Roth, Burnett (Councilman)_June 1949ROTH, BURNETT /couNciTimilu • 1. Book Page Elected Councilman for 2 -year term 6/8/49 28 197 Asks for preparation of resolution creating Housing Authority 6/10/49 28 208 Asks for meeting with apartment owners, merchants and city to discuss means of preventing exodus of residents 6/10/49 28 208 22L1:allanEELlagEnaLLIAL 2. Book Page Casts vote for City Engineer Lipp 6/15/49 28 225 Offers resolution to permit certain organiza— tions to play bingo 7/6/49 28 231 4 -Les cAesai"D Motion to pay Judge Bandells master fee in connection with Gas Rate case fails 8/22/49 28 361 ROTH BURNETT ( COUNCILMAN) 211 Book Page Offers resolution to appoint Housing Authority 8/17/49 28 338 Announces that since Council failed to pass his resolution setting up Housing Authority he in- tended to request people to request the Council to create same 8/22/49 28 357 ROTH, BURNETT LCOUNCILMAN) 3 Book Page Advising Council that Painters and Decorators desire ordi- nance requiring painters to obtain police identifi- cation cards - matter taken under advisement 11/9/49 29 37 SuggeSts that Public Rela- tions Director Meyer draw up plan to submit to em- ployers in City to employ permanent residents before hiring transients 11/9/49 29 37 ROTH, BURNETT (COUNCILMAN) 4 Book Page Proposes ordinance regulating activities of labor organi- zations in Miami Beach - Council takes under con- sideration until next meeting ai 11/9/49 29 40 labor -no aactionntaken'11/16/49 29 41 Presents ordinance re. painters in Miami Beach being required to re- gister with Police Dept. - Council takes no action on matter 11/16/49 29 42 ROTH. BURNETT ( COUNCILMAN) 5 Book Page Report of Public Relations Director re. unemployment in Miami Beach accepted 11/16/49 29 63 Objects to unfavorable news stories 1-11-50 29 126 Says he feels the Police Dept. does not have enough personnel and equipment 1-18-50 29 139 Favors increases in salary for certain department heads 2-1-50 29 158 ROTH, BURNET T (COUNCILMAN) Ob j ec +s +o "hof pla+e" 2-1-50 ordinance 2-15-50 Favors holding private conferences with citizens relative to what shall be done with the Firestone estate 3-17-50 29 241 Introduces plan for widening Collins Avenue from Espanola Way to 19th Street 3-22-50 29 21+3 Favors condemnation of Firestone Estate 3-22-50 29 248 6 Book 1Pa559qge 2; 188 ROTH, BURNETT (COUNCILMAN) 6A Book Page Introduces plan for widening Collins Ave. bet. Espanola Way and 19th Street 3-22-50 29 2143 Proposes resolution to adopt prevailing wages as established by Dept. of Labor for Fed. contracts as minimum to be paid to all employees under municipal contract 8-2-50 29 5014 Re-elected Councilman - 14 yr term 6-6-51 31 205 ROTH, BURNETT (COUNCILMAN) 7 Book Page Advocates Special Events Director to promote and publicize auditorium attractions. No action taken. 7-3-51 31 320 Appointed to committee on acquisition of ocean front property north of Firestone Estate 10-11-51 32 107 Councilman Roth makes suggestions for changes in registration and election procedure 2-13-52 32 355 ROTH, BURNETT (COUNCILMAN) 8 Book Page Moves that any request involving expenditure of publicity monies be referred to Pub. Rel. Advisory Committee before Council considers it. No second. 4-30-52 33 12 Councilman Rotha,be would have opposed granting c se to Capri Hotel if he had been present at 7/2/52 meeting. Reminds Council Capri was not to put steps from sidewalk level to pool deck so that door could not be used 8-6-52 33 190 131RIgaT_IOTI ._.(COUNCILMAN) 9 Book Page Refers to recent civil service examination; says 5 -point advantage given M.B. residents not enough; that M.B. residents should be employed for any job unless specific approval as to job classification is given by Council 9-3-52 33 238 Suggests employing someone on permanent basis who would have responsibility of supervising all public utilities and ironing out complaints. Taken under advisement. 11-19-52 33 379 BURNETT ROTH (COUNCILMAN) 10 Book Page Roth presents proposed ordinance creating Dept. of Public Utilities. Referred to City Mgr. to look into probable cost, and report back. 3-25-53 344 129 Councilman Roth discusses employment of utilities consultant. City Mgr to consult with Utilities Analysts and report back to Council 8-12-53 34 460 ROM, .;: 3tE T (COUNCILMAN ) 11 Book Page Councilman Roth's motion that Pier Park, Ocean Front Auditorium and 21st Street Community Center not be leased for political rallies except on nights when there is no regularly scheduled event, and that Flamingo Park and Municipal Auditorium be leased the night before an election only, fails 6-2-54 36 21