Suits Against The City_March 1963SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 126 Book Page Reports from City Atty: Re. Kent Galleries vs. City of M.B. Frances Schwartz vs. City of M.B. .Shell City, Inc. vs. City of M.B. 3-6-63 45 358 Report Ben Shepard filed re: Urovsky et al v. City et al 3-20-63 45 381 Reportsfrom City.Atty: re. Morton Towers Co. v. City Joseph Weil v. City Morris Braca v. City (Association in this case of Irving Cypen approved, and appeal authorized. 3-20-63 45 382 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY Reports from City Atty re: 127 Book Page 1. Miachael Forte vs. City of M. B. 2. James Curren vs. City of M. B. & Scott Campbell a minor, and Kirby Campbell, guardian 3. Marguerite Emmick & Joseph Emmick vs. City of M. B. & John McGauran {Action deferred re. this report) 4-3-63 45 399 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 128 Book Page Payment of $300.00 to law firm of Blackwell, Walker and Gray, as recommended by City Atty, for services rendered to City in connection with lawsuit Irving Wolff vs. City of Miami Beach and John J. Ward, approved. 4-17-63 45 404 Reports from Legal Dept. filed: 1. Re. Etta Landau v. City of M. B. 2. Re. Ronald Annunziato & Thomas Gallagher v. City of M. B. 4-17-63 45 415 SUITS AGAINST THE City Atty reports Case Marguerite vs City of M. Council votes not this case. CITY 124 Book Page re: Emmick & Joseph Emmick B. and John McGuaran to take an appeal in 4-17-63 45 428 City Atty reports re: Joseph Zamboli vs. City of M. B. and Charles D. Hinote, Civil Court Case No. 63-374. Settlement $500. recommended. Funds appropriated from ucf to cover same. 5-1-63 45 435 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 130 Book Page City Atty. reports re: 1. International Industries, Inc. d/b/a Kent Galleries v. City of M. B. 2. Paul M. Marko, Jr. and Lena Marko vs. Nathan Serota, City of M. B. et al 5-1-63 45 436 City Atty reports re: 1. International Industries, Inc. d/b/a Kent Galleries vs. City of Miami Beach 2. IrvingReinhard vs. City of Miami Beach et al 6-5-63 45 489 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 131 Book Page Appropriation of $3,250 authorized from ucf for Emmick judgment against plus costs payment of the City. 6-5-63 45 493 Letters from City Atty filed: re: 1. Charles Henry vs. Metropolitan Dade County, et al and City of Miami Beach 2. Anne Freeman & Frank Freeman vs. City of M. B. et al 3. Anna Kirschner & Emil Kirschner vs. City of Miami Beach 7-3-63 46 25 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY City Atty Wanick reviews former detective Norman Tainsley's compen- sation case. City Mgr. & City Atty. to prepare report and submit same at next meeting. 7-3-63 46 31 City Atty advised that report regarding Norman Tainsley and his compensation claim was not ready. Action deferred. 7-17-63 46 39 132 Book Page Letter from City Atty filed re: Debra Sigler, et al vs. Housing Authority of City of M. B. 7-17-63 46 42 Getter from City Atty Wanick read and filed r. Sea Dade suit. 8-7-63 46 63 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 133 Book Page Morman Tainsle discusses his claim or compensation. City Atty Wanick discusses his report on the matter. Mayor Richard advises Mr. Tainsley that there was no action to be taken by Council. Mr. Tainsley indicated he was going to go to court. 8-7-63 46 67 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 134 Book Page Letters from City Atty Wanick re: 1. Elizabeth V. Thomson vs City of M.B. & Forrest E. Cummings 2. 2000 Collins Ave. Corp. vs City of M.B. & R.Wm. L. Johnson 8-21-63 46 91 Res. #11042 authorizing execution of release of subrogation claim for Workmen's Compensation benefits, etc. in connection with Police Dept. employee William H. Leary, Jr. 8-21-63 46 91 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 135 Book Page Letter from City Atty Wanick, re: Janet M. Calvanese v. City of M. B. Appropriation of $175. authorized from ucf in settlement of this case. 8-28-63 46 114 Reports from Legal Dept. re: 1. Michael Saffan, a minor, and Samuel Saffan, individually vs. City of Miami Beach 2. Samuel Saffan and Helen Saffan vs. City of Miami Beach 9-4-63 46 119 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 136 Book Page Reports from Legal Dept. re: 1. James Michael Haley, a minor, and Charles Haley, father 2. Nal Pac Amusement, Inc. d/b/a Roosevelt Theatre vs. City 3. Sidney J. Burwick vs. City and Harry Bernstein. 9-18-63 46 138 Report from City Atty re. settlement of a claim involving an accident sustained by Police Officer George C. Morgan was read. Res. #11059 adopted authorizing settlement of compensation lien. 9-18-63 46 150 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 137 Book Page Councilman Galbut requests City Atty to see if suit brought by Joseph Malek for recount (June election) can be acted on within the immediate future. 9-18-6.3 46 152 Report from Legal Consultant Ben Shepard re. Seacoast Towers suit filed, in connection with anti -noise ordinance. 10-16-63 46 203 Study to be made of amendments ) to Noise Ordinance. Atty Irving Cypen proposes payment -to City of monies involved in tax law suits. Council approves proposal to deposit these monies with City. 11-20-63 46 289 SUITS AGAINST,' TH C TTY_ 138 Book Page Communications from City Atty. filed: Re. 1. Joseph Smuckler, d/b/a Standard Paint Supplies vs. Southland General Builders, Inc. et al 2. Norman Tainsley vs. City of Miami Beach 3. Sylvia Zemel vs. City of Miami Beach 4. Michael Forte vs. City of Miami Beach 10-16-63 46 209 Reports from Legal Dept. filed: 1. Chaya Kletter v. Officer Wm. Godfrey, et al 2. Former Patrolman Murray Lenchner 3. Sydelle Stampler v. Central Hardware Co. & 4. Mic iata Nome 'r. City 11-6-63• 46 260 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 139 Book Page City Atty recommends settlement of compensation suit by Norman Tainsley. Approved. 11-20-63 City Atty reports on following suits: 1. Jerry Tanner, et al v. City of M. 2. Central Taxi Service, et al 3. Jean Wolfgang & Louis Wolfgang 4. Edward J. Patton et al 5. Fontainebleau Hotel Corp. 11-20-63 46 290 B. 46 295 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 140 Book Page Norman Tainsley expresses dissatisfaction with proposed settlement of his claim against the City. City Atty recommends settlement. Councilman Englander moves settlement for $750. Mr. Tainsley rejects settlement offer. Motion withdrawn. No further action taken. 12-4-63 46 323 City Atty advises Council that 20 complaints have been filed in Circuit Court by Irving Cypen challenging 1963 assessments on real and personal property. Also 3 addl suits re. same matter filed, and he asks that addl counsel be employed. City Atty requested tosubmit recommendations as to such counsel.. (cont.) SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 141 (cont.) Book Page Letter from Irving Cypen read re.agreement entered into by Cypen on behalf of hotels represented by him in lawsuits re. depositing money with City instead of Court registry, and as to question of allowing 4% discount which is permitted in November on amounts paid by them. Council votes to -allow 4% discount. 12-4-63 46 324 Res. #11112 authorizing settlement with John Black, injured Engineering Dept. employee. 12=4-63 46 324 Report from City Atty re complaint of Rose London v. City 12-18-63 46 349 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY City Atty reports re: Joseph H. Weil v. City 142 Book Page 1-2-64 46 367 Report from Legal Consultant Shepard re. suit Urovsky et al v. City et al 1-15-64 46 382 Communication from City Atty Wanick re. John Black vs. City. City Atty recommends settlement of compensation claim. 1-15-64 46 383 Report from re: Edward Vivian v. City Atty Wanick Patton, et al v. City Victor and Charles, her husband City 1-15-64 46 384 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 143 Book Page Res. $11142 authorizing emplyment of Philip Goldman of law Firm of Scott, McCarthy, Preston and Steel to handle litigation re. tax suits at compensation of $70.00 for each hour of service rendered. 1-15-64 46 401 City Atty reports re. Carolyn Veale Mitchell v. City Ida & Meyer Goldstein v. City 2-5-64 46 411 Res. #11160 authorizing settlement of subrogation claim for Workmen's Compensation benefits furnished to former City of M. B. Police Dept. employee, Earl Kersey. 2-5-64 46 427 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 143 A Book Page Legal Dept. reports re. 1. Earl B. Useden V. Robert Moorehead and City of M. B. 2. LeRoy Griffith, d/b/a Paris Follies Theatre v. City and its Agents 3. Hyman Kirsner & Ida Kirsner, his wife v. City of M. B. (City Mgr. comments re. "trim dump" on Star Island Parkway in connection with this suit) 2-19-64 46 429 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 144 Book Page Reports from City Atty filed: 1. Sylvia S. and Benjamin Sherman v. E. E. Collins Contracting Co. Metro Dade County and City of M.B. 2. Edward R. McHugh v. City of M. B. and H. J. Casner 3. Lucy Byrd -Maude Woods 3-4-64 46 447 Reports from City Atty filed: 1. Paul Pincus d/b/a Whitey's Amusements v. City 2. Nathan Goodman v. Richard L. Hefler, Biscayne Distributors, Inc. & City of M.B. (cont.) SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 145 Book Page (cont) 3. Jerry Tanner, et al v. City of M. B. 4. Washington Super Market (report from State Attorney Gerstein re. accident in this establishment) 3-18-64 46 467 Res.. #11191 authorizing employment of Philip Goldman of law firm of Scott, McCarthy, Preston & Steel, same terms as in Res. #11142, to represent City in defense of suit filed by Bob's Development Corp. involving 1964 Tax roll. 4-1-64 46 498 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 146 Book Page Reports from City Atty filed: 1. Rose Leiter & Jack Leiter v. City 2. Charles Franklin v. City et al and Paul Finkelstein v. City et al 3. Leonard Sanford v. City 4-1-64 46 498 Report from City Atty: Re. suit Max Modlin v. Washington Ave. Food Center, Inc., et al 5-6-64 46 35 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 147 Book Page Letter from City Atty re. Workmen's Compensation claim Arthur Carter. Res. 411229 adopted authorizing settlement of subrogation claim. 6-3-64 47 65 Reports from Legal Dept. filed: 1. Charles K. Crane v. City (fall in jail cell) 2. Dr. Joseph Burns vs. City of M.B. 3. Shop -Rite Discount Stores v. City 4. Fontainebleau Hotel Corp. v. City (taxicab controversy) 6-3-64 47 68