PAGE 1st Estimate ordered paid 10-1-30 10, 282 2nd Estimate ordered paid 11-5-30 10, 312 HIGHNAY IMPROVEMENT H-121 . N. Line 5th -N. R Ordered Res. 2365 Estimates Confirmed Res. 2374_ Final Estimate Line 6, 57 OB #3 Requested by Wade Harley 1-7-31 1-7-31 1-7-31 1-21-31 41-.31 Work Accepted Res. Assessment Roll A. R. Confirmed -_Bidders Contract BOOK, PAGE 10, 431 10, 431 10, 432 10, 450 114 4 11, 12 11, a]. 10,_442 10,456 2411 4-15-31 6-3-31 Res. 2450 6-17-.1. Contract 29-H 1-21-31 let to Everglades Const " Dvvn, raUI Appropriation made 1-21-31 10, 451 First Estimate ordered paid 2-4-31 10, 46o (objection to payment of Everglades Construction Company filed with Minute Data 2 -4 -31). - Second Estimate ordered paid 3-4-31 10, 477 Third & Final Estimate 4-1_31 11, +