Highway Improvements H-207_April to October 1949HI(.E'WAY IMPROVEMENT H-207. (OVER) E uclid .Ave. from 5th to 15th Book Page Ordered Res, #4504 4/5/39 1 34 Estimate " 18 34 Confirmed Res .#!4._506 4/19/39 lg 40 Work Accepted Res. # 4673 10/4/39 ig 306 Assessment Roll 9/20/39 18 266 —A. H.- -.Carl f irmecl Re s.4675 1014/39 1 — -308_ . Appropriation from Current Fund Surplus of $43,813.00 Appropriation from Current Fund surplus for Sewer Repairs, $2000. and --water- 3lpe---ani--fire hydrants, $6,029.420 )4/5/39 ' 18,. 35 Contracts awarded as follows: Pit Rock to Mills Rock Co. Cement and aggregates to I.E.Schilling Co. Book Page 5/4/39 18, 72 5/4/39 18, 73 HIGHWAY IMPROVEVENT H-227 James from N.line of alley no.of Lincoln id.to 17th St. Book Page Res.Ordering work Res.#5274 20 260 6/5/41 Estimate 6/5/41 20 261 Confirmed Res. #5289 6/18/41 20 294 Work Accepted Res. #5438 1/7/42 21 133 Assessment Roll 12/17/41 21 111 A.R.Confirmed Res. #5440 1/7/42 21 136 Appropriation of $3,300.00 from Curren Fund Sur] Appropriation of $650.00 from Current ands Surplus for moving sidewalk 20, 295 Appro. of 52, 338.72 for wateg/work on James Ave. (OVER ) 7/2/41 20 330 Contract for pit rock awarded to Mills Rock Co. at $824.50 7/16/41 20, 343