Sidewalk Improvements SK-169_1953 to SK-197 1955SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -169 Both sides of Marseille Dr. from Trouville Esplanade to Rue Granville Ordered Res. #8213 1-7-53 33 458 Preliminary Estimate 1-7-53 33 59 Confirmed Res. #8219 1-21-53 33 464 Assessment Roll 12-2-53 35 211 Work Accepted Res.8608 12-16-53 35 229 Roll Confirmed Res. #8610 12-16-53 35 232 Book Page WORK TO BE DONE WITH CITY FORCES. $3,844.50 APPROPRIATED FROM CURRENT FUND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -170 Both sides Biarritz Dr. from Trouville Esplanade to Rue Granville Book Page Ordered Res, #8280 2-25-53 34 30 Preliminary Estimate 2-25-53 34 30 Confirmed Res. #8290 3-18-53 34 103 Assessment Roll 12-2-53 35211 Work Accepted Res. #8608 12-16-53 3529 Roll Confirmed Res. #8611 12-16-53 35 232 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT. $6,753.63 APPROPRIATED FROM CURRENT FUND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -171 Both sides of 79th Terrace from Book Page Hawthorne Ave. to Crespi Blvd. Ordered Res. #8299 3-18-53 34 113 Preliminary Estimate 3-18-53 314 114 Confirmed Res. #8311 4-1-53 34 132 Assessment Roll 10-7-53 35 61 Work Accepted Res. #8550 10-21-53 35 93 Roll Confirmed Res. #8552 10-21-53 35 95 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT. $2,658.70 APPROPRIATED FROM CURRENT FUND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -172 Book Page 4' 6" sidewalk adjacent to existing sidewalk on south side of Normandy Dr. from Rue Versailles to Rue Notre Dame Ordered Res. #8391 5-20-53 34 281 Preliminary Estimate 5-20-53 34 281 Confirmed Res. #8403 6-10-53 34 305 Assessment Roll 3-3-54 35 355 Work Accepted Res. #8681 3-17-54 35 370 Roll Confirmed Res. #8682 3-17-54 35 371 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT. $2,975.50 APPROPRIATION FROM CURRENT FUND. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -173 51 concrete sidewalk on south side 39th St. from Collins Ave. to point near 250 feet east of Collins Ave. Ordered Preliminary Confirmed Assessment Roll Work Accepted Roll Confirmed Book Page Res. #8392 5-20-53 Estimate 5-20-53 Res. #8404 6-10-53 3-3-54 Res. #8681 3-17-54 Res. #8683 3-17-54 $598.40 APPROPRIATION FROM CURRENT FUND. WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT 34 282 34 283 34 306 34 355 35 370 35 372 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -174 South side of 30th St. from point at or near 140 feet east of Collins Ave. to point at or near 285 feet east of Collins Ave. Ordered Res. #8808 10-20-54 273 Preliminary Estimate 10-20-54 275 Confirmed Res. #8814 11-3-54 304 As ssment 011 Work ted turned to Budget. -4-56 8 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CITY FORCES WITHOUT $423.50 APPROPRIATED FROM BUDGET SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -175 North side of 34th St. from Collins Ave. to 275 feet east of Collins Ave. and on south side of 34th St. from 185 feet east of Collins to 275 feet east of Collins Ave. Ordered Res. #880§-* 10-20-54 273 Preliminary Estimate 10-20-54 g76 Confirmed Res. #8815- 11-3-54 305 Assessment Roll Work Accepted Roll Confirmed Rescinded by Res. #11199 4-15-64 47 Page 1 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CITY FORCES WITHOUT CONTRACT. $983.13 APPROPRIATED FROM BUDGET. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -176 North side 35th St.37th, 40th & 42nd St. from Collins to easterly line of Ocean Front Property Ordered Res. #8810 Preliminary Estimate Confirmed Res. #8816 Assessment Roll Work Accepted Res. #9299 Roll Confirmed Res. #9300 10-20-54 274 10-20-54 277 1771-3-54 305 8 :1556 8-1-56 343 341 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CITY FORCES WITHOUT CONTRACT. $2,524.50 APPROPRIATED FROM BUDGET. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -177 East side Meridian Ave. from south line Lot 3, Bik 35, to approx. 12 feet south of north line of Lot 4, Bik 35, Golf Course Subdivision Ordered Res. Preliminary Estimate Confirmed Res. Assessment Roll Work Accepted Res. Roll Confirmed Res. #8586 #8592 Book Page 11-18-53 35 175 11-18-53 35 174 12-2-53 35 199 4-7-54 35 398 #87o6 4-21-54 35 422 #8707 4-21-54 35 424 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT. $206.25 APPROPRIATED FROM CURRENT FUND. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK-178 Both sides Stillwater Dr., from E.line Lot 62, Bik 15, to W.line Lot 1, Bik 15 on north side; S. line Lot 1, Blk 16, to N.line Lot 58, Bik 16 on south side; Biscayne Beach 2nd Addition Ordered Res. #86020 12-2-53 35 219 Preliminary Estimate 12-2-53 35 220 Confirmed Res. #8605* 12-16-53 35 225 Assessment Roll Work ted P4 AM9g- Roll Confirmed 411_,!_ y Re •144-54 -- WORICTOiBE DONE WITH CONTRACT, $16,367.45 APPROPRIATED FROM BUDGET FUNDS Book Page SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -179 Both sides Byron Ave., 71st St. to north line of Normandy Beach South Ordered Res. #8612 12-16-53 35 240 Preliminary Estimate 12-16-53 35 241 Confirmed Res. #8619 1-6-54 35 272 Assessment Roll 10-6-54 36 210 Work Accepted Res. #8794 10-20-54 36 238 Roll Confirmed Res. #8795 10-20-54 36 240 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CITY FORCES WITHOUT CONTRACT. $1,658.25 APPROPRIATION FROM CURRENT FUND Book Page SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -180 Both sides Carlyle Ave., 71st St. to north line of Normandy Beach South Ordered Res. #8613 12-16-53 35 240 Preliminary Estimate 12-16-53 35 241 Confirmed Res.#8632 1-6-54 35 272 Assessment Roll 10-6-54 36 210 Work Accepted Res. #8794 10-20-54 36 238 Roll Confirmed Res. #8796 10-20-54 36 240 Book Page WORK TO BE DONE WITH CITY FORCES, WITHOUT CONTRACT. $1,658.25 APPROPRIATION FROM CURRENT FUND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -181 Both sides of 80th St. from Hawthorne Ave. to Crespi Blvd. Ordered Res. #8713 Preliminary Estimate Confirmed Res. #8719 Assessment Roll Work Accepted Roll Confirmed Res. #8794 Res. #8797 Book Page 4-21-54 4-21-54 5-5-54 10-6-54 10-20-54 10-20-54 35 438 35 438 35 447 36 211 36 238 36 242 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT. $3,682.25 APPROPRIATED FROM CURRENT FUND. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT A five foot concrete on southerly side of from Rue Bordeaux to Ordered Preliminary Estimate Confirmed Assessment Roll Work Accepted Roll Confirmed SK -182 sidewalk Marseille Dr. Trouville Espl. Res. #8840 Res. #8850 Res. #915 Res. #9156 Book Page 2-2-55 36 424 2-2-55 36 424 2-16-55 36 446 10-5-55 37 381 10-19-55 37 401 10-19-55 37 402 WORK TO BE DONS: WITH CONTRACT. $1,509.75 APPROPRIATED FROM CURRENT FUND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -183 Both sides 76th St. from Dickens Ave. to Collins Ave. Ordered Res. #8932 3-16-55 36 572 Preliminary Estimate 3-16-55 36 590 firmed Asse ent Roll Work Acc ed Roll Confirm Petition objecting to improvement. NOT CONFIRMED. 4-6-55 37 65 Rescinded Res. #9033 L-20-55 37 109 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -181+ Both sides Biarritz Dr. from Calais Dr. to Rue Granville Ordered Res. #8933 3-i6-55 36 573 Preliminary Estimate 3-16-55 36 590 firmed Asse ent Roll Work Acc ted Roll Confir NOT CONFIRMED - 3-30-55 37 27 Rescinded Res. #9033 4-20-55 37 109 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -185 Both sides Verdun Dr. from Calais Dr. to Normandy Dr. Ordered Res. #8934 3-i6-55 36 574 Preliminary Estimate 3-16-55 36 591 of irme d Ass ent Roll Work Acc ed Roll Confirm NOT CONFIRMED - 3-30-55 37 24 Rescinded Res. #9033 4-20-55 37 109 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -186 Both sides Rue Granville from Calais Dr. to Bay Dr. Ordered Res. #8935 3-i6-55 36 574 Preliminary Estimate 3-16-55 36 592 f irme d Asse ent Roll Work Acc ed Roll Confirm NOT CONFIRMED - 3-30-55 37 24 Rescinded Res. #9033 4-20-55 37 109 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -187 So. side d7th Terr. and -both sides of 87th St. from Collins Ave. to 175 feet west of Collins Ave. Ordered Res. #8936 3-16-55 36 575 Preliminary Estimate 3-16-55 36 592 firmed Asse ent Roll Work Ac ted Roll Confi NOT CONFIRMED -- Rescinded Res. #9033 4-6-55 37 80 4-20-55 37 109 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -188 Both sides Normandy Dr. from Trouville Esplanade west to Bay Dr. Ordered Res. #8937 3-i6-55 36 575 Preliminary Estimate 3-16-55 36 593 nfirmed Asse ent Roll Work Acc ed Roll Confirm NOT CONFIRMED- 3-30-55 37 24 Rescinded Res. #9033 4-20-55 37 109 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -189 Both sides Rue Notre Dame from Marseille Dr. to 71st St. Ordered Res. #8938 3-16-55 36 576 Preliminary Estimate 3-16-55 36 594 Confirmed Assessment Roll Work Accepted Roll Confirmed NOT CONFIRMED - 3-30-55 37 25 Rescinded Res. #9033 4-20-55 37 109 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -190 Both sides North Shore Dr. from Normandy Waterway to Fairway Dr. Ordered Res. #8939 3-16-55 36 577 Preliminary Estimate 3-16-55 36 594 firmed Asse ent Roll Work Acc ed Roll Confirm NOT CONFIRMED. 4-6-55 37 66 Rescinded Res. #9033 4-20-55 37 109 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -191 Both sides of Calais Dr. from Bay Dr. to Trouville Esplanade Ordered Res. #8940 3-16-55 36 577 Preliminary Estimate 3-16-55 36 595 firmed Asselent Roll Work Acc-: ed Roll Confirm NOT CONFIRMED -- 3-30-55 37 23 Rescinded Res. #9033 4-20-55 37 109 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -192 Both sides of Abbott Ave. from 75th to 83rd St. Ordered Res. #8941 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE firmed Asse ent Roll Work Acc ed Roll Confirm NOT CONFIRMED --- Rescinded Res. #9033 3-16-55 36 578 3-16-55 36 596 3-30-55 37 18 4-20-55 37 109 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -193 Both sides Byron Ave. from 75th St. to 81st St. Ordered Res. #8942 3-16-55 36 579 Preliminary Estimate 3-16-55 36 597 Confirmed Res. #8996 4-6-55 37 64 Assessment Roll 4-3-57 39 233 Work Accepted Res.#9462 4-17-57 39 273 Roll Confirmed Res. #9463 4-17-57 39 275 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT. $9,438.00 TO BE APPROPRIATED FROM BOND FUND. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -194 Both sides Byron Ave. from 73rd St. to 75th St. Ordered Res`. #8943 Preliminary Estimate Confirmed Res. #9030 Assessment Roll Work Accepted Res. #9462 Roll Confirmed Res. #9464 Allsessment Roll adjusted Res. #9501 3-16-55 36 580 3-i6-55 36 597 4-20-55 37 108 4-3-57 39 233 4-17-57 39 273 4-17-57 39 276 5-15-57 39 353 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT. $3,850.00 APPROPRIATION FROM BOND FUND. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -195 Both sides Carlyle Ave. from 75th St. to 80th St. Ordered Res. #8944 3-i6-55 36 580 Preliminary Estimate 3-16-55 36 598 Confirmed Res. #9009 4-6-55 37 79 Assessment Roll 4-3-57 39 233 Work Accepted Res. #9462 4-17-57 39 273 Roll Confirmed Res. #9465 4-17-57 39 277 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT. $7,722.00 APPROPRIATED FROM BOND FUND. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -196 Both sides of Carlyle Ave. from 73rd St. to 75th St. Ordered Res. #8945 3-16-55 36 581 Preliminary Estimate 3-16-55 36 599 Confirmed Res. #8970 3-30-55 37 27 Assessment Roll 4-3-57 39 233 Work Accepted Res. #9462 4-17-57 39 273 Roll Confirmed Res. #9466 4-17-57 39 278 WORK TO BE DONE WITH CONTRACT. $4,004.00 APPROPRIATED FROM BOND FUND. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT SK -197 Both sides 82nd St. from Harding Ave. to Collins Ave; Both sides of 82nd St. from Byron Ave. to Abbott Ave; Both sides of 82nd Terr. from Bryon Ave. to Abbott Ave. Ordered Res. #8946 3-16-55 36 581 Preliminary Estimate 3-16-55 36 599 firmed Asse ent Roll Work Acc ed Roll Confirme NOT CONFIRMED-- 3-30-55 37 25 Rescinded Res. ##9033 4-20-55 37 109