Liberman, Marcie_November 1943 to May 1944LIBERMAN, MARCIE 1. BOOK PAGE Nominated by Mr. Levi for vacancy on Council 11/3/43 22 211 Not elected - vote being tied with Henry Williams 11/3/43 22 211 Resolution #5709 adopted appointing Marcie Liberman to fill vacancy on Council 12/30/43 22 241 Calls attention to lack of playground facilities on Normandy Isle 5/3/44 22 322 ,xRERMAN, MARCIE 2. Book Page Suggests City take advantage of present bond market to finance post-war projects 8/18/44 22 399 Suggests reserve from $1,670,000 bond sale be put into 2% bonds until needed 9/20/44 22 407 Appointed as member of committee to make survey of automobile parking facilities 1/17/45 22 467 LIBERMAN. MARCIE (COUNCILMAN) 3 Book Page Urges appointment of committee to which tenants and landlords may apply for adjustments in rents (this action followed termination of OPA on July 1) 7/3/46 24 158 Bouncilman Liberman offers reso- lution urging the establishment of a main post office in Miami Beach 8/21/46 24 256 Favors holding election re. building auditorium in spring of 1947 11/20/46 24 403 LIBERIAN, MARCIE (COUNCILMAN) 4 Book Page Commends police school and also urges that detective examinations be deferred until after season is over 12/18/46 24 436 Says he is against permitting the use of the football field for any purpose except football 12/18/46 24 438 His motion to appropriate $3,000 for Veterans' Hous- ing Committee receives no second 12/27/46 24 439 LIBERMAN MARCIE (COUNCILMAN) 5 Book Page Calls attention to need for additional policemen at north end of City 1/15/47 24 467 Offers resolution favoring creation of new county embracing corporate limits of Miami Beach 2/5/47 24 469 Urges regular spraying with DDT 5/7/47 25 138 Again urges frequent spraying with DDT 6/18/47 25 223 LIBERMAN t MARCIE (MAYOR) ' 6 Book Page Suggests that cinder path be constructed in Flamingo Park for lig h school use - no action 6/2/48 26 363 Pays tribute to Babe Ruth 8/18/48 27 19 Res. #6934, commending him 6/1/49 28 171 Presented with gavel 6/10/49 28 208 Votes affirmatively for Housing l.uthority 10/6/49 28 469 LIBERMANA MARCIE COUNCILMAN) 7 Book Page Suggests that when plats are presented they not be accepted - unless provision is made for playgrounds 1-18-50 29 139 Objeca-s 4-o ordinance -- regula+-ing parking 10+s 2-15-50 29 183 Re-elected on June 5, 1951 4 -year term 6-6-51 31 205 LIBERMAN, MARCIE (COUNCILMAN) 8 Book Page Re-elected on June 7, 1955 to 4 -year term 6-8-55 37 196 Urges strengthening. of regulations re. offstreet parking in connection with new hotel construction 7-5-56 38 277 Re-elected on June 2, 1959 to 4 -year term. Elected Vice -Mayor 6-3-59 42 107 Res. #11001 commending Marcie Liberman. 6-5-63 45 472 LIBERMAN, MARCIE (COUNCILMAN) 9. Request made to rename 3rd Street Book Page in onor o former Councilman Marcie Liberman, by Rabbi Stern. Action deferred. 2-19-64 46 436 Action deferred on request to rename 3rd St. in honor of former Mayor and Councilman, Marcie Liberman. 3-4-64 46 465