Suits Against The City_December 1937 to December 1938SUITS AGAINST CITY 1 Book Page Loftin,Stokes & Calkins employed to defend City in suit for liquor license on Bay Front Property im- mediately north of Dade Blvd. 12-3-37 16 420 City agrees that no aQpea1 be made on decision of Circuit ourt in the . ., = iii. 17 1 John P. Stokes to be ewployed an Court Case re publin use of Beach arRA be- tween 25th and 26th Sts. 12/8/38 17 394 John P. Stokes to be employed on Voiler (Trooadera) case 12/8/38 17 395 Jo .zaps° Wosa Ztaddm o! o . . ! . 4 T0 o4 saa,;as--uaunoo 13 zi;/t/L asmo 4uo'; uBe -o- s-1 -Qp— uamaeoadUII Lioeag -Teeny. uo pez Waounnm 2ano0 emaadns tm ad _ • au°}uo_ pezTaoto.nm 4.znoa ama'dng oq. teaddy,,_ afmd boos of/Ga/6 . $92.'mutes uo sa.soo Sur'aao° spun, Jo 4dTaoaa sa.,zodaa 7aato T.�I� gNZ J MIVDV SZIfl SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 3. Book Page Judge Barns in Firestone estate zoning suit against city 8/1/45 23 192 City Attorney instructed to appeal from order of Judge Barns in Firestone zoning suit 8/17/45 23 206 Mr. Renshaw advises that zoning suit has been brought against City on property lying north of Firestone estate 12/26/45 23 338 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY Council retains W. G. Ward to act as Special Counsel in zoning suit on Warner Property 1/16/46 Circuit Court decree orders rezoning of certain Belle Isle lots to "RE" Council votes not to take an appeal to Supreme Court on Belle Isle zoning case 4 Book Page 23 367 7/7/48 26 . 443 7/7/48 26 443 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 5. Book Page Council rescinds previous action and votes to take an appeal in Belle Isle zoning case 7/9/48 26 )001 Res. 06615, authorizing posting of supersedeas bonds in suits of Max and Anna Silver and Samuel and Mary Silver against the City 8/4/48 27 5 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 6. Book Page Council rescinds former action and votes not to appeal Belle Isle zoning suit 8/4/48 27 8 Council votes to take an appeal to the Supreme Court in the Firestone zoning case 9/8/48 27 90 Council votes to retain Marion Sibley, attorney, die Special Counsel in suit of George Fain vs. the City of Miami Beach 9/8/48 27 90 SUITS AGAINST THE DAV bring suit in with private club Road CITY connection on Lincoln Circus Bar brings suit re. operation of night club contrary to zoning Dixon, DeJarnette & Bradford retained in suits of Mrs. E. Max Goldstein and Morris Klein against the city 2/16/49 27 434 7 Book Page 1/12/49 27 333 1/12/49 27 333 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 8 Book Page Dixon, DeJarnette & Bradford retained in suit of Bane Stock v. the City 3/2/49 27 471 Dixon, DeJarnette & Bradford employed in case of Sarah Lutz v. City 4/6/49 28 27 Dixon, DeJarnette and Bradford retained in suit of Koslowsky v. City 6/15/49 28 227 Dixon, DeJarnette & Brad6ord retained in suit of Ruth A. Snaith v. City 7/6/49 28 238 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 9 Book Page Council authorizes employment of counsel in suit of H. L. Perdue vs. City and Chief of Polic'e 10/12/49 28 473 Council votes to appeal case of H. L. Perdue vs. City & Chief Simpson to Supreme Court Blackwell,Walker & Gray retained in suit of Eva & Charles Ladimer vs. the City 1-4-5o 29 111 5-3-5o 29 336 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 10 Book Page City Attorney advises of two suits to invalidate provi- sions of zoning ordinance as to Lots 2, 3, 10 and 11 and s/h of Lot 12, 1st 0. F. and Lots 5, 6 and 23, 1st 0. F. 6-7-50 29 400 $2,000.00 retainer paid to Dixon, DeJarnett and Brad- ford in cases of Goldstein, Burris and Klein versus the City 7-12-50 29 474 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 11 Book Page City Attorney advises of suit having been filed in Circuit Court, seeking to compel City to rezone Blocks 1 and 10, ADM#2 to RE Multiple -Family 7-12-50 29 475 City Attorney to appeal verdict in case of Ida Cohen v. the City 8-16-50 30 28 SUITS AGAIIt 'THE CITY 12 Book Page Payment of retainer to Dixson, DeJarnette & Brad- ford in case of Ida Cohen v. the City authorized 8-23-50 30 49 Payment for legal services of W. G. Ward in connection with appeal to Supreme Court in case of Jowett v. C. of M. B. authorized- '2,500 uthorized- '2,500 amount of fee 9/20/50 39 74 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 13 Book Page Claim of Ida May v. the City of Miami Beach settled 9/20/50 30 74 No appeal to be taken to Supreme Court from deci- sionof Circuit Court which orders the zoning classifi- cation change of Blocks 1 and 10, ADM#2 to RE Multiple - family 9/22/50 30 83 Council again votes that no appeal be taken in zoning suit ADM 2 10-25-50 30 125 SUNS A T . ' .. rw 14 Book Page City Attorney advises that Supreme Court affirmed deci- sion of Judge Wiseheart in favor of the City in the zoning suit of Jowett v. City con- cerning Lot 17 Block 1, 2nd Ocean Front 11-22-50 30 196 Council approvesassociation with Carl Hoffman in Old Forge suit 1/10/51 30 318 SUITS AGAINST THE.CITY Firm of Dixon,, iDeJarnette & Bradford retained to defend personal injury suits brought as result of accidents occur- ing when City was a self - insurer 1-17-51 30 324 Mr. Shepard advises of two suits filed against the City - as result of excavations made by City - Attorney to cooperate with Insurance Co. Atty. in defense of suits 1-17-51 30 338 Book Page 15 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY Claim of Klipstein v. City settled Claim of Chereton v. City settled Claim of Helen Sepler v. City settled Claim of Anna and Harold Melnick v. City settled /sA Book PagE 3-19-51 30 452 4-4-51 30 529 6-13-51 31 269 7-3-51 31 311 8VIT8 AGAINST . _ Till CITY 16 Book Page No appeal to be, taken from decision of Circuit Judge Holt (Rockwell v. City to permit operation of retail bakery at 816- 6th St) t uled in favor of Rockwell 2-21-51 30 402 Bill of Dixon, DeJarnett & Bradford in connection with suit of Klipstein v. City of Miami Beach in the amount of $750.50 approved 3-19-51 30 452 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 17 Book Page Bill of Dixon, DeJarnett & Bradford for services in suit of Chereton v City, $350.50, approved 4-4-51 30 529 Report from City Atty re. Court action in auction sales zoning cases (Jalard & Perel) 6-20-51 31 289 Council takes matter of appealing Circus Bar case under advisement 6-20-51 31 290 City to appeal Gar Wood case City to appeal Circus Bar decreee 6-20-51 31 290 7-18-51 31 407 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 17A Book Page Council advised of suit brought by John B. Reid to invalidate 1951 tax roll 8-10-51 31 456 Council advised of suit brought by Greater Miami Jewish Funeral Home, Inc. and Harry Gordon to compel City to issue permit for mortuary on Bay 5531 473 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 18 Book Page Claim of Fridel de Haav to be settled for S2,500. Dixon,DeJarnette & Bradford to attempt to recover portion of this amt from insurance company for Fleetwood Hotel 8-15-51 31 466 Claim of Lutz and Streifer to be settled for $5,118.60 9-5-51 32 40 Appeal to be taken to Supreme Court in suit of Greater Miami Jewish Funeral Home v. City of Miami Beach. Matter to be brought up again at next meeting. 10-17-51 32 122 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 20 Book Page Return of Ward & Ward $1,000. check in connection with suit of Samuel T. Haas vs. the City to be accepted. 11-7-51 32 146 Albert Saperstein employed to assist at trial of Estate of E. Max Goldstein v. City for fee of $100.00 per day while trial lasts 1-16-52 32 301 City Attorney advises status of 3 suits against City: Lippow; Rafel; and Xenia's. 1-16-52 32 306 City Atty. to advise Council of status of every suit brought against City in futi SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 19 Book Page No action taken re. return of Ward & Ward $1,000. check in connection with suit of Samuel T. Haas vs. the City, involving zoning on the oceanfront property north of Firestone estate. 10-30-51 32 135 City Atty. advises of zoning suit of Sam Kay and Samuel T. Haas vs. City, involving property north of Firestone Estate. City Atty to contact Mr. Pallet and accept offer to retain outside counsel to f suit to with City Atty. f se 32 135 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 21 Book Page City Attorney advises status of Circus Bar suit and Sirgany suit. 2-6-52 32 337 City Attorney advises that Judge Morris has dismissed the suit of Fleming and Rosenhouse et al v. City of Miami Beach 2-20-52 32 382 E. Max Goldstein and Morris Klein lawsuits discussed. Cases to be settled. 2-20-52 32 389 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 22 Book Page Res. #7942 authorizing settlement of Goldstein and Klein cases 3-5-52 32 392 City Attorney advises Council of re. suits filed and disposition of pending suits -- Tessler; George Schor Homes, Inc.; Antique Dome, Inc.; Sidney Friedman; Jeffry Corporation; Sirgany (2); 100 21st St. Realty Corporation; and Login et al, all v. City 3-5-52 32 415 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 23 Book Page Albert Saperstein's bill for $300.00 legal services in connection with case of Goldstein v. City approved for payment 3-19-52 32 437 City Atty advises outcome of 3 suits against the City:-JY.Willis; Pollack v. Saperstein; 100 21st Street Realty Corp. v.,City 3-19-52 32 437 John B. Howard objects to City's contribution of $50,000 toward settlement of Goldstein and Klein cases. Discussion re. Goldstein & Klein suits 3-19-52 32 439