Suits Against The City_May to June 1953SUITS AGAINST CITY 34. Book Page City Atty reports on 2 suits: 1. Hansley et al v. City 2. Coast City Coaches, Inc. v. Richard Mack, et al (Supreme Court upheld RR Commission's ruling that this company cannot pick up and discharge passengers within corporate limits of M.B.) 5-6-53 34 232 Report of City Atty re. suit of Huey Young d/b/a Huey's Cathay House v. City (attempt to compel City to permit sales of liquor over an open bar 6-10-53 3 332 SUITS AGAINST CITY 35 Book Page Report of Legal Dept. re. suit of Canjo, Inc. v. City 6-17-53 34 340 Report of City Atty re. Fan & Bill's suit 6-17-53 34 343 Reports of City Atty re. following suits: Gimbel v. City Dr. Silver v. City State ex rel Pollack v. Saperstein, etc. State ex rel Marsh, v. City (harbor line) (Councilsks for meeting re. Judge Carroll's ecision� 8-5-53 34 44'.8 SUITS AGAINST CITY 36 Book Page Report of City Atty advising that suit had been filed by Midcentury Corp. and Safe Parking Lots, Inc. seeking rezoning 8-12-53 34 459 Report of City Atty re. suit of Rosen v. City 8-19-53 34 490 Report of City Atty re. suit of E. Bobette Marcus and Mawry F. Marcus against Cit (going -out -of -business sale 9-2-53 35 16 Report of City Atty re. suits Rosen v. City Friedn, et al v. City 10-7-53 35 73 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 37 Book Page Report of City Atty re. suit Lottici vs City 11-4-53 35 140 Report of City Atty re. suits Pancoast Properties v. Harold Shapiro, et al State of Fla., ex rel James I. Stearns v City 11-18-53 35 176 Report of City Atty re. suits Ted Traina v. City M.B. Air Transport,Inc. & Checker Cabs v. Harold Shapiro et als Lippow v. City Joseph Schaeffer v City 12-16-53 35 246 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 38 Book Page Report of City Atty re. suit Esther Nash v City 12-23-53 35 252 Report of City Atty re. zoning suit brought by Weisen, Hansley & Cohn, owners of Lots 1,2,3, Bik 24, Altos del Mar #1, to change zoning from RD Single - Family .to BB Business. City Atty instructed to appeal decision 12-30-53 35 270 Report of City Atty re. suits Joseph P. Lottici v. City, et al & Ben Lawson Dorothy Brand v. City, et al 1-20-54 35 304 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 39 Book Page City Atty advises he has been served in case of Charnofree Corp. and Fountainbleau Hotel Corp. vs City; suit brought by owners of Firestone Estate property to compel City to allow them to construct stores for uses which were permitted in large hotels in RE Districts at time Firestone Estate zoning ease was decided 3-17-54 35 384 City Atty's report read re. suits of Hansley v. City and Weisen v. City concerning zoning on Lots 1,2 and 3, B]1C 24, Altos Del Mar #1 3-17-54 35 383 BUITSAGAINST THE -CITY » Book Page City Attorney to associate with outside attorney in defense of suit filed by Charnofree Co. against City (suit in which Fontainebleau Hotel people seek decreee from Circuit Court, declaring they are entitled to construct in their proposed building, stores for those uses permitted by zoning ord. in 100 room hotels in the RE District on date Of decree in Firestone estate zoning suit)with understanding that City will not have to pay any fees to him 4-21-54 35 442 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 41 Book Page Report of City Atty re. suits Anna Bobis, et al (hot plate) Kay -Haas (zoning involving 500 feet of oceanfront immediately north of Firestone Estate) Lachman et al (zoning on 142 lots scattered throughout strip of oceanfront bet. Firestone estate & Royal York Hotel) 4-21-54 35 443 Letter from City Atty re. Kay -Haas case which involves zoning of 500 feet of ocean frontage immediately north of Firestone Estate 5-5-54 35 463 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 42 Book Page City Atty reports on following suit: Midcentury Corp. et al vs. City of Miami Beach (zoning suit involving parking lot property bet. Chinese Restaurant and Drexel property) City to appeal from decreee of Circuit Judge Giblin in this case. 6_2-54 36 16 City Atty advises that following suits have been filed: Drexel vs. City (seeking zoning change on n 1/2 Lot 5 all of Lots 6 & 7, Bik J0, Fishers First Sub.) Ralph Lachman et ux v City - seeking Cezon.ng Lots 13 & 14 Indian Beach orp. s Sub. which will permit conatruc ion of apartments, etc. 2-S 16�2 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 43 Book Page Letter from City Atty re. zoning suit Wiesen vs. City and Hansley & Cohn vs. City involving NW corner Collins Ave. and 75th St. (Lots 1,2 and 3, Blk 214, Altos del Mar No. 1). Court orders City to rezone Lots 2 and 3 so as to permit them to be used for business purposes and Lot 1.to remain in RE Multiple -family, where it was placed by Ord. 1106 -also a:court order. Motion to appeal lbst by 3-3:.vote 7-7-54 36 61 Discussion re. Judge Milledge's decision in rezoning case affecting Lots 2 and 3, B1k 24, Altos del Mar No. 1,cC� �cil votes not to appeal Judge's? i 16 70 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 44 Book Page City Atty reports on following suits against the City: 1. Milton G. Circkle, Albert Pollak, et al (case attempting to prevent City from condemning Lot 12, Indian Beach Corp.'s Sub.) 2. M.B. Lutheran Church of the Epiphany, Inc. (case seeking authority to construct church on Lots 1 and 2, Blk 13, Altos del Mar #2) 3. Buoncervello - Judge Carroll entered decree for plaintiff - sought_to compel City to issue o en bar license for restaurant at 6b18 Collins Ave. 7-7-54 36 61 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 45 Book Page City Atty reports on case of Charnofree, et al v. City (Fontainebleau sought to compel City to permit certain classes of stores formerly permitted in 100 room hotels, but now prohibited). Judge Giblin's decree in favor of city. 7-21-54 36 98 City Atty reports on case of Ted Traina vs. City (Train sought to compel City to issue to him a service bar license at 6954 Collins Ave. - a rest,araatn negatainga400 and with 4800 • 8-4-54 36 108 SUITS AGAINST_ THE CITY 46 Book Page City Atty reports on following suits: Cirkle, Pollak et al vs. City (Suit to enjoin condmenation suit against Pollak ocean front property north of Fontainebleau ) City vs. Firestone (condemnation suit on property north of Fontainebleau) City vs. Pollak (condemnation suit on property north of Fontainebleau) 8-4-54 36 108 SUITS AGAINSTTHE CITY 47 Book Page City Atty reports on following suits: Hogan vs. City (rezoning) Floyd Adkins vs. Fla. Power & Light and City M.B. Air Transport et al vs. Harold Shapiro etal 9-1-54 36 148 City Atty reports on following suits: Hal Raymond vs. City (liquor license Blue Bay) Marlo, Inc vs. City (damages) 9-15-54 36 194 City Atty advises that case has been set for trial involvingoning of Hogan property(Lot 6,Ind. Beach . City not -to mdist suit. 10-29-54 36 299 -STJITS AGAINST THE CITY 48 Book Page City Atty reports that suit has been brought by Parking Facilities, Inc. seeking building permit for multiple -level garage on Collins Ave. & 39th St in which stores would be permitted on ground floor, and that plaintiffs would be permitted to supply gas and oil, etc. to their patrons 11-17-54 36 34+3 City Atty reports on suit of Hogan vs. City. Judge entered decree against City. 12-1-54 36 357 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY Legal Dept. reports suits: Charnofree Corp. Maclou Corp. vs. Midcentury Corp. City Atty. reports suits: Charnofree Lachman v. on following 49 Book Page vs. City Frank Brickman vs. City 12-15-54 36 380 on following Corp. vs. City City and 9 other similar involving zoning of on oceanfront strip 1-19-55 cases 141 lots 36 416 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 50 Book Page City Atty advises suit has been filed by E. J. Smith Co. seeking to compel City to issue an open bar license at old La Rue Restaurant at 1111 Dade Blvd. 2-9-55 36 437 City Atty advises of suit of Miami Stadium, Inc. vs. City, Fontainebleau Corporation, et al, seeking to prevent City from using Lots 7,8,9 and 10, Indian Beach Corp.'s Sub., for public park or bathing beach purposes, relying upon old deed restrictions2_16_55 36 445 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 51 Book Page Report from City Attorney re. suit of Bobis, et al v. the City -- "Hot Plate" suit 3-2-55 36 462 City Atty reports on suit brought by Julius Jay Perlmutter in connection with proposed multiple -level parking garage on west side of Collins Ave. bet. 37th and 38th Streets 3-2-55 36 462 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 52 Book Page City Atty reports that Mr. Sibley advises that Lis Pendens filed by City during condemnation proceedings against Drexel property is clouding title to his clients property. Action deferred. 4-20-55 37 126 City Atty advises receipt of Final Decree by Judge Crawford on 4/12/55 ordering City to issue "open bar" license to EJ.Smith Co. for premises 1111 Dade Blvd. (formerrlr LaRue). Councilman raninquires Rue matter could be taken to Supreme Court as test case to decide "open bar" license geestion once and for all-2Action deferred6 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 53 Book Page City Atty's opinion re. La Rue Restaurant case. Appeal to be taken. 5-4-55 37 152 City Atty reports on suit of Parking Facilities, Inc. seeking to compel City to permit stores in projected multiple -level garage on W.side Collins Ave. bet. 38th & 39th Sts. 5-4-55 37 152 City uit AttysttrLoote4,tanddismiss 50 1/2cLote5 tion suit aans no.1/2 Lot 5, all of Lots 6 and 7, all in Blk 30, Fisher's 1st in order to clear u title to land on Collins Ave. bet. 'Chinese Res. and Drexel's property. Res. #9059 5-4-55 37 153 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 54 Book Page Bill of Complaint filed by Liflans Corp. against City, alleging that that portion of zoning ordinance which forbids Versailles Hotel to construct and maintain stores of BAAA and BAA classification is unconstitutional. 7-13-55 37 265 City Mgr. to arrange conference with City Atty to discuss Supreme Court decisions in Biltmore Terrace and Fontainebleau Hotel cases 7-20-55 37 274 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 54A Book Page Council fails to accede to request of J. J. Perlmutter that City Atty be directed to waive oral argument before Supreme Court in connection with suit seeking stores in proposed multiple - level parking garage on Collins Ave. bet. 38th & 39th Streets. 8-3-55 37 306 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 55 Book Page City Atty advises of suit of Engel vs. City alleging that $15.00 occupational license fee is violation of State law 9-21-55 37 363 City Atty reports on suit of M.B. Lutheran Church vs. City (suit seeking permission to build church in single-family district at s.w. cor. 86th St. & Collins Ave.) Zoning upheld. 9-21-55 37 363 Legal Consultant Shepard reports on case of Melnigk et al v. C. W. Tomlinson, et al, re.so-called Primary Election Act" 10-19-55 37 413 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 56 Book Page City Atty reports on 3 zoning suits, involving land located between Fontainebleau and Royal York properties on ocean strip: 1. Tedland Realty Corp. 2. J. N. Morris & Gilda Dahlberg 3. Edith L. Trees 12_21-55 37 503 Legal Dept. reports on Checker Cab Company suit re. flat $3.50 taxicab rate to airports, and acceptance of "package tour" tokens in payment of transportation 1-18-56 38 29 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 57 Book Page Atty Ben Cohen authorized to join in defense of Checker Cab Co. suit re. taxi airport fare and use of tokens to pay for "package tour" transportation 2-1-56 38 37 Suit filed by Gramil Corp.,d/b/a Revere Hotel vs City, seeking to invalidate "hot plate" provisions of the Code, and Sec. 5.18.1 of Chapt. 18 of the Bldg. Code. 2-1-56 38 39 Council approves employment of Joe Creel (without compensation) as associate ounsel for the City in dgfense of suit of Gramil Corp. re. hot plate ordinance' case. 2-15-56 38 57 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 58 Book Page Report from legal dept. re. court case of Mrs. Reid - suit brought to compel City to permit multiple -family structures on Lot 8 and Outlot 8, 1st Ocean Front Sub. (Ocean front strip north of Fontainebleau) 2_15-56 38 57 Ben Shepard's report re. Lachman vs. City - (zoning change on Lots 13 and 14, Indian Beach Corp's Sub.) 2-15-56 38 57 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 59 Book Page Complaint filed by Greater Miami Hebrew Academy vs. City, seeking to obtain a decree holding that provision of Zoning Ord. prohibiting them from constructing a private school on Lots 7 to 13, incl., Blk 2, Nursery Sub., is unconstitutional 2-15-56 38 57 City Atty advises of suit against the City --Paul Schaffer vs. Red Top Sedan Service Inc., Walker Ijams, and City of Miami Beach, involving a vehicle,accident. 652-5-56 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 24 Book Page City Attorney advises status of Haas and Kay v. City suit 3-26-52 32 441 City Atty. advises re. following suits against the City: Ozac, Inc. Athas Curtis Smolin Moe Hellman 4-16-52 32 495 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 25 Book Page City Atty advises status of following suits:against the City: Greater Miami Jewish Funeral Home Hogan Sirgany 5-7-52 33 26 Case of Old Forge v. the City of M.B. reviewed. Conference to be arranged to discuss matter. 6-18-52 33 107 Old Forge suit reviewed. Council to decide what action City will take after meeting of Ben Cohen, Hoffman, Ben 137 Shepard and Goldworm 7-2-52 33 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY City Atty to ask for continuance in condemnation hearing re. Lot 6, Indian Beach Corp's Sub. (Hogan v. City) 7-2-52 33 138 City Atty advises outcome of suit of Col. Gimbel, to secure rezoning of his property at n.e. cor. Pine Tree Dr. and 41st St. from RA to BAA - Special Master recommends property be rezoned for BAA Business use. Council to continue tp oppose this rezoning. 7 -lb -52 33 159 26 Book Page SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 27 Appeal from Circuit Court decrees Book Page to be taken to Supreme Court in 2 cases: Hogan v. City, and Elsalto Real Estate v. City (cases brought by defendants in condemnation suit instituted by City) - 8-6-52 33 182 City Atty advises re. case of Antique Dome v. City, that Circuit Court directed issuance of license to Antique Dome for auction sales on that portion of its Lincoln Rd. property which is not zoned "BAA". City Atty instructed to take appeal from this decision 8-6-52 33 196 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 28 Book Page City Atty advises status of two suits: Smolin V. City (zoning Lot 21, Blk 2, Nursery Sub.) Gimbel v. City (zoning n.e. cor. 41st St. and Pine Tree Dr.) 8-20-52 33 218 Reference made to Circuit Court decision in Warner property zoning suit. Councilman Richard asks if City could not now institute condemnation proceedings to acquire 224 property b-27-52 33 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 29 City Atty advises status of zoning Book Page suit of Kay -Haas v City 9-3-52 33 236 City Atty to request postponement of trial of Picciolo's Restaurant case until Sept. 26, 1952 9-3-52 33 237 Decision of Supreme Court in Old Forge's favor. Liquor license to be granted 9-17-52 33 269 City Atty advises status of following suits: Rafel v. City -Power Co. franchse election) Curtis v. City Re. alleys bet 4th & 5th St. ) and bet. Meridian & Jeff. A es Panma Corp. v. City (Re. Cirri-aeats1 sign SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 30 Book Page City Atty advises status of Walsh & Wood Funeral Home, Inc. v City suit: Circuit Judge orders issuance of permit for funeral home at 7140 Abbott Ave. No appeal to be taken. 12-10-52 33 418 Discussion re. employment of add'l counsel to help City Atty in defense of suits brought, seeking rezoning of certain property north of Firestone estate 12-10-52 33 420 SUITS AGAINST THE CITY 31 Book Page City Atty advises status of suits: Rafel -- re. power co. franchise election Geo. Schor Homes -- rezoning Dr. Lippow -- rezoning Burbridge -- rezoning Harris -- rezoning 12-17-52 33 443 City Atty reports on 2 suits: Reid, et al v. City (10 cases consolidated) 8701 Collins Ave., Inc. v. City (Biltmore Terrace Hotel) 1-21-53 33 478 SUITS AGAINST CITY Chamber of Commerce urges Council to appeal from decision of Circuit Court in ocean front zoning case (Reid, et al v. City) City Atty advises petition had been filed for rehearing in case. 1-21-53 33 478 Book Page 32 City Atty reports on suits against City: San Marino Hotel et al (2 suits) Hansley et al Wiesen Lottici Jesse Reid et al: 2-18-53 34 16 SUITS AGAINST CITY 33. Book Page City Atty reports on 2 suits against City: 1. Jeffry Corp. et al 2. Lottici 2-25 53 31 City Atty reports on 4 suits against City: 1. Hogan 2. El Salto Real Estate, Inc. 3. Jeffry Corp. 4. State Builders, Inc. 4-1-53 34 150 City Atty reports on 2 suits against City: 1. El Salto v. City and Hogan v. City 2. Drexel 4-22-53 34 191