Sidewalk Improvements SK-133_1950 to SK-168 1953SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -133 South side of 69th St. from Indian Creek Dr. to 150 ft. easterly. of Collins Ave. Book Page Ordered Res. #6922 5/18/1+9 28 152 Preliminary estimate W/18/ 9 28 155� Confirmed Res. #6937 Assessment roll 12-21-1+9 29 101 Work accepted Res. #7081 1-1+-50 29 116 Roll confirmed °t #7081+* 1-1+-50 29 118 *Res. #7081+ amended by Res. #7177 5-3-50 29 330 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF $2,873.20 FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT 3K-114 Book Page Normandy Drive Ordered Res. #6923 Preliminary estimate Confirmed Res. #6938 Assessment roll Work accepted Res.. #7173 Roll confirmed Res. #7174 * Res. #7174 amended by Res. #7176 5/18/49 28 6/ /49 28 4-5-50 29 153 17 27 --19-50 29 308 4-19-50 29 309 5-3-50 29 328 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF $14,047.00 FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS. SIDWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -135 Book Page Marseille Drive from Rue Versailles to Rue Notre Dame Ordered Res. #6958 7/6/49 28 244 Preliminary estimate 7/6/49 28 246 Confirmed Res. #6966 7/20/49 28 260 Assessment roll 2-15-50 29 178 Work accepted Res. #7119 3-1-50 29 205 Roll confirmed " #7121 3-1-50 29 207 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES, APPROPRIATION OF $4,947.80 FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -136 Book Page Abbott Avenue Ordered Res. #6999 9/7/49 28 393 Preliminary estimate 9/7/49 28 393 Confirmed Res. #7010 9/21/49 28 4133 Assessment roll 2-15-50 29 176 Work accepted Res. #7119 3-1-50 29 205 Roll confirmed " #7122 * 3-1-50 29 20 RES. #7122 AMENDED BY RES. #7162 4+-19-50 29 29: WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF $1,502.60 FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -137 Marseille Drive between Rue Notre Dame and Rue Bordeaux Book Page Ordered Res.#7036 10/19/49 28 493 Preliminary Estimate 10/19/49 28 494 Confirmed Res.#7044 11/2/49 29 27 Assessment roll 2-15-50 29179 Work accepted Res. #7119 3-1-50 2 205 Roll confirmed " #7124 3-1-50 29 209 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION OF $3,392.40 FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -138 W/s Dickens Ave. from northerly line of 76th St to Southerly -- line of 77th St Book Page Ordered Res. #7039 10/26/49 29 12 Preliminary Estimate 10/26/49 29 13 Confirmed Res. #7055 11/16/49 29 51 Assessment Roll 6/14/50 29 410 Work Accepted Res. #7223 7/5/50 29 463 Roll confirmed Res. #7224 * 7/5/50 29 464 Res. #7224 amended by Res.7252 3/2/50 29 517 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES, APPROPRIATION OF $877.80 FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -139 Ws N. Meridian Ave. from nor. line of W. 39th St. to a point at or near s/ line of W. 40th St. 4-5-50 Ordered Res. #7149 Preliminary estimate Confirmed Res. #7166 Assessment roll Work accepted Res.#7736 Roll confirmed Res.#7737 4-5-5o 4-5-50 4-19-50 8-1-51 8-15-51 8-15-51 Book Page 29 268 29 268 29 270 305 1 452 31 463 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION OF $779.35 AUTHORIZED FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -140 E/s Garden Ave between W. 39th St and W 40th St. Ordered Res. #7150 4-5-50 29 269 Preliminary estimate 4-5-50 29 270 Confirmed Res. #7167 4-19-50 29 305 Assessment roll Work accepted Res.#7736 8-15-51 1 pa Roll confirmed Res. #7738 8-15-51 31 464 , Book Page WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION OF $858.55 AUTHORIZED FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -141 n/s 77th St. from Tatum Water- way Dr. to Collins Ave. Ordered Res. #7147 4-5-50 29 266 Preliminary estimate 4-5-50 '29 267 Confirmed Res. #7168 4-19--50 29 305 Assessment roll 6-8-51 31 253 Work accepted Res.#7685 7-6-51 31 330 Roll confirmed Res. #7691 7-6-51 31 361 Book Page WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION OF $4,730.00 AUTHORIZED FROM CURRENT FUND SURPLUS. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK --142 north side of W. 39th St. from Garden Avenue to North Meridian Ave. Ordered Res. #727+ Preliminary Estimate Confirmed Res. #7281 Assessment roll Work Accepted Res.#7761 Roll Confirmed Res.#7762 9/6/59 9/6/50 9/20/50 8-15-51 9-5-51 9-5-51 Book Page 30 6o 30 72 31 481 32 8 SIDEWALK ikPROVEMENT SX -11A Book Page Both sides of 77th St. from Tatum Waterway Dr. to Norb- mac Ave. & both sides of S. Biscayne Pt. Rd. from Hawthorne Ave. to a point 2.50t westerly thereof 11-1-50 30 142 Ordered Res. 7310 Preliminary Estimate Confirmed Res. 7324 Assessment Roll Work Accepted 7929 Roll Confirmed ?930 11/1/50 0 142 11/1/50 330 143 11/15/50 3o 158 2-6 -52 32 348 2-20- 22 363 2-20-52 32 365 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION IN AMOUNT OF $3,115.75 AUTHORIZED FROM CFS. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT 3K-144 moot sidewalk on south side of W. 40th 5t. from Garden Avenue to point sixty feet east Book Page Ordered Res. #7453 2-21-51 30 398 Preliminary Estimate 2-21- 1 30 398 Confirmed Res. #7+71 3-7- 1 30 428 Assessment Roll 8-1-51 31 425 Work Accepted Res. #7736 8-15-51 31 452 Roll confirmed Res. #7739 8-15-51 31 465 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -124 North side of 43rd St. from Collins Ave. to 248 feet easterly Book Page Ordered Res. #6516 2/4/48 26 179 Preliminary estimate 2/4/48 26 180 Confirmed Res. #6522 2/18/48 26 192 Assessment roll 2/2/49 27 408 Work accepted Res. #6797 2/16/49 27 429 Roll confirmed " - #6798 2/16/49 27 430 Work to be done by city forces. Appropriation of $682.00 from Unappropriated Current Funds. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -145 5 foot sidewalk both sides Harding Ave. from 67 to 71st Streets Book Page Ordered Res.#7525 ** 4-18-51 31 20 Preliminary Estimate 4-18-51 31 24 Confirmed Res .#T563 5-2-51 31 69 Assessment Roll 2-18-53 34 8 Work Accepted Res. #8284 0:;i 4 37 Roll Confirmed Res. #8287 5-21-52 3 ** Amended by Reso. #8022 (description of Improvement changed to read "East Side of Harding Ave. " instead of "both sides") WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. $9,267.50 APPROPRIATION FROM BOND FUND. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -146 4 foot sidewalk both sides Harding Ave. from 73rd to 75th Streets Book Page Ordered Res. #7526 14-18-51 31 21 Preliminary Estimate 4-18-51 31 24 Confirmed Res. #7564 5-2-51 31 69 Assessment Roll 1-20-54 35 299 Work Accepted Res. #8651 2-3-54 35 315 Roll Confirmed Res. #8652 2-3-54 35 316 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. $3,643.75 APPROPRIATION FROM BOND FUND. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -147 • Book Page 22- foot sidewve. alk bothtsicesto e�Rkhns nearana.fline m •dyto at Wa erwa Dr• Tat Water- way r. from rio 11n 79th St , tot Doin ar no. line l St. an Byron Ave. p near no. line of 8 st St. to point near no. ne 1st St. to oint near no. line aynsworth Beac Su . Ordered Res. #7527 4-18-51 31 22 Preliminary Estimate 4-18-51 31 25 Confirmed Res. #7565 5-2-51 31 70 Assessment Roll 11-4-64 47 303 Work AcceptedRes.#11319 11-18-64 47 J21 Roll Confirmed Res.#11320 11-18-64 47 322 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER':CONTRAC. $7,628.50 APPRO. FROM BOND FUND. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -148 2i foot sidewalk both sides Harding Ave. from 75th to 87th Terrace Ordered Res.#7528 Preliminary Estimate' Confirmed Res. #7566 Assessment Roll Work Accepted lees.#11319 Roll Confirmed Res.#11323 4-18-51 4-18-51 5-2-51 11-4-64 11-18-64 11-18-64 Book Page 31 23 31 26 31 71 47 305 47 321 47 327 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. $9,446.25 APPR. FROM BOND FUND. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT 5 foot sidewalk both Dickens Ave.from no. Normandy Beach South St, & Byron Ave from Haynsworth Beach Sub. erly City Limit. SK -149 sides line to 75th no. line to north - Ordered Res.#7529 Preliminary Estimate Confirmed Res. #7567 Assessment Roll Work Accepted Res. #8640 Roll Confirmed Res. #8641 ROLL REDUCED - Res. #8657 WORK DONE UNDER CONTRACT. FROM BOND FUND. Book Page 4-18-51 31 23 4-18-51 31 26 5-2-51 31 71 1-6-54 35 281 1-20-54 35 293 1-20-54 35 295 2-3-54 35. 325 $15,218 .-50 APPROPRIATED SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -150 5 footsidewalk both sides 84th 8th St. from Hawthorne Ave. to Crespi Blvd. and on North side 85th St. from Crespi Blvd. to Tatum Waterway Ordered Res. #7559 Preliminary Estimate Confirmed Assessment Roll Work Accepted Zp�1 Roll Confirmed 8Y oOL g .0aSe 5'2-51 Book Page 4-18-51 31 6o 4-18-51 31 61 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -151 5 oot sidewa k north side 33rd St. from Collins Ave, to point near 270 feet easterly of Collins Ave. Ordered Res. #7558 Preliminary Estimate Confirmed Res. #7582 Assessment Roll Work Accepted Res. #7844 Roll Confirmed Res. #7845 4-18-51 4-18-51 5-2-51 11-7-51 11-21-51 11-21-51 Book Page 31 59 31 60 9 1 99 5 32 181 32 182 WORK TO BE DONE BY CITY FORCES WITHOUT CONTRACT. Appropriation from Current Fund Surplus:. $770.00 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -152 5 foot concrete sidewalk both sides of 85th St. and 86th St. from Hawthorne Ave. to Crespi. Blvd. and on north side 85th Street from Crespi Blvd. to Tatum Waterway Book Page Ordered Res. #7585 5-2-51 31 111 Preliminary Estimate 5-2-51 31 111 Confirmed Res. #7616 5-16-51 31 173 Assessment Roll 8-20-52 33 215 Work Accepted Res. #8096 9-3-52 33 227 Roll Confirmed Res. #8097 9-3-52 33 228 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. $11,137.50 appropriated from 1951-1952 Budget SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT ASK -153 5 foot concrete sidewalk both sides Hawthorne Ave. from southerly line Blk 17,Biscayne Pt. on west, and from southerly corner Block 22, Resub. of Lots 38 and 39, Block 10, Biscayne Beach Sub. on east, to 86th Street Ordered Res. #7729 Preliminary Estimate Confirmed Res. #7749 *Assessment Roll Work Accepted Res. #8124 Roll Confirmed Res. #8125 *Adjusted Res. #9795 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION FROM CURRENT FUND. 8-10-51 8-10-51 8-27-51 9-17-52 10-1-52 10-1-52 6-18-58 Book Page 31 451 31 453 31 484 33 258 33 276 33 277 4o 479 $12,936.00 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -154 5 foot concrete sidewalk both sides Crespi Blvd. from Hawthorne Ave. to 86th St. Book Page Ordered Res. #7730 8-10-51 31 452 Preliminary Estimate 8-10-51 31 454 Confirmed Res. #7750 8-27-51 31 484 Assessment Roll 9-17-52 33 258 Work Accepted Res. #8124 10-1-52 33 276 Roll Confirmed Res. #8126 10-1-52 33 278 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT. $13,464.00 APPROPRIATED FROM CURRENT FUND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -155 5 foot concrete sidewalk both sides Tatum Waterway Dr. from 77th St. to 79th St. Ordered Res. #7731 Preliminary Estimate Confirmed Res. #7751 Assessment Roll Work Accepted Res,#8061 Roll Confirmed Res.#8065 Book Page 8-10-51 31 8-7.0-51 31 8-27-51 31 7-2-52 33 7-16-52 33 7-16-52 33 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT. $4,526.50 APPROPRIATED FROM CURRENT FUND 1*53 1+55 485 127 117 148 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -156 Easterly side Collins Ave. from southerly line Lot 46, Blk 1, 2nd Ocean Front Subdivision to point near 352 feet northerly thereof. Book Page Ordered Res. #7834 11-7-51 32 158 Preliminary Estimate 11-7-51 32 158 Confirmed Res. #7842 11-21-51 32 180 Assessment Roll 4-16-52 32 482 Work Accepted Res. #7989 4-30-52 33 6 Roll Confirmed Res. #7990 4-30-52 33 7 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION of $1,012.00 AUTHORIZED FROM CURRENT FUND. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK-157 Westerly side Collins Ave. from E anola Way to point near lou feet southerly of southerly •line of Lincoln Road. Ordered Res. #7832 11-7-51 32 156 Preliminary Estimate 11-7-51 32 157 Confirmed Res. #7843 11-21-51 32 180 Assessment Roll . 4-i6-52 32 482 Work Accepted Res. #7989 4-30-52 33 6 Roll Confirmed Res. #7991* 4-30-52 33 8 l Amended by Res. #8037 6-4-52 33 84 WORK TO BE DONE UNDER CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION of $7,946.12 AUTHORIZED from CURRENT FUND. Book Page SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -158 Both sides 71st St. from Trouville Esplanade to Rue Notre Dame Book Page Ordered Res. #7851 11-21-51 32 190 Preliminary Estimate 11-21-51 32 190 Confirmed Res. #7865 12-5-51 32 212 Assessment Roll 9-17-52 33 25g Work Accepted Res. #8124 10-1-52 33 276 Roll Confirmed Res. #8127 10-1-52 33 278 WORK TO BE DONE. BY CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION FROM CURRENT FUND - 42,650.00 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -159 72 foot sidewalk on west side Liberty Ave. from 22nd St. to approx. 125 feet north. Ordered Res. #7874 Preliminary Estimate Confirmed Res. #7890 Assessment Roll Work Accepted Res. #8053 Roll Confirmed Res. #8054 Book Page 12-12-51 32 238 12-12-51 32 240 b1F352 33 7-2-52 33 7-2-52 33 2 107 120 122 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CITY FORCES. APPROPRIATION from CURRENT FUND , S521.84 __uiiwALK IMPROVEMENT SK -160 5 foot concrete sidewalk on north side 19th St. from approx. 108 feet westerly of Liberty Ave. to approx. 162 feet westerly of Liberty Ave. Ordered Res. #7875 Preliminary Estimate Confirmed Res. #7891 Assessment Rolf_ Work Accepted Res. #8009 Roll Confirmed Res. #8010 12-12-51 12-12-51 1-2-52 5-7-52 5-21-52 5-21-52 Book Page 32 239 32 240 32 271 33 14 33 38 33 39 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CITY FORCES. APPROPRI- ATION FROM CURRENT FUND, $137.50 aIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK-161 0o concrete si ewa k on both sides of South Shore Drive from Biarritz Dr. to North Shore Dr. Book Page Ordered Res. #7895 1-9-52 32 284 Preliminary Estimate 1-9-52 32 285 Confirmed Res. #7915 2-6-52 32 327 Assessment Roll 1-21-53 33 468 Work Accepted Res.#8234 2-4-53 33 492 Roll Confirmed Res. #8240 2-4-53 33 499 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT. APPROPRIATION FROM CURRENT FUND, $22,235.40 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -162 Byron Ave. from 69th St. to 71st St. Ordered Res. #8158 11-5-52 33 352 Preliminary Estimate 11-5-52 33 353 Confirmed Res. #8165 11-19-52 33 359 Assessment Roll 8-5-53 34 438 Work Accepted Res. #8483 8-19-53 34 468 Roll Confirmed Res. #8484 8-19-53 34 469 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CITY FORCES WITHOUT CONTRACT. -$3,273.88 appropriated from Current Fund. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -163 Lincoln Rd. from Alton Rd. to James Ave. Book Page Ordered Res. #8079 8-6-52 33 192 Preliminary Estimate 8-6-52 33 193 Confirmed Res. #8089 8-20-52 33 213 Assessment Roll 5-6-53 34 213 Work Accepted Res. #8378 5-20-53 34 256 Roll Confirmed Res. #8379 5-20-53 34 257 1 - further rther aeread jussted Res. #8429 7-8-53 34 375 � WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT. $54,215.59 APPROPRIATED FROM CURRENT FUND _.�1.46WALK IMPROVEMENT SK -165 South side 71st St. from Trouville Esplanade to Rue Granville Ordered Res.:.#8183 12-3-52 33 407 Preliminary Estimate 12-3-52 33 407 Confirmed Res. #8194 12-17-52 33 422 Assessment Roll 12-2-53 35 211 Work Accepted Res. #8608 12-16-5335 229 Roll Confirmed Res. #8609 12-16-53 35 230 Book Page WORK TO BE DONE WITH CITY FORCES WITHOUT CONTRACT. $2,155.45 APPROPRIATED FROM CURRENT FUND iIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -166 South side 74th St. from Ocean Terrace to approx. 160 feet west Ordered Res. #8807 10-20-54 36 272 Preliminary Estimate 10-20-54 36 275 Confirmed Res. #8813 11-3-54 36 304 Assessment Roll Work Accepted Res. #9064 5-18-55 37 162 Roll Confirmed Res. #9065 5-i8-55 37 163 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CITY FORCES WITHOUT CONTRACT. $297.88 APPROPRIATED FROM BUDGET -.4.1AnWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -167 South side North Shore Drive Book Page from Fairway Drive on east to Fairway Drive on west Ordered Res. #8201 12-17-52 33 438 Preliminary Estimate 12-17-52 33 439 Confirmed Res. #8210 1-7-53 33 451 Assessment Roll 10-7-53 35 61 Work Accepted Res. #8550 10-21-53 35 93 Roll Confirmed Res.#8551 10-21-53 35 95 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT. $12,735.80 APPROPRIATED FROM CURRENT FUND „4i WALK IMPROVEMENT SK -168 Both sides 3lst St. from Hawthorne Book Page Ave. to Crespi Blvd. Ordered Res. #8202 12-17-52 33 439 Preliminary Estimate 12-17-52 33 440 Confirmed Res. #8211 1-7-53 33 452 Assessment Roll 8-5-53 34 438 Work Accepted Res. #8483 8-19-53 34 468 Roll Confirmed Res. #8485 8-19-53 34 470 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT. $5,076.50 APPROPRIATED FROM CURRENT FUND