"T" Miscellaneous_December 1929 to November 1933MI SCE LLANEOLT3 Tom Thumb Golf Course in Fisher's First Sub. of Alton Beach objected t by 9,42a petition 7 Townsend,Rudolph-Restrictions Block 51I-, O.B.#3 & Set -back building line 10, 121 Throm, Sarah Bass: Objects to Fire Sta- tion at 63rd Street 4-15'31 11, 16 Toronto Mayor letter of thanks 9--2-31 11, 151 Thompson A.L. (Fla. Trade Ser. )10-21-32-11 x.16 Tucker, 4�.M. , re: Altos Del Mar 9/20/33 12 11 "" " re: " " " 11/1/33 12, lb( "T" MISCELLANEOUS 0Mkins Corporation tender lease on encroachment of driveway over the property owned by them at 29th St. • end of Miami Beach Dr. (Ref erred to City Attorney) 5/16/34 12 409 Ticket Scalping Ord. requested. 13 232 Ticket Scalping Ordinance passed first and seoond readings 13 290 Ticket Scalping Ordinance taken under advisement. 2/6/35 13 267 2 Book Page "T" MISCELLANEOUS Ticket Scalping Ord. passed lst and 2nd readings. 1/13/35 Townsend, Rudolph requested rezoning of west side of Wash. Ave. between 6th & 7th Sts. 3/6/35 3 Book Page 13 290 13 312 C.W. Chase, Sr. urged passage of Ticket Scalping Ord. 3/6/35 13 320 Substitute form of Ord. presented for consideration. "T" MISCELLANEOUS Book Thompson, Aussell - objects to issuance of night club licenses on 41st St. 8/14/35 14 Twenty-third Street Corporation given notice to remove all obstructions in 23rd Street Res. #3304 8/26/35 14 (Clerk reports serving of notice)8/28/35 Tropical Grill liquor license denied 9/1/35 Texas Company refused permission to erect two additional storage tanks on their Causeway property. 10/2/35 TropicalGrill liquor license 4 Page 39 60 14, 61 114- 102 14 117 14 132 • rT" MISCELLANEOUS 5 Book Page Therrell i Catohings, re nests pav- ing of San Marino Dr..' 10 16 35 14 145 Tropical Grill closing objected to by ;ounoilman Childers 10/23/35 14 160 Tropical Grill license for liquor ordered. refunded 10/25/35 14 161 Towers at 71st St.& Collins .venue ordered removed 10/25/35 14 161 Teller, Jas.J. granted parking lot permit 10/30/35 14 170 "T" MISCELLANEOUS "Tibs" grar4t d beer and wine license 1626 Lenox 10-30-35 Tropical Grill granted beer and wine license 10-30-35 6 Book Page 17 170 17 170 "Trr MISCFLLANEOLS Book Page Tomacs granted liquor license u)110 Espanola Way" 9-18-35 14 101 Tropical Grill denied- liquor license 9-18-35 14 102 Tropical Bar - 616 Collins Ave. granted liquor license 9-18-35 14 103 Teddyrs Grill -granted beer and wine license 10-17-35 14 151 Table Supply Store(1325 Wash.) granted beer and wine licensel0/17/35 14 151 Taylor Drug Co. 745 Wash.granted beer and wine license 10-17-35 14 151 t9z 9C/SA euaz2— ocz 171 GC/9/zT esuaoTT gnTo (1.g9Tu paq.ues9 gnu °w 9 umoy oCa +7T 0C3 #T OC Z 1¢T 5c/9/T poo ,auxoud .xo_a asueoT-j aonbTT pea.uu.z9 us iolimoyu Sr/g-t asuaoTT sonbTT pa'.UTs9 quip ouTevo umoy gc/9/&T awl. sod asuaoTT sonbTt paTult.9 xo9Q dos aaud hoog StlOgNi'I'IgOST d DID "T" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Teller, J.J. given parking lot permits 11/12/36 15 219 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 10 Book Page TownsendAndolphL- and. L.D.Hughes present petition for zoning change -on----WashAvre . property 'between- 6 th and 7th _ Sts. 1/29/36 14. 277 Terminal Market -granted beer and. Vibe license 2/19/36 -14 296 TRrbes,Mar -granted_lizense--for- ball game on pier 2/19/36 12th St.Ban & Grille granted beer and wine permit 4/29/36 14 407 14 310 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 11 Book Page Todd, E. A. withdraws objections to zoning change on Lot 2,B1k.1,MidGolf 12/2/36 -15 253 Times Square Cafeteria granted permit to Bell beer and wine 12/2/36 15 -263 Towerscope - request-for--permtt re- ferred to City Mme. 1&&36 15 287 Trachenberg- & Frank gran -ted- beer - and wine permit 12/16/36 _ 15 292 sown Casino. granted night_ club permit 12/16/36 15 303 "T° MISCELLANEOUS 12 Book Page Teddy's Place granted beer and wine license 1-6-37 Tides Cocktail liquor license 15 326 Bar -_granted 1-6-37 15 329 Thwaites Shore House - granted liquor license 1-6-37 15 329 Tobin. & Baker, Inc.,_ Kahn &- Alpert, and C. L. Clements awarded contract for auto.. liability insuracen. 5124137-- 37— 16 111 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 13 Book Page Tennis Players request appropriation to hell finance trip. 6/7/37 16 137 "Trocadero" granted liquor license for 1937-38 at 1111 Dade Blvd. 7/7/37 16 182 Turner, R E. - given construction permit for utility building at 40th St. & Sheridan Ave. 8@-20-37 16 238 Tobin & Tobin Realty Associates ask permit for parking lot -denied 10-11-37 16 305 Tibs; Taylor Drug Co. and 12th Street Bar granted beer and wine permits il-37 16 30( "T" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Thompson, Bertha F. -complains of noise from Road Side Rest 10-20-37 6 330 Triton Hotel -granted liquor license 11-17-37 16 370 Talbot, N.S.-proposed construction -Aif-pier objected to by City Res_ #4173 12-3-37 16 419 "Trocadero" in Palm Court Hotel ask for liquor license -denied 12-15-37 16,444 Taylor, a. A. -parking lot permit granted .on blots 12 & 13,81k12-15-37 16, 445 "Tai MISCELLANEOUS 15 Book Page Teller, Jaynes J. -granted 2arking lot permits 12-15-37 i6 446 Triton Hotel -report that they are constructing open air bar 12-15-5( 16 446 Tobin Leonard -settlement of accident case,j50.00, authorized 1-5-38 16 465 Tucker Mortgage Co.offer Collins Ave. properties -to -City for park 1-5-3g 16 487 Town Casino granted night club license 1-19-38 16 504 "T" MISCELLANEOUS Yacht "TARPON" denied beer and wine permit 8/16/39 - TONY, S PLACE granted beer and wine license 8/16/39 16 Book Page 18 a3 18 213 "T" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Taylor, G. A. granted parking lot in Block 53,Orchard Sub. 1-19-38 16 504 Thomsen, Sig -granted parking lot on Lot 16 and part of 17, Blk.11, 0. 3. h 2-2-3g -17- 16 17 Thompson, C. G. -assigns Cert. of Public Convenience to White Line Cab Oa._ 3-2-.3& 17 Table Supply CQ-appli cation __to _ sell beer & wine at 41st St.store filed 7-6-38 17 202 " MISCELLANEOUS Tropical Bar wine licens e Table Supply granted beer Book Page 18 granted beer 17 300 Store,4,25 W.41 st St. and wine license 10-26=38 Tropical Tours, Inc. granted travel bureau license 11-2-38 17 332 Hotel TATEM BAR flenied liquor license /16 Teddy's Grille request erecto317 346 canopy referred to City Mgr.11/16/38 17 346 Te11er,Jas.J.-parking lot 12/1/38 17 372 17 313 "1" MISCELLANEOUS 19 Book Pag Turf Bar complains about ro Deed closing hour for bars i271473� 17 396 Thompson, C. G. asks that sidewalks be constructed on one side only in Altos Dei Mar–Section 12/14/38 17 39g Town Casino application for night club permit referred to Bldg_ Dept _ 12/14/38 17 399 Teller, Ja sJ. kin lot re uest (north of BiscayaeCollins Hotel re- ferred–to -City Mgr : - —12f21/38 17 1144 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 20 Book Page Trocadero Club granted beer and wine license 2/1/39 17 462 Thomkin Case- Clerk reports receipt of funds 3-22-39 -16- 19 - Joseph Joseph Tesei awarded marl contract for -Normandy Isle Golf Cour 18 7 Traymore-Corporation granted liquor —license 8-2-39 18 183 -Tarpon Yacht ---riot required to have beer and wine license if not sold while boat is docked 10-4-39 1� 296 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 21 Book Page Table Supply Store granted beer and wine license (155-ATt nr I015/39 1S 3114. Topsy Turvy -granted beer and wine license 10-30-39 18 345 23rd. St.Restaurant Corporation seek night, club permit 11/15/3-9 AA— 375 23rd 8t. Rest: Corp-:-gran#e -n-i-rt club - license providing same is soundproofed 11/11/39 lg 393 T=iter, Jas.J. granted two -parking lot ermita_ 12/6/39 la 410 TOWER HOTEL granted 11mg fioenae 1g 411 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 22 Book Page 23rd St—Restaurant granted liquor license 12/20/39 18 422 Turf Har- proof ofpublisshhing liquor appl i cat ion 3/ 20/40 19 40 ___Turf Bar _ granted liquor license 4/17/40 19 76 Tropical Tours, grant ed travel bureau license 4--17-10 19 82 Triangle Express Co.given permit to Install - gasoline pump-and-t-ank 5/15/40 19 12 "T'' MISCELLANEOUS 23 Book Page Tropical Bar, granted liquor license 5/23/40 19 131 Tibs - granted beer and wine permit (Benedict Burke) 7/26/40 19 201 W. M. Tucker asks City to pave 73rd Street. 9/25/40 19 286 12th Street Bar granted beer and wine 19 340 Buck Grundy granted beer & wine 10/2/40 19 314 W.M.Tueker asks Por streets and sewers i1Narding Townsite 10-9-40 19 323 1Ot '61 Ot -2t-tt'40 1149L 04 PaVL W0a3 •eAy uoaLg egad 04 TTauuoo sewn •w•m- -aelimd, —89t 61 Ofi'-81-11 penuTWoo -0TP peaepao sees aonbTI 1e4og WQJ1 9laq 61 OvOc.-OI esuaoTT _ auTr pug aaaq pa4uea0 - Tnnog ,mans CC9C 6cf O -i -TZ -OT a o u o o T T a-o-nb -i pa u ea8 gnT-o--u444-tzTEL- S9u 6t O-i-tZ-OT asuaoTT aonbTT pavueaS Taq.oH Z9i_ 6t (}r91 -OT-- asuaoTT eup. Put' .xoaq paq.ueaS:•ouI`dour SSS aged Moog iia sfO2NV iaosIK liz I fl U (MTSUELLANEOUS 25 Book Page Therrell, Catchings - reappointed to 4 year term on Civil Service Bd. 19 415 11/20/40 not granted as being contrary to liquor zoning ordinance 12/4/40 19 446 Tucker,W.M.again requests sanitary sewers for Blk. 4 & 7 of Harding Townsite 12/11/40 19 462 Terrane Best. -denied liquor license but granted Beer and wine permit 12/11/40 19, 479 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 26 Book Page Thwaites - granted beer and wine _ license 12/18/40 19 483 Terrace Reataurent granted parking lot permit for area west of their —7mataurant 12/18/40 19 490 Paul Topel - granted parking lot permit f -or-E. 40' Lot ,Blk.37, 0. B;#3 1P/18/40 19 491-. Townsend,Rudolph - again asks for change in zoning on his Lots 7 and 8, B1k.47,0.B. e-3 1/22/41 20 18 "T" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page 27 Terrace Restaurant again ask for liquor license and again advised that same cannot issue to this ad- dress 1/22/4 20 19 Tucker,W.M. again asks City to pave 74th St. and Byron Ave. - no action taken by City I/22/41 20 1 - 12th St.Bar given Beer and wine --license 1/29/41 Taylor,Robt.A. - submits bill for drawing plans of Normandy Isle G 1f Course Clues Oh use - e is asked to hoid matter in abeyan e until City M r. return 25/41 o 34 2 "T" MSCELIANECTJS Tiffany & VYhitelaw Hotels granted parking Lot on Lot 15, Blk.I2, 0. B. #1 2/19/41 Tanner,O.J. offers $500.00 in full 28 Book Page 20 71 settlement of taxes & Liens against - - Lots 1 & 2,B1k.2,and Lot 8,BIk.2, •wns e • 41 82 • T Tanner,O.J.-offer of $500.00 as above stated ordered accepted by City -3/19/41 20 X-13 Teitoh, Dave - tranafer ol5M4rmit_to F3 Kapner authorized 4/16/41 20 178 T MISCELLANEOUS • 29` Book Page Tesei,Jos - awarded contract for furnishing 465-Cbconut trees 4/25/41 20 185 Triton Hotel - granted beer and wine license 5/14/41 20 221 Tomlinson, C. W. - reappointed City Clerk and Tax Cod-iector 67/41 20 270 Temple, Geo. G. asks Co neil to vacate asement i rou n Eas • e __W. Grundy ubdsvision 2 1 20 320 Res.#5301A passed "T" MISCELLANEOUS 30 Book Page Tatem Hotel - Liquor license -County Commissioners to be requested not to issue liquor license until City Ordinances complied with 7/16/41 20 367 Tropical Textile Furniture Co.awarded contract for furnishings in Normandy Isle Club House (Terrace 8/6/41 20 387 and Office furniture) Tower Apt. -Hotel granted liquor license 10-2-41 20 427 The Old Forge granted liquor license 10-2-41 20 427 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 31 Book Page Tatem Hotel granted liquor license 10-3-41 20 441 Tucker,W.M. - asks City to file objec- tion to island construction by Sea Bay Corp. (no action) 10/15/41 20 465 Tatem Hotel and Tatem Surf Club granted liquor license (action of1O 3/41 confiri d) 10/15/41 20 467 The Chatter Box -7450 Ocean Terrace granted liquor license 10/15/41 20 467 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 32 Book Page Tropical Bar asks permission to transfer their liquor license 11/5/41 21 12 Council authorized refund of liquor license fee paid by Tropical Bar 11/6/41 21 15 T.M.G.Corp. request permit for three jitneys. No action. 11/6/41 21 16 Payment of $543.85 to Tropic Textile Co. for equipment at Norm. Isle Golf Course Club House authorized. 11/12/41 21 45