Taxicabs & For-Hire Cars_August 1927 to February 1933,.3XICABS Rules & Regulations:Ordinance Prohibiting Tipping: " Discussion on Tipping Drivers lst & 2nd Reading Ordinance nrohibiting tipping 12-7-32 1rd Reading above Ordinance 1-5-33 Taxi Companies urge ordinance fixing taxi rates Form of Ord. presented Again request for Ordinance governing business & rates 2-1-33 Required to equip with. meters 2-8-37 BOOK,PAGE 8, 38 11. 11, 318 231 8-17-27 282 4-22&-3.2 1-5-33 1-18-33 11 449 11 , x-75 T1, 474 11,484 11,493 11, 4qq Jan. 15th, 19360. E.R.Lindabury S.H.Saunders Wm. H. Miller Club Transportation H. B. Wylly Everett Swan Michael Sirota 1/29/360 Service " 2/5/36 2/5/36 109 Permits 2 1 2 2 11 TAXICABS 2 • Book Page City Mgr. and Councilman Keul— ing appointed committee on taxi rates. 11/15/33 12 183 lst & 2nd Readings Ordinance regu— lating taxicabs 12/4/33 12 am Radio Cab protests above Ord. 12/4/33 " " further protests n 12/6/33 12, 202 3rd Reading Taxicab ord335 12/11/33 12, 206 Taxicab &_For Hire Car Operators present petition for Protective Ordi.5/2/34 12, 401 TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS. 3 - Book Page .BookPage Taxicab and for hire car operators again request passage of ordinance for their protection 5/16/34 12 412 Atty. Ben Cohen urges passage of above ordinance 6/6/3)+ 121 417 Taxicab ordinance refereed to City Attorney Cisco; two representa- tives of Taxi Assn. to confer with City Atty.& City Mgr.on same 7/5/4. 12, 474 1st & 2nd Readings Taxicab Ordinance 3rd6Reading Taxicab Ord.356 #/316/3 12x 5 7/25/34 13 9 TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS 4. Book Page -Drivers of for -hire cars and taxi- cabs required to take examination forORDTVANOEHNt7-3.60- 1-03/34-- 13 98 Certificate of Public Applications Convenience & Necessity filed 10/313+ 13 100 Hearing on above set for 10/15/34 " 13 101 Hearing held 10/15/34 on above appli- cations. Tab lion fil0c. e 10/15/34 13 11g ORDINANCE Mo `�} 3 readings at one time (Emergency) repe ling No. 360 •: - - - _ •4 TAXI CAB S & FOR -HIRE CARS Cert. of Public Convenience & Necessity granted to those having permits last year for the same number of cars 10/31/34 5. Book Page 13 135 Complaints filed to issuance of per- mits to Sam Marks & Segal Taxi Co. 11/21/34 13, 161 Taxicab Assn. request inspector for enforcement of Ordinance 11/21/34 13, 170 Ord. {#368 passed as emergency orov' d br inspection of For -Hire cars 17"2/35 13, 227 TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS 6. Book Page Action of Council on Oct.31st,re® scinded and. Certificates ordered issued to certain persons & firms 1/2/35 13, 228 Request for amendment to Ordinance fixing taxi rates 1/9/35 Sall Singer, granted Certificate of Convenience 1/9/35 City Attyl to prepare Ord.amending taxi rates 1/14/35 13, 230 13, 230 13, 232 TAXI CABS & FOR HIRE CARS 7• Book Page Blue & Gray Cab Cols request for three additional Taxi Cabs was denied. 1/30/35/ 13 263 Certificates transferred in case of Cortland and Marks -4/15/35 13 357 Applications for Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity filed. 10/2/35. Hearing called for 10/16/35. Hearing held on above 10/16/35 Petition filed on above applications u 14 131 14 133 14 133 TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS, 8. Book Page a.E.Phillips urges Oert.be granted him 10/16/35 14 133 Assignment .of 3 for hire -permits -or Al--HioltIand to Edwin Nyberg _authorized 1025/35 14 164 Cert. -of -Convenience and necessity -- granted to those holding permits last year for same number of oars 10/25/35 14 164- _Anprov i given for ass inment of 32 taxicab permits held by Edw.Nyberg 14 236 TAXICABS AND FOR -HIRE CARS 9 Book Page Certificates of Public Convenience and necessity granted follciiihg: Audean---Burton-(-13 -Thomas -01-Brien ( 1 Bernard Chauncey (4) 12/30/35 14 254 Joa,M,Klein granted_aertificates_of Convenience for 2 for hire ears 1/8/36 14 267 Harry L. Crawford and. ?.Barenblatt granted:- Oblitificat es of Cbnvenience --for-one-car-eadh 1/0436 -14- 267 Xlert..oiConvenience granted as follows: C.R.Lindaburx (cp, S.H.Saunder 1),VM- H.Miller (2) lub-Trans.Ser. t2 .B. WIalulAl- -1/29/36 14 _246 TAXICABS AND FOR -HIRE CARS 10. Book Page grarttegaB T IXOOWB elto Eves s ty wan and 1 to Michael Sirota 2/5/36 14 295 Granting of additional taxi permits left to City Mgr. 2/19/36 14 310 —Haar. - . . • :a- 936, on 1936-37 permits for Cert. of Con- venience & Necessity 9-30-36 -15 156 .B:Pxxi & horMlre-A-sen. complain of M_ 1a- 6 1 160 TAXICABS AND FOR HIRE CARS 11. Book Page City Attorney's opinion filed on "open" taxi stands 10-7=36- 15 166 M.B.For Hire Assn.petition that -Oerti-fi-eates-af-0onvenience fie granted th e_ whoi.eld them 1e.at gear 10-21-36 15 176 -Applicants-for Certificates of convenience interviewed 10-21-36 15 176 Hearing _to he held Nov. -1211936 on OPEN taxi stands 11-4-36 15 20g Peti tel Men's Assn. presented on Open_.stands 11-5-36 15 217 TAXICABS & FOR -HIRE CARS 12. Book Page M.B.Taxi.& For -Hire Men's Assn. urge )pen stands - 11-5-36 15 217 -Council agrees to continue same policy as in past year re: taxi itands 15 217 Council agrees to issue --1 Certifi- cates of Convenience to those who had same last year and where asked for again 11-18-36 Suggestions made -as- to issuance of -art: -of £onvenlence -11.18-36 15 232 15 233 W XICABS &FOR HIRE CAR$ 13. Hook Page List of applicants granted permits for Certificate of Convenience Dec-2nd,1936 15 274- ord.#464. amending Ord-,-#258 re designation of taxi stands 12/9/36 15 2s5 Ord. #465 amending Ord.#255 re carrying on of business in street -without p- lawful possession of property abutt- ing on that portion of 15 285 Cert.of Conv.grannted H.W.Stubbs(2L Philip Heims (1) &m.12-9- 5 ega� 1 2g6 ± _r TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS 14 Book Page _V e-nat i 8 n 8hortway}I.nc�grarit ed 8 Certificates of Public Convenience lRes.#5789 12-9-36 15 286 M.J.Johnson given permit to pick up passengers for fishing pier 1-2'3-37 5 -Louis Dovs_ permit to Eddie Bell 3-3-37 15 423 Ordinance limiting number of taxis and for -hire cars given 1st & 2nd readings .9=-15-37 16 2558 TAXICABS & FOR HIR CARS 15 Book Page 3rd --ding Orainanee limiting number of cabs deferred. 10-6-37 16 288 Applications for Certificates of Public Convenience & Necessity W ;Wr. w • 0 p a ionsfor 1937-3g Cert1fizates_of_Puh1 i on, venience and. Necessity 10-.15-7 16 327 Above applications taken under it a- - " " TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS 1b. Book Page lst; 2nd and 3rd Reading of Ord.No.502 prohibiting taxicab drivers and others from divert- ing passengers from one place ov. 17,1937 1• 3.3 O ano er Otto Stegemann urges that only 150 Certificates for Public Convenience and Necessity be--granted--11 19-37 16 372- �eadh rans3t Assn.Itter urging ts- suance of more Cert. 11-2-37 16 387 Applications for Cert.of Convenience & Necessity granted 11-211_37 16 387 (See list) TAXICABS & FR HIRE CARS r ,` Committee appointed Meyer,Cleary & hice-tr grant permits 11-24-37 Committee reports on new taxi and for hire oar permits —18-0 (See minutes for list) Committee to make recommendations 17 Book ��� on balance of applications for Cert. of Conven-j.ehce 12=3-37 35 Louis Dovaky granted one Cert. of Convenience & Necessity 1? -8-37 16 440 Taxicab stands to be made open in front of ba -restaurants and other places 1P-,15-37 16 445 TAXICABS AND FOR HIRE CARS Book 18 Page Thomas O'Brien granted one Cert. of Convenience 12-22-37 16 Louis Dovsky transfers his Cert. to W. R. Pritchard 12-22-37 16 Frederick Becker complains of Conti ing htaxi stand 12-22-37 16 -Ma:Meyer-and City -Manager to - draw ordinance regulating taxi stands 2-37 16 Walter Shawls transfer f-uerz.to 464 464 Stanley Yasner authorized 1-5-38 16 458 458 467 Convenience • 1-5-38 16 484 TAXICABS AND FOR HIRE GARS Inspection fee for taxicabs and for -hire oars waived during pared by City Atty. 1-5-3g 19. Book Page 16 lig7 John Condo and Louis Dovsky ask for taxi permits (referred to Committee) 1-19-3g 16 490 1st & 2nd readings Ordinance amArdi ng Ord.#356 re:inspection of taxicabs and for -hire cars 1-19-3g 16 -501- Petition presented for change in taxi. rates (no action) 2-2-3g 17 16 TAXICABS AND FUR -HIRE CARS 20. Book Page Transfer of taxi permits left to discretion of City Mgr. -Howard -Vag and Sidney Schwartz to Stanley Yasner 2-16-3g 17 37 Assignment of C. G. Thompson permits to W ite Line Cab Co. approved 3-2=38--17 Transfers of tax permits authorized as follows: 3-2-3g 17 61 Henry Saganas to S. P. Mount Edwin Nyberg to Bernard Chaunay -Transfer of Cert . of Convenience aut i6- 3-16-38- ried as ghn-to S.Yas-ner- 17 TAXICABS AND FOR -HIRE CARS Transfers of Cert. of Convenience from H.R.Criswell to M.Wallenstein and Edwin Nyberg,Jr. to Bernard Chauncey 4-6-38 21 Book Page 17 93 Transfer of 2 tax permits from Warren J.Murray to Wilbert R. Pritchard 5-4--3g 17 142 Transfer of taxi permits held by Phillips Heims to J. T. Call ery 8-3-3g 17 -_234 1st _& 2nd Readings Ord.amending Sect. 14-A of Ord. #356 re: inspection of taxicabs 8-3-38 -17-- 235 TAXICABS AND FOPL-HIRE CARS 22. Book Page Final Reading Ord. #521 amending Taxi Ord.#35o re inspection 8-17-38 17 2514- Taxi 54 Taxi permits transferred from H.B. Wylly to A. H. Binder 9-27-38 17 293 TAXICABS & FOR -HIRE CARS 23 Book Page Clerk reports applications for Certificates of' Public Convenience & Necessity filed for 1938--39 10-19-38 17 296 Nov. 14-th, 1938 set as date for hearing on applications 10-19-38 17 298 Atty.Morehead representing M.B.Hotel Assn. addresses Council on taxi stands and payment of"turkey"money 11 -?4-38 17 336 Council advise they have agreed on closed stands this season 11-1---38 17 336 Cert.of Public Convenience & Necessity given those who had 'permits last yea, pro- , thou fi 1 ad hP-Pnra Oct. lst il4/58 17,336 TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS 24 Book Page Stanley Yasner complains of Sight- seeing bus competition I1/9/3g- 17 339 23)a plications for Certificate of Co repine & Necessity glrnt 17—� Sam Marks urges Council to reduce number of taxi and for -hire permits Councilman Burbridge-objects to in creased number of permits 11/16/3 17 345 Clerk instructed to sue only to those who held permits last year 11/16/35 17,3 TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS 25 Book Page Petition of operators o_f motes vehicles urging that no additional taxi & for hire permits be issued over last year _ - 1-1/23/3 17 _361 All taxi and for -hire permits authorized issued except tho e- having filed apps i cations after Oct 1Rt 11/23/38 17 361 Barenblatt-Ferdinand asks for additional taxi -permit 11/311f3$ 17 36� TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS 26. Book Page 7 additional taxi and for -hire permits authorized 11/30/38 717- (3), IT(3), Jerome eoodman (2),Myer M. ifallenstein (1) Fla.Transportation Co.granted 1 ermit for Sightseeing Bus 12/7 38 17 383 Taxi & For -Hire men object to issuance -of-Sight-seeing-permits 12/7/38 17 383 ILiLill er given p emit-to-opera-te- taxi stand 12/8/38 17 394 No action taken on request of Davis Tours for slight seeing bus 12/8/38 17 39-4