T Miscellaneous_November to December 1941"T" MISCELLANEOUS 33
Book Page
Times Square Restaurant request
permit to erect non-conf ormi •
roof sign. Referred •
11/19/41 21 48
Triton Hotel Bar granted liquor
license 11/19/41 21 50
Times Square Restaurant given
--pit to -erect sign. 11/24/41 21 70
11 Transfer Companies file petition
—as -king Go-u-nci1-ta--r-equ r-e–insurance
of such 'ompanies 12/5/41 21 85
Book Page
Liquor license granted Terrace
Restaurant. 12/5/41 21 87
Rudolph Townsend asks Council
to change zoning regulations
on his property on west side
of Washington Ave. between 6th
and 7th Sts. 12/17/41 21 100
Tiffany Hotel granted parking lot
license - Lot 15, Blk. 12, 0.B.#1
Taradash Properties, g anted parking/
21 129
lot license - S. 1/2 Lot 19 and alI
Lot 20, Bik. 57 Fisher's 1st Sub.
1/7/42 21 129
Book Page
X2324.30 appropriated for chassis
for trash trucks 1/7/42 21 130
Request of Tooley -Myron Studios
for permission to solicit in
M.B. referred to Citygr. and
City Attorney 121/42 21 147
Homestead exemption on 1941 taxes
granted I.L.Hunt on Lot 16, Blk. F,
Fairgreen in amount of $95.59 21 171
'rd. to amend Tip Sheet Ord.
given 1st reading. 2/4/42 21 173
Book --_Page _
Theodore's Barbecue Heaven granted
beer and wine license 2/25/42 21 214
Trocadero Regtaurant granted liquor
license 3/4/42 21 226
Turf Bar liquor license transferred
from J.W.Pacetti to J.J.Stender
4/1/42 21 253
Table Supply Co.granted beer and wine
license at 515 W.41st St. 4/15/42 21 270
Tel -Aviv Rest.granted bee and wine
liceng 4/28/42 21 294
Book Page
Teddy's Luncheonette granted beer
and wine license 5/6/2 21 301
Taradash, Wm. granted beer and wine
license (711 Wash.Ave.) 7/1/42 21 3146
Tropical Gardens granted beer and
wine license 7/9/4.2 21 380
Tiny's Bar granged beer and wine '
license p 7/9/42 21 380
1 ,,-U ted fie, -&x-pi
67/ %. . ( v'LU--«- ) 7- , - 9.Z a / - 3;��
Book Page
TROPICAL GRILL graded beer and
wine license 10-7-42
granted beer and wine license
TROCADERO CLUB granted beer and
wine license 10/21/42
21 428
21 428
21 441
TURF Restaurant granted beer and wine
license (Chas.Levy) 11/25/42 21 471
Tessler, Joseph -granted beer and wine
license for 655 Collins Ave. 12/2/42 21 472
Book Page.
Texas Co. ask City to reduce their
occupational license fee - denied
Jan. 6th, 1943 21 499
Triton Hotel Cocktail Lounge given
tentative approval for liquor license
1/15/43 22 8
Treso Rest, - beer and wine application
filed with Romanols application
EL Cocktail Bar grantliquor
license 2/3/43 22 18
Tropical Grill (Ramagosa) granted
beer and wine license 2/3/43
12th Street Bar granted beer and
wins-license—(McRae) 2/17/43
217 BarkLeger) granted beer and
wine license 4/21/43
Turf BarppItcation_for_licluor
4Topics" granted beer and wine
license 5/5/43
Book Page
22 18
22 32
22 84
22 84
22 88
Book rage
Turf Bax (Faier) granted _liquor
license 5/5/43 22 88
THOMAS THOMAS granted Homestead ex-
emption for 192 by Tax Assessor
5/19/4-3- 22 99
Teddy's Bar & Grill- Sam' 1. J.
Uresse) granted beer & wine 10/6/43 22 179
Tropics _( Geraldine Dorfman) gra i t -ed -
beer & wine license 10/6/43 22 179
12th St. Bar (Emile J. Sche)
grented beer & wine_11.0. 10/b/43 22 -_-_In
Ordinance No. 692 adopted making it
unlawful to throw trash in/gutters 22 192
Trocadero Restaurant (Louise Voiler)
given beer & wine license 12/1/43 22 221
Trixie's Tavern (Trixie Kennedy) granted
beer & wine license 12/1/43 22 223
Teddy's Bar & Grill given beer &
wine license 12/15/43 22 238
Twelfth Street Bar granted beer
& wine license 1/19/44 22 250
"T" Miscellaneous 43
Tropical Bar (Shaw & Wintner)
granted liquor license 3/15/44 22 299
217 BAR granted beer and wine
license 4/5/44 22 310
Paul C. Taylor asks Council to
defer action on application of
M. B. Boat Corp. to extend slips
into bay 500 feet 4/5/44 22 311
Paul C. Taylor, representing Sunset
Islands 3 & 4 Property Owners Ass°n.
protests extension of boat slips
4/19/44 22 312
HT" Miscellaneous 44.
Book Page
Tropical Bar (Solloway, Fink & Byer)
granted liquor license 5/3/44 22 320
12th Street Bar (Gesterling)
ranterated beer & wi e_lice se 5/3/4,4 22 320
wine I .4,-4A:fed / tDDy's Sj171gq 22. 32
alk of the Town granted beer
and wine license subject 6/21/44 22 347
to receipt of police record
Beer & wine license granted
Terrace Coffee Shop 7/19/44 22 376
Liquor license granted
TROPICAL BAR (Stroud) 7/5/44 22 362
"T" Miscellaneous 45.
Book Page
Beer and wine license granted
the TROPICS 10/4/44 22 412
Terrace Restaurant granted
liquor license 10/20/44 22 417
Talk o'the Town granted beer
and wine license (Lipman) 10/20/44 22 420
Liquor license granted
in 600 -chair restaurant 11/15/44 22 435
Thrifty Food Center & Taylor
Drug granted beer & wine 12/6/44 22 443
"T" Miscellaneous 46.
Book Page
Chas. Tobin asks Council to make
check of a Firestone Hotel which
is advertising in papers 12/20/44 22 449
Tides Hotel (Sochat) granted
liquor license 12/20/44 22 451
Beer and wine licenseranted
TALK O'THE TOWN (Young) 2/7/45 22 469
TROPICAL BAR (Swichkow) and
TWELFTH ST. BAR (Gesterling)
granted beer & wine licenses 3/21/45 23 16
"T" Miscellaneous
Book Page
Wm. Taradash asks that his liquor
application for 1461 Washington
Ave. be placed of record 5/2/45 23 6o
kiscellaneoua 4711
Book Page
Temple Beth Sholem given permit to
use property described as Lots 28
to 31, Block 2, Nursery for church
and community 'louse purposes 5/2/45 23 6o
T & C Good Food Shop (Rosner)
granted beer & wine license 5/16/45 23 g9
Beer & wine license granted
Thrifty Food Center (Stein) 6/6/45 23 108
Tides Hotel (Bitsach)
granted liquor license 7/18/45 23 153
"T" Miscellaneous
Talk 0°the Town (Kunin)
beer and wine license
Teddy's granted beer
and wine license
Book Page
7/18/45 23 155
23 201
Tides Hotel and Triton
Hotel given liquor licenses 10/3/45 23 235
Tides Hotel granted liquor
license. 11/21/45 23 293
Typhoon Club asks use of
Flamingo Park ball field
for high school games — 12/5/45 23 307
"T" Miscellaneous 49
Book Page
Liquor licenses granted Tower
Hotel* Club Tahitian 2/6/46 23 386
Typhoon Club requests tilt City
construct football field in
Flamingo Park - Council takes
no actibn 5/1/46 214 48
Typhoon Club (L. Murray Dixon)
again requests football field
in Flamingo Park and Council
appropriates $20,000 for con-
struction of field 5/15/46 24 87
Book Page
12th Street Bar granted
beer and wine license 5/15/x+6 24 89
Liquor license granted
Club Tahitian 7/17/46 24 192
Tropical Grill is granted
beer and wine license 8/21/46 24 257
Beer and wine licenses
granted Teppers Market &
Trachtenberg's Market 9/18/46 24 289
Book Page
Ben Turchin is44pointed on
Public Relations Advisory
Committee 11/6/46 24 378
True Farm Food granted
beer license 11/6/46 24 380
Terminal Coach Co. files
application for certificate
of public convenience and
necessity 11/6/46 24 387
Plat of Tatum Waterway Sub-
division approved 11/6/46 24 387
Book Page
Tower Hotel granted
liquor license 12/4/46 24 413
Bids rejected for Tatum
Waterway sewers 12/4/46 24 418
Kenneth Thompson appointed
Assistant City Manager
and Director of Personnel 2/5/47 24 477
Triton Hotel granted
transfer of liquor license 4/2/47 25 64
Book Page
Harold Turk' defeated in 1947
city election, says he will
ask for recount and recanvass
and asks that elected Council-
men not be seated 6/4/47 25 199
Tropical Grill granted
beer license 7/16/47 25 279
Isadore Tannen given permit
to operate retail bakery
at 515 41st St. 8/6/47 25 325
12th Street Bar granted
beer license
Council takes no action
on Milton Steinhardt's
request that Council
vacate a portion of Tatum
Table Supply Store at 535
41st St. Granted beer
Book Page
9/3/47 25 351
10/1/47 25 415
10/15/47 25 418
Council denies Milton
Steinhardt's request for
vacation of portion of
Tatum Waterway
Trocadero Restaurant
granted liquor license
Teddy's Bar & Grill &
Table Supply Store
granted beer licenses
Jos. Tessler offers to
sell Lots 17,18,19, Blk.
45, Commercial, for
off-street parkine 11/5/47
Book Page
25 1+35
25 1+53
25 1+53
25 463
Book Page
Turoff Bros. Sandwich Shop
and Triangle Restaurant
granted beer licenses 11/19/47 25 478
Tropical Grill granted
beer license 12/4/47 26 3
Tropic Bar and Thomson's
Food Shop granted beer
licenses 12/17/47 26 26
Tides Hotel and Tony's
Bar granted liquor
licenses 12/17/47 26 28
Book Page
On request of Ben Cohen,
Council instructs City Attorney
to draw ordinance vacating
32nd St. from Collins to ocean
in exchange for widening 31st
and 33rd Sts. 1/7/48 26 38
Council denies request for
closing of 32nd St. from
Collins to ocean 1/28/48 26 158
Jos. Tessler, through Thos.
Crouse, again offers
property for off-street
parking 1/28/48 26 164
Book Page
Beer license granted
Tropical Grill 2/4/48 26 167
Thos. Crouse advised
that Jos. Tessler's
offer to sell property
at 16th and West Ave.
is before Parking Committee 2/11/48 26 189
Tropics Bar granted
beer license 3/17/48 26 255
Council takes no action on
request of Jos. Tessler for
adjustment of imp. liens 3/17/48 26 269
Book Page
Council asked to alleviate
disturbances at Table Supply
Store at 833 6th St. - matter
is referred to Traffic Dept. 5/19/48 26 360
Tropical Grill granted
beer license 6/2/48 26 362
Geo. Bunnell, Inc. asks
,City not to accept dedication
of Tatum Waterway bridge 6/16/48 26 411
Toub's Delicatessen granted
beer and wine license 8/4/48 27 3
Tahiti Bar granted
liquor license
Encroachm is in 23rd
St. from £n Road to
byy ordered removed
Turf Bar granted liquor
Ben Turchin resigns from
Public Relations Advisory
Book Page
8/4/48 27 4
9/1/48 27 7o
9/15/48 27 95
10/7/48 27 129
Book Page
Travel Tax - City Attorney
asked to investigate
possibility of removing it 6/1/49 28 169
Res. #7087, granting
Kenneth Thompson leave
of absence as Ass/t. City
Manager and Director of
Personnel a until June
5, 1951 1-1-50 29 121
Mr. Thompson given extra
week's salary 1-4-50 29 122
Mr. Thompson given vacation
pay for 8 weeks 1-11-50 29 134