T Miscellaneous_November to December 1941"T" MISCELLANEOUS 33 Book Page Times Square Restaurant request permit to erect non-conf ormi • roof sign. Referred • i_ 11/19/41 21 48 Triton Hotel Bar granted liquor license 11/19/41 21 50 Times Square Restaurant given --pit to -erect sign. 11/24/41 21 70 11 Transfer Companies file petition —as -king Go-u-nci1-ta--r-equ r-e–insurance of such 'ompanies 12/5/41 21 85 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 34. Book Page Liquor license granted Terrace Restaurant. 12/5/41 21 87 Rudolph Townsend asks Council to change zoning regulations on his property on west side of Washington Ave. between 6th and 7th Sts. 12/17/41 21 100 Tiffany Hotel granted parking lot license - Lot 15, Blk. 12, 0.B.#1 742 Taradash Properties, g anted parking/ 21 129 lot license - S. 1/2 Lot 19 and alI Lot 20, Bik. 57 Fisher's 1st Sub. 1/7/42 21 129 "T7 MISCFTJLANEOUS Book Page X2324.30 appropriated for chassis for trash trucks 1/7/42 21 130 Request of Tooley -Myron Studios for permission to solicit in M.B. referred to Citygr. and City Attorney 121/42 21 147 Homestead exemption on 1941 taxes granted I.L.Hunt on Lot 16, Blk. F, Fairgreen in amount of $95.59 21 171 'rd. to amend Tip Sheet Ord. given 1st reading. 2/4/42 21 173 35 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 36 Book --_Page _ Theodore's Barbecue Heaven granted beer and wine license 2/25/42 21 214 Trocadero Regtaurant granted liquor license 3/4/42 21 226 Turf Bar liquor license transferred from J.W.Pacetti to J.J.Stender 4/1/42 21 253 Table Supply Co.granted beer and wine license at 515 W.41st St. 4/15/42 21 270 Tel -Aviv Rest.granted bee and wine liceng 4/28/42 21 294 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 37 Book Page Teddy's Luncheonette granted beer and wine license 5/6/2 21 301 Taradash, Wm. granted beer and wine license (711 Wash.Ave.) 7/1/42 21 3146 Tropical Gardens granted beer and wine license 7/9/4.2 21 380 Tiny's Bar granged beer and wine ' license p 7/9/42 21 380 1 ,,-U ted fie, -&x-pi 67/ %. . ( v'LU--«- ) 7- , - 9.Z a / - 3;�� "T" MISCELLANEOUS 3$ Book Page TROPICAL GRILL graded beer and wine license 10-7-42 TERRACE REST. & CORFEE SHOP granted beer and wine license 10-7-42 TROCADERO CLUB granted beer and wine license 10/21/42 21 428 21 428 21 441 TURF Restaurant granted beer and wine license (Chas.Levy) 11/25/42 21 471 Tessler, Joseph -granted beer and wine license for 655 Collins Ave. 12/2/42 21 472 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 39 Book Page. Texas Co. ask City to reduce their occupational license fee - denied Jan. 6th, 1943 21 499 Triton Hotel Cocktail Lounge given tentative approval for liquor license 1/15/43 22 8 Treso Rest, - beer and wine application filed with Romanols application 11 TRITON HOT/23' 38 EL Cocktail Bar grantliquor license 2/3/43 22 18 "T" MISCELLANEOUS Tropical Grill (Ramagosa) granted beer and wine license 2/3/43 12th Street Bar granted beer and wins-license—(McRae) 2/17/43 217 BarkLeger) granted beer and wine license 4/21/43 Turf BarppItcation_for_licluor 4/21/43 4Topics" granted beer and wine license 5/5/43 4o Book Page 22 18 22 32 22 84 22 84 22 88 "T" M.L UI LLANEOUS Book rage Turf Bax (Faier) granted _liquor license 5/5/43 22 88 THOMAS THOMAS granted Homestead ex- emption for 192 by Tax Assessor 5/19/4-3- 22 99 Teddy's Bar & Grill- Sam' 1. J. Uresse) granted beer & wine 10/6/43 22 179 Tropics _( Geraldine Dorfman) gra i t -ed - beer & wine license 10/6/43 22 179 12th St. Bar (Emile J. Sche) grented beer & wine_11.0. 10/b/43 22 -_-_In ET" MISCELLANEOUS 42 BOOK PAGE_ Ordinance No. 692 adopted making it unlawful to throw trash in/gutters 22 192 Trocadero Restaurant (Louise Voiler) given beer & wine license 12/1/43 22 221 Trixie's Tavern (Trixie Kennedy) granted beer & wine license 12/1/43 22 223 Teddy's Bar & Grill given beer & wine license 12/15/43 22 238 Twelfth Street Bar granted beer & wine license 1/19/44 22 250 "T" Miscellaneous 43 BOOK PAGE Tropical Bar (Shaw & Wintner) granted liquor license 3/15/44 22 299 217 BAR granted beer and wine license 4/5/44 22 310 Paul C. Taylor asks Council to defer action on application of M. B. Boat Corp. to extend slips into bay 500 feet 4/5/44 22 311 Paul C. Taylor, representing Sunset Islands 3 & 4 Property Owners Ass°n. protests extension of boat slips 4/19/44 22 312 HT" Miscellaneous 44. Book Page Tropical Bar (Solloway, Fink & Byer) granted liquor license 5/3/44 22 320 12th Street Bar (Gesterling) ranterated beer & wi e_lice se 5/3/4,4 22 320 p d wine I .4,-4A:fed / tDDy's Sj171gq 22. 32 alk of the Town granted beer and wine license subject 6/21/44 22 347 to receipt of police record Beer & wine license granted Terrace Coffee Shop 7/19/44 22 376 Liquor license granted TROPICAL BAR (Stroud) 7/5/44 22 362 "T" Miscellaneous 45. Book Page Beer and wine license granted the TROPICS 10/4/44 22 412 Terrace Restaurant granted liquor license 10/20/44 22 417 Talk o'the Town granted beer and wine license (Lipman) 10/20/44 22 420 Liquor license granted TROCADERO RESTAURANT (Voiler) in 600 -chair restaurant 11/15/44 22 435 Thrifty Food Center & Taylor Drug granted beer & wine 12/6/44 22 443 "T" Miscellaneous 46. Book Page Chas. Tobin asks Council to make check of a Firestone Hotel which is advertising in papers 12/20/44 22 449 Tides Hotel (Sochat) granted liquor license 12/20/44 22 451 Beer and wine licenseranted TALK O'THE TOWN (Young) 2/7/45 22 469 TROPICAL BAR (Swichkow) and TWELFTH ST. BAR (Gesterling) granted beer & wine licenses 3/21/45 23 16 "T" Miscellaneous 47. Book Page Wm. Taradash asks that his liquor application for 1461 Washington Ave. be placed of record 5/2/45 23 6o kiscellaneoua 4711 Book Page Temple Beth Sholem given permit to use property described as Lots 28 to 31, Block 2, Nursery for church and community 'louse purposes 5/2/45 23 6o T & C Good Food Shop (Rosner) granted beer & wine license 5/16/45 23 g9 Beer & wine license granted Thrifty Food Center (Stein) 6/6/45 23 108 Tides Hotel (Bitsach) granted liquor license 7/18/45 23 153 "T" Miscellaneous Talk 0°the Town (Kunin) beer and wine license Teddy's granted beer and wine license 4�. Book Page granted 7/18/45 23 155 8/17/45 23 201 Tides Hotel and Triton Hotel given liquor licenses 10/3/45 23 235 Tides Hotel granted liquor license. 11/21/45 23 293 Typhoon Club asks use of Flamingo Park ball field for high school games — 12/5/45 23 307 "T" Miscellaneous 49 Book Page Liquor licenses granted Tower Hotel* Club Tahitian 2/6/46 23 386 Typhoon Club requests tilt City construct football field in Flamingo Park - Council takes no actibn 5/1/46 214 48 Typhoon Club (L. Murray Dixon) again requests football field in Flamingo Park and Council appropriates $20,000 for con- struction of field 5/15/46 24 87 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 50 Book Page 12th Street Bar granted beer and wine license 5/15/x+6 24 89 Liquor license granted Club Tahitian 7/17/46 24 192 Tropical Grill is granted beer and wine license 8/21/46 24 257 Beer and wine licenses granted Teppers Market & Trachtenberg's Market 9/18/46 24 289 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 51 Book Page Ben Turchin is44pointed on Public Relations Advisory Committee 11/6/46 24 378 True Farm Food granted beer license 11/6/46 24 380 Terminal Coach Co. files application for certificate of public convenience and necessity 11/6/46 24 387 Plat of Tatum Waterway Sub- division approved 11/6/46 24 387 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 52 Book Page Tower Hotel granted liquor license 12/4/46 24 413 Bids rejected for Tatum Waterway sewers 12/4/46 24 418 Kenneth Thompson appointed Assistant City Manager and Director of Personnel 2/5/47 24 477 (SEE SPECIAL CARD) Triton Hotel granted transfer of liquor license 4/2/47 25 64 "T" MISCELLANEOUS: 53 Book Page Harold Turk' defeated in 1947 city election, says he will ask for recount and recanvass and asks that elected Council- men not be seated 6/4/47 25 199 Tropical Grill granted beer license 7/16/47 25 279 Isadore Tannen given permit to operate retail bakery at 515 41st St. 8/6/47 25 325 "T" MISCELLANEOUS. 12th Street Bar granted beer license Council takes no action on Milton Steinhardt's request that Council vacate a portion of Tatum Waterway Table Supply Store at 535 41st St. Granted beer license 5L+ Book Page 9/3/47 25 351 10/1/47 25 415 10/15/47 25 418 "T" MISCELLANEOUS Council denies Milton Steinhardt's request for vacation of portion of Tatum Waterway Trocadero Restaurant granted liquor license Teddy's Bar & Grill & Table Supply Store granted beer licenses Jos. Tessler offers to sell Lots 17,18,19, Blk. 45, Commercial, for off-street parkine 11/5/47 10/15/1+7 11/5/1+7 11/5/1+7 55 Book Page 25 1+35 25 1+53 25 1+53 25 463 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 56 Book Page Turoff Bros. Sandwich Shop and Triangle Restaurant granted beer licenses 11/19/47 25 478 Tropical Grill granted beer license 12/4/47 26 3 Tropic Bar and Thomson's Food Shop granted beer licenses 12/17/47 26 26 Tides Hotel and Tony's Bar granted liquor licenses 12/17/47 26 28 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 57 Book Page On request of Ben Cohen, Council instructs City Attorney to draw ordinance vacating 32nd St. from Collins to ocean in exchange for widening 31st and 33rd Sts. 1/7/48 26 38 Council denies request for closing of 32nd St. from Collins to ocean 1/28/48 26 158 Jos. Tessler, through Thos. Crouse, again offers property for off-street parking 1/28/48 26 164 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 58 Book Page Beer license granted Tropical Grill 2/4/48 26 167 Thos. Crouse advised that Jos. Tessler's offer to sell property at 16th and West Ave. is before Parking Committee 2/11/48 26 189 Tropics Bar granted beer license 3/17/48 26 255 Council takes no action on request of Jos. Tessler for adjustment of imp. liens 3/17/48 26 269 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 59 Book Page Council asked to alleviate disturbances at Table Supply Store at 833 6th St. - matter is referred to Traffic Dept. 5/19/48 26 360 Tropical Grill granted beer license 6/2/48 26 362 Geo. Bunnell, Inc. asks ,City not to accept dedication of Tatum Waterway bridge 6/16/48 26 411 Toub's Delicatessen granted beer and wine license 8/4/48 27 3 "T" MISCELLANEOUS Tahiti Bar granted liquor license Encroachm is in 23rd St. from £n Road to byy ordered removed Turf Bar granted liquor license Ben Turchin resigns from Public Relations Advisory Committee 6o Book Page 8/4/48 27 4 9/1/48 27 7o 9/15/48 27 95 10/7/48 27 129 "T" MISCELLANEOUS 61 Book Page Travel Tax - City Attorney asked to investigate possibility of removing it 6/1/49 28 169 Res. #7087, granting Kenneth Thompson leave of absence as Ass/t. City Manager and Director of Personnel a until June 5, 1951 1-1-50 29 121 Mr. Thompson given extra week's salary 1-4-50 29 122 Mr. Thompson given vacation pay for 8 weeks 1-11-50 29 134