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Highway Improvements H-268_October 1941 to July 1942
HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-268 Indian Creek Dr. from 42nd St. to 44th St. Book Page Ordered Res. # 5361 10/3/41 20 444 Estimate ft20 450 Confirmed Res. #5374 10/15/41 20 472 Assessment Roll 7/1/42 21 352 Work Accepted Res.#5571 7/15/-2 21 392 A. R. Confirmed Res.#5575 7/15/42 21 396 tippropriation of $9213.16 from Budgetary Item 481-P; Sewer Work appro.$600.00 from 481-J & $1300. for Water work f'i8 1e211M 20 476 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-270 Bonita Dr. from 71st St. to north line of Lot 1, Blk. 1, N. B. S. Book Page Ordered Res. # 5416 12/5/41 21 91 Estimate " 21 93 Confirmed Res. #5426 12/17/41 21 108 Assessment Roll _4/1/42 __21 260 Work Accepted Res. #5508 4/15/42 21 279 A. R. Confirmed Res. #5511 4/15/42 21 282 Appropriation of $659.56 from Budgetary Item 481-P HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-271 Alley from 17th St. to Collins Canal between Alton Road & Lenox Ave. Book Page Ordered Res. #5417 12/5/41 21 91 Estimate II 21 94 Confirmed Res. #5427 12/17/41 21 109 Assessment Roll 7/1/42 21 35ZI- Work Accepted Res.5571 7/15/42 21 392 A. R. Confirmed Res.#5576 7/15/42 21 396 Appropriation of 1251.47 from Budgetary Item 481-P HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-272 Alley in 41st St. Block. Book Page Ordered Res. #5451 1/22/42 21 162 Estimate 21 165 Confirmed Res. #5459 2/4/42 21 184 Work Accepted Res.#5571 7/15/42 21 392 Assessment Roll 7/1/42 21 352 A. R.`onfirmed Res.#5577 7/.15/42 21 397 4'ppropriation of 4851.40 from Budgetary Item 481-P HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H271 - Alton Court from 14th St. to Book Page. 16th St. Ordered Res. #5941 2/20/46 23 414 Preliminary estimate 2/20/46 23. 415 Confirmed Res. #5946 3/6/46 23 428 Assessment roll Work accepted Res. #6101 9/18 6 244 2765 Roll confirmed. Res. #6104 9/1 /46 24 298 Work to be done by City forces. Appropriation of $4,404.31 authorized from C. F. Surplus HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H®273_ Book .Page Chase Ave. from 4lst�o northerly line of Lot 28, Block 2, Nursery Sub. Ordered Res. #5893 11/21/45 23 298 Estimate . 11/21/45 23 299 Confirmed Res. #5901 12/5/45 23 311 Assessment roll 7/1/46 24 189 Work accepted Res. #6077 8/7/+6 24 239 Roll confirmed Res. #6079 8/7/46 24 241 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES WITHOUT CONTRACT APPROPRIATION OF 45,864.93 864.93 AUTHORIZED FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS. HIGHWAY IMPROVIM NT H-275 wing certain streets on Book Page Biscayne Point Ordered Res. #5951 3/6/46 23 436 Preliminary estimate - 3/6/46 23 437 Confirmed Res. #5957 3/20/46. 23 456 Assessment roll 7/17/46 24 189 Work accepted Res. #6077 8/7/x+6 24 239 Roll confirmed Res. #6080 8/7/46 24 242 Work to be done by city forces. Appropriation of $10,526.20 authorized from C. F. Surplus HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H.-276 Lincoln Road from Collins Ave. to 400 ft. east Book Page Ordered Res. #5967 3/2o/46 23 470 Preliminary estimate 3/20/46 27 -./ 476 Confirmed. Res. 5972 4/3146 23 449 Assessment roll 2/5/47 24 438 Work accepted Res, #6182 2/19/47 24 510 Roll confirmed Res. #6183 2/19/47 24 511 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION OF $10p207.07 SET UP FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS HIGHWAY IMPROVE`? NT H--21/ Certain streets in Harding Townsite • Book Page Ordered Res. #5960 3/20/46 23 464 Preliminary estimate 3/20/46 Confirmed Res. #5973 4/3/x+6 23 43 89 Assessment roll 7/`16/47 25 285 Work accepted Res. #6354 $/6/47 25 300 Roll confirmed Res. #6356 8/6/47 25 302 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES WITHOUT CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION OF $6,741.13 AUTHORIZED FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS HIGHWAY IMPROVEMEal x-278 Page 2. Council authorizes extension of width of 20th Street paving an additional 4 feet at expense of abutting property owners 9/18/46 24 302 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-278 Book Page Purdy Ave. . %..IG.eu, oaf oa It -Z%$ aka iwclude� iw to North 4-289 from 20th St, from Purdy Ave. Bay Road; North Bay Road 19th St. to 20th St. ;;-SEE RES. #6045 FOR CHANGE Ordered Res. #5998 :: Preliminary estimate Confirmed Res. #6009 * Assessment roll Work accepted Res. #6208 Roll confirmed Res. #6209 IN WORK & 4/17/46 4/17/46 5/1/46 2/19/47 3/5/x+7 3/5/47 APPRROPRIA 3I8ON 24 39 24 721 25 4 25 5 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION OF $ 95,153.30%AUTHORIZED FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS HIIHWAY IMPROVEMEN ' it -27 71st Street from Collins Ave. to Indian Creek Book Page Ordered ges. #5965 3/20/46 23 468 Preliminary estimate 3/20/46 23 475 Confirmed Res. #5974 4/3/46 2?489 Assessment roll2/5/47 2+488 Work accepted Res. #6182 2/19/47 24 510 Roll confirmed Res. #6184 2/19/47 24 512 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION OF $25,155.37 AUTHORIZED FROM CURRENT FUND SIRLUS. HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-280 Everglades Concourse, Normandy Drive, Rue Vendome ---- Ordered Res. #5966 Preliminary estimate Confirmed Res. #5975 Assessment roll Work accepted Res. #6208 Roll confirmed Res. #6210 Book Page ���o�4-b 23 X60 4/3/46 23 490 3/5/4? 47 24 5 54 3/5/47 25 7 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION CF 424,836.38 SET UP FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS PAVING H -c281 ThdI an roLk - Dr. from 26th St. to 40th St. Book Page Ordered Res, #5961 3/20/46 23 465 Preliminary estimate 3/20/46 23 472 Confirmed Res. #5976 4/3/46 23 490 Assessment roll 2/5/4 24 489 Work accepted Res. #6182 2/19/47 24 510 Roll confirmed Res, #618 2/19/47 24 512 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION OF $3,842.00 SET UP FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS HIGHWAY R-282 aving crass streets — 30th to 40th, Indian Creek Drive to ocean Book Page Ordered Res. #5962 3/20/46 23 465 Preliminary estimate 3/20/46 23473 Confirmed Res. #5977 4/3/46 23 491 Assessment roll 2/19/47 24 518 Work accepted Res. #6208 3/5/47 25 4 Roll confirmed Res. #6211 3/5/47 25 9 WOK TC BE DONE UNDER ORCRRRLUOF 434;111.00 SET r FS HIGHWAY._ IMPROVEMENT H-283 Collins Court from Biscayne St. to Espanola Way Ordered Res. #5999 Prelffimihary estimate Confirmed Res. #6010 , Assessment roll Work accepted Res. #6182 Roll confirmed Res. #6186 Book Page 4/17/46 24 39 4/17/46 24 40 5/1/46 24 72 2/5/47 747 24 510 2/19/47 24 515 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION OF $ 53,548.00 authorized from Current Fund Surplus HIGHWAY_ IMPROVEMENT H-284 W. 41st Street from N. Meridian Ave. to Chase Ave. Book Page Ordered Res. #6000 4/17/46 24 41 Preliminary estimate 4/17/46 24 42 Confirmed Res. #6011 5/1/46 24 ?3 Assessment roll 25 Work accepted Res, #6310 5/ 1/47 25 181 Roll confirmed Res. #6313 5/21/47 25 185 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION OF $12,666.50 SET UP FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS HIGTIWAY _ IMPROVEMENT H-285 Chase Ave. from W. 40th St. to W. 41st St. Ordered Res. #6001 4/17/46 24 42 Preliminary estimate 4/17 24 4 Confirmed Res. #6012 5/1 24 73 Assessment roll 4/1 /47 25 111 Work accepted Res. #6287 $/7/47 25 149 Roll confirmed Res. #6289 5/7/47 25 152 Book Page WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION OF $4,335.10 SET UP FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS HIGHWAY_IMPROVEMENT, H-286 Sheridan Ave. from W. 40th St. to W. 42nd St. Book Page Ordered Res. #6002 4/17/46 24 44 Preliminary estimate 4/17/46 24 4 Confirmed Res. #6013 5/1/46 24 7 Assessment roll 2/5/47 24 489 Work accepted Res. #6182 2/19/47 24 510 Roll confirmed Res. #6187 2/19/47 24 516 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION OF $13,971.10 SET UP FROM CuERENT FUND SURPLUS HIGHWAY_ IMPROVEMENT H-287 Alley between Alton Road and Lenox Ave. from 15th St. to alley south of Lincoln Road Book Page Ordered Res. #6029 6/5/46 24 123 Preliminary estimate 6/5/464 124 Confirmed Res. #6042 6/19/46 24 139 Assessment roll 3/19/47 25 4 Work accepted Res. #6245 4/2/+7 25 66 Roll confirmed Res. #6249 4/2/47 25 70 Work to be done under contract. Appropriation of $7,504.20 set up from Current Fund Surplus HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-288 Alley between Euclid and Book Page Meridian from 3rd to 4th Sts. Ordered Res. #6030 6/5/46 24 124 Preliminary estimate 6/5/46 24 . 125 Confirmed Res. #6043 6/19/46 24 140 Assessment roll 3/19/47 25 45 Work accepted Res. #6245 4/2/47 25 66 Roll confirmed Res. #6250 4/2/47 25 71 Work to be done under contract. Apprpriation of $3,403.18 set up from Current Fund Surplus HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-289 Book Page Bay Road and West Ave. from Dade Blvd. to. 20th St.; 18th St. from Purdy Ave. to N. Bay Road Ordered Res. #6046 6/26/46 24 153 Preliminary estimate 6/26/46 24 154 Confirmed Res. #6063 7/17/46 24 188 Assessment roll 2/19/47 24 518 Work accepted Res, #6208 3/5/47 25 4 Roll confirmed Res. #6212 3/5/47 25 10 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION OF $46,769.80 SET UP FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS PAVING IMPROVEMENT H-290 72nd St. from Collins Ave. to Abbott Ave. Book Page Ordered 9/18/46 24 309 Preliminary est. 9/18/46 2409 Confirmed Res. #6123 10/2/46 24 334 Wakx2 Assessment roll 7/16/47 25 285 Work accepted Res. #6354 8/6/47 25 300 Roll confirmed Res. #6357 8/6/47 25 304 Work to be done under contract - Appropriation of $10,776.70 set up from Current Fund Surplus PAVING IMPROVEMENT H-291 Everglades Concourse from Rue Versailles to Rue Notre Dame Book Page Ordered Res. #6124 10/2/46 24 331+ Preliminary Estimate 10/2/46 24 335 onfirmed Res. #6136 10/16/46 24+ 6 Assessment Roll 8/6/1+7 25 323 Work accepted Res. #6367 8/20/47 25 332 Roll confirmed Res. #6368 8/20/47 25 333 WORK TO BE BONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF $14,201.00 SET UP FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS. PAVING IMPROVEMENT H-292 Harding Ave. from 71st St. to 72nd St. Ordered Res. #6125 Preliminary estimate Confirmed Res. #6137 Assessment roll Work accepted Res. #63 Roll confirmed Res. #63 10/2/46 10/2/46 10/16/46 54 78/6/+7 58 8/6/x+7 Book Page 24 336 24 336 24 368 8 25 3005 25 305 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF $4,811.95 SET UP FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS. HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-291 W. -40th St. from Chase Ave. to Pine Tree Dr. Book Page Ordered Res. #6193 2/19/+7 24 522 Preliminary estimate 2/19/+7 24 531 Confirmed Res. #6213 3/5/?f7 `}0 25 16 26 21© Assessment roll 3/3/ Work accepted Res. #6540 3/17/+8 26 258 Roll confirmed" 6541 3/17/48 26 259 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF $32 560.00 SET UP FROM PAVING BONDS TO BE DATED 6/1/47. HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-294 Book Page James Ave. from 17th to 19th Sts. Ordered Res. #6194 2/19/47 24 522 Preliminary estimate 2/19/47 24 532 Confirmed Res. #6214 3 3/ 7 Assessment roll 3/5/4 2 21 40 1 2 28 Res. ,( 7 Work accepted#65 3/ 7 Roll confirmed " 6542 3/17/48 26 261 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF $26 026.00 SET UP FROM PAVING BONDS TO BE DATED 6/1/47. HIGHWAY IMPROVE ENT H-295 17th St. from Washington Ave. to Collins Ave. Book Page Ordered Res. #6195 2/19/+7 24 523 Preliminary estimate 2/19/1+7 24 532 Confirmed Res. #6215 3/5/47 25 17 Assessment roll Work accepted Res. #6540 3/1748 26 258 Roll confirmed " 6543 3/17/48 26 262 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF 315 312.00 SET UP FROM PAVING BONDS TO BE DATED 6/1/47 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-2 lith St. from Washington Ave. to Collins Ave. Book Page Ordered Res. #6196 2/19/47 24 524 Preliminary estimate 2/19/47 24 533 Confirmed Res. #6216 / /47 2 2bAssessment roll 3/35/48 2 +0 Work accepted Res. #65+0 3/17/48 26 258 Roll confirmed " 6544 3/17/48 26 263 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF $17,193.00 SET UP FROM PAVING BONDS TO BE DATED 6/1/47. HIGHWAY- IMPROVEMENT H-24$ 17th Street from West Ave. to Alton Road Book Page Ordered Res. #6197 2/19/47 24 525 Preliminary estimate 2/19/47 24 533 Confirmed Res. #6217 3/5/47 25 19 Assessment roll 6/16/48 26 410 Work accepted Res. #6599 7/7/48 26 423 Roll confirmed " #6600 7/7/48 26 42 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF $10 070.50 SET UP FROM PAVING BONDS TO BE DATED 6/1/47. HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-299 West Avenue from 16th St. to 17th St. Book Page Ordered Res. #6198 2/19/47 24 525 Preliminary estimate 2/19/47 24 534 Confirmed Res. #62183/5/47 20 Assessment roll 6/16/4b 265 410 Work accepted Res. #6599 7/7/48 26 423 Roll confirmed " #6601 7/7/48 26 42 See Res. #6695 making further adjustments in this assessment roll - 12/15/48 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF $26,735.50 SET UP FROM PAVING BONDS TO BE DATED 6/1/47, HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-300 16th Street from Alton Road to West Ave. Book Page Ordered Res. #6199 2/19/47 24 526 Preliminary estimate 2/19 47 24 535 Confirmed Res. #6219 3/5/47 25 21 Assessment roll 2/4/48 26 177 Work accepted Res. #6523 2/18/48 26 194 Roll confirmed Res. #6524 2/18/48 26 195 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF $8,822.00 SET UP FROM PAVING BONDS TO BE DATED 6/1/47. HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-301 Book Page Alley between Euclid Ave. and Pennsylvania Ave. from 7th St. to 14th Place Ordered Res. #6200 2/19/47 24 527 Preliminary estimate 2/19/47 24 535 Confirmed Res. #6220 3/5/47 25 21 Assessment roll 9/19/47 25 377 Work accepted Res. #6394 10/1/47 25 395 Roll confirmed " 6405 10/1/47 25 406 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF $18 700.00 SET UP FROM PAVING BONDS TO BE DATED 6/1/47. HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H -a Ocean Court from Biscayne St. to 14th Lane Ordered Res. #6201 Preliminary estimate Confirmed Res. #6221 Assessment roll Work accepted Res. #6672 Roll confirmed " #6673 2/19/x-7 2/19/47 1f20 /8 11/3/48 11/3/48 Book Page 24 536 2 22 27 142 27 169 27 170 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF $56 265.00 SET UP FROM PAVING BONDS TO BE DATED 6/1/47. HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT -H- Book Page Michigan Ave. from t t. to 11th St. Ordered Res. #6202 2/19/47 24 528 Preliminary estimate 2/19/47 24 536 Confirmed Res. #6222 3/5/47 25 23 Assessment roll 1/7/48 26 47 Work accepted Res. #6495 1/21/48 26 138 Roll confirmed " 6497 1/21/48 26 140 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF $44,770.00 SET UP FROM PAVING BONDS TO BE DATED 6/1/47. HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-304 Jefferson Ave. from 6th St. to llth St. Ordered Res. #6203 Preliminary estimate Confirmed Res. #6223 Assessment roll Work accepted Res. #6704 Roll confirmed " #6706 Book Page 2/194+7 24 529 2/194+7 24 537 3/54+7 25 24 12/15/+8 27 252 1/5/+9 27 281 1/5/+9 27 283 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF $46,420.00 SET UP FROM PAVING BONDS TO BE DATED 6/1/47.