Taxicabs & For-Hire Cars_December 1938 to January 1939Taxi -CAB & FOR -HIRE CARS 27 Book Page Sam Marks request for bus permit referred to City Mgr. 12/21/3g 17 404 1st, 2nd & 3rd, eadings Ord. 537 ame ndi ng #502 urkey Monea 1-4-39 17 4i Petition from Taxicab operators urging raise in rates 1-4-59 17 420 i st 4*Ii-Reallngt-Ordinan o e rai s- ing tax-iaab-r-ate$- -L-14-3-9 17 420 Leo Bradley granted Certificate of Convenience 1-4-39 17 421 TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS Fla. Transportation Co.again seek additional sightseeing � g -- jno-action-)- __- - 1-4-39 2g Book Page 17 -1.2-1 -Sight seeing -per -mit s -granted Sigmund Berger,Harry Miller,Stanley Yasner, Samuel 0ohen,Edw.Bell (Sedans) A. Harold Binder 1 6-39 17 435 Certificate of Public Convenience granted_to Harry -Miller 1-I 39 17-- 6 Iraqeading Ord. #539 __raising taxicab rates 1-1S-39 17 446 TAXICABS AND FOR HIRE CARS 29 Book Page Club Trans.Co.request permit to use aero car for sightseeing/purposesl7 469 _.F'le.Trans. Co. request permit__to__ put on another bus 3/1/39 17 486 ( referred to City gr.) Yasner,Stanley- requests change of his Sight s-eei ng P e.._.,, t f- Bu$ -permit 7-1973918 164 -Yasner, Stanley, grant ed exc-hangedf his ligi tree rgermit-for bus-p-ermit 8116/39 18 217 Ole _ 1939-40 Certificates of Convenience & N es#ty TAXICABS & FOR -HIRE CARS 30. Book Page_ Hearing set for Oct.3Oth,1939 -to consider all app1Toations for Certificates of Convenience - And Necessity10/4/39 18 298 HEARING HELD on granting of _certifi- cates of convenience & necessity Letters-from-taxicatuwners an Cab operators filed 10-.30-39 List anted -Certificate-a of Public Convenience & Necessity for 1939- 71206 granted) 11/17/39 18 393 18 _343 &4 TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS )1 Book Page Taxi men to be—asked_to form into five groups; 11/29/39 1g 396 All taxi stands to be open_ with___ exception of those in front of Motels 11/29/39 6 Complaints filed against L Y and CHAS-.-I--CRESBY ap.d Cert. of Pubo Convenience ordered held up 1/3/40 18 432 FREDERICK BECKER seeks Cert.of Conven. BAN COHEN asks for transfer Of -his Sight- -seeing permit-. for Cert. of Con-ven-te-n-o-e (both denied) 1/3/40 1g 433 TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS 32 Book Page Permit authorized to Louis Dovsky 1-17-40 18 441 Permit authorized to ACrhas.Lee Creesy 1-17-40 1g 441 Taxicab permit issued to Eddie Bell 1-17-40 1g -450- Request of H.M.Stubbs for transfer of his Certif. to d. P, Mount- 411A001.4* - 19 65 -Yellow Gab Co.reqquuest change in their -fie--Gert.of Conv.& Neoess. jfi 4-17-40 84 TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS 33 Book Page Transfers of Taxicab permits authorized (2) from H.L.Villemagne to B.P.Mount (2) " Joseph M.Klein to E. F.°wan (1) " Theo.Grove to Myer Wallenstein (1) " Wm.H.Barnett to R.H.Seaman 6/5/40 19 152 Transfers of Taxicab permits authorized H.M.Stubbs to B.P.Mount;Leo Bradley to Harry Miller;Bernard Singer to Burton Elliott and 3 of M.Marks to Albert C. Krassner,Samuel Cohen & Oscar Paris 6/19/40 19 162 TAXICABS & FOR HIRE OARS ................ 3 Book Page- 9 age., 9 Taxi permits transferred from C. Cortlandt to Century Cab 8/7/40 19 2?8 Fl.lt. Stubbs taxi perrnit transferred to S. P. Mount 8-7-40 19 228 Fir -Hire permits authorized transferred: 2 held by J.T.aallery to Stanley Yasner 1 held by Tony Cardillo to Morris Levu 9/25/40 19 286 Oct. 23rd,1940 set for public hearing on Certif.of Public Convenience 9/26%40 19 3047 TAXICABS AND FOR HIRE CARS Book Page Applications for Cert. of Public Convenience and Necessity filed for 1940=41 Oct. 2, 1940- 19 310 -- _Applications for Cert. of Public Convenience & Necessity considered Oct. 23, 1940 19 369 Council -agree to issuenonew -taxi and for -hire permits over last year Oct. 23, 19+0 19 369 Independent Taxicab operators must have central- -o-ffice --- ----Oct. 23,1940 19--- 369 Taxicak -ftand-s---on-Wash-ngton Ave.tu be eliminate. in day time Oct.23,1940 19 369 TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS 36, Book Page 207 AN permits granted for Certi- ficates of Convenience and Necessity _tor -9 " n_ 41 seaso0t t. 23,___1914,0_- 19 370 - _�if_e_o ssi nn on Red Top Cab Ca.paint- ing their cabs to agree with other cab In their roup Oct. 23,1940 T 19 370 Berge , Sigmu ayGers hisaxia`-4_g 37g` pert te—A. Haroid—Binder 11,6.A-0 19_ 398 Taxicab—p-erni-t--of Albert --T-. assner held up for 30 days 11-13-40 19 400 Red Top Cab Co. agree to paint cabs to satisfy Police Dept. 1x13-40 19 4 TAXICABS AND FOR HIRE CARS 37 Book Page Transfer of taxicab permit from Henry Schwartz to Herman Kapner autrorited 11-20-40 rmi is au 11/27/40 19 415 19 429 City Attorney to prepare ordinance fixing rates for for -hire cars and sightseeing busses 11/27/40 19 4 Recommendations of Detectives Picr@e & Magee as to taxi stands approved by Council 11/27/40 19 430 TAXICABS AND FOR -HIRE CARS 38 Book Page Sightseeing permit transferred from Sigmund Berger to Berger & Cortlandt 11/27/40 19 -434 Taxi permit transferred from H.Miller to Century Cab 1.2/4/40 19 443 Complaints against taxi stands re- ferred to Traffic Inspector Hoover 12/24/40 19 492 $20000 appropriate Lfor taxi turkey money investigation 1/2/41 20 9 Council authorize open taxi stand at M.B.Kennell Club 1/29/41 20 31 TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS 39 Book Page M.B.Kennell Club taxi cab stand -again c3©steel —2/5/41 20— 32 Transfer of Taxi permit held by Henry Schwartz 3/5/41. 20 88 Taxi ermi held0e Devtne trans erre to y ? ey �,1 � er 20-2_18_ Miami 4 _2.18 - Miami Beach Radio Cab Co. & White Line cab Co. transfer all permits to Wm. Segal 2 T_ax�i ab Pe mom, owned by Mary n Sk worth trans f erreUto b. '.7waI Vii./25/LI.1 20 192 TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS Transfers of 1 For Hire and 2 taxi permits from Morris Levine,J.Goodman _- c_TAT;R...Eri tchardr_respeot-%v-ely,-to- Century Cab Co.(Conti Cortland) _ authorized 5/7/41 4o Book Page 20 211 Council authorizes transfer of taxi permit -from Chas.Horovitz-to-Bernard Chnnncey 5/14/41 2O- 221 Transfer of JPmes Low ng Taxi_ permit to Paul Galbut authorized 6/5/41 20 259 IAXIQBS& EQR 41.4.CAR_ 41. Eopk Page Two taxi permits transferred to Century Cab from Tony Cardillo 20 llo & Clyde Holder275 Authority given to transfer 8 taxi permits to Bernard Chauncey from E. R. Lindabury &S. H. Saunde -8/41 20 304 Bernard Chauncey request to trans- fer his 9 taxi permits to Ray Orleman presented but no action taken 7/16/41 20 343 Council authorize transfer of taxi permit from Murray Kay to Stanley Yasner 7/16/41 20, 356 TAXICABS & FOR HIRE CARS 42 Book Page James Downing transfers his taxi permit to Irving Seligman 8/6/41 -20 375 Action of J Ine 18th nut l i fi Qri a d__g permits put back in name of Lindabury -acrd-Saund7ei s 8/6/41 20 375 9 permits transferred from Bernard Ghauntey to Ray OTIeman 6/6/41- 20 375 Tran pr of -taxi permits --authorized Seligman to B. Knopp & Lindabury & Saunders to Ray 0rleman 710-2=41 20 428 TAXICABS AND FOR HIRE CARS 43. Book Page Council agree not to permit transfer of taxi and for -hire permits in the future 10-2-41 20 428 Applications for taxi and for -hire permits filed 10/2/41- 20 428 Oct. 22nd,1941 set as date for con- sidering above applications 10/2/41 20 429 Galbut, Paul - Clerk authorized to accept his Application for Cert.of Convenience 10/4/41 20 463 TAXICABS AND FOR -HIRE CARS 4.4 Book Page Petition presented requesting enactment of ten items with reference to Taxicab and for - hire business 10/15/41 20 466 Murry Kay asks City to return to him his taxi permit which he had transferred to Stanley Yasner 10/15/A 20 466 List of applications received after Oct. 1st, 1941 10/22/41 21 1 Council agree to renew all permits held for 1940-41 except Yellow Cab 10/22/41 21 1 TAXICABS AND FOR -HIRE CARS 45 Book Page Council agree to hold up hold up one of Stanley Yasner's taxi permit until difficulty between him and Murry Kay is ironed out 10/22/41 21 1 Taxi people to appoint a committee to meet with Police Dept.committee to discuss certain items 10/22/41 21 1 Fla. Transportation Co. request for permit to operate 4 cars in trans- porting their customers to sightseeing busses tabled 10/22/41 21 1 Stan Stanley given permit with understanding he is to reimburse M. Kay 11/5/41-1 21 13 TAXI -CABS AND FOR -HIRE CARS 46 Book Page No action taken on request of E.F. Swan to transfer permits to new Corporation 11/6/41 21 16 T.M.G.Corp. ask permit to operate three jitneys. No action. 11/6/41 21 16 Jos. Tiechlow asks permit to operate two automobiles on a jitney line. Referred to committee 11/10/41 21 28 Applicationsfor sightseeing permits referred to City Mgr&s Office? Traffic Inspector. / /42 21 127 Complaint about Red Top Cab carrying p.ssengers to Airport 1-7-42 21 127 TAXI -CABS AND FOR -HIRE CARS 47 Book Page Council authorized transfer of one permit from Geo. E. Phillips to Stanley Yasner 1/7/42 21 127 Council authorized transfer of one permit from Samuel Lazarus to Oscar Paris. 1/22/42 21 161 Council authorized exchange of one sightseeing permit held by Sigmund Berger for one for -hire permit owned by Stan Stanley. 2/4/42 21 170 TAXICABS AND FOR HIRE CARS No action taken on request of Ray Orleman to transfer taxi permits to a corporation 2/4/42 lst,2nd and 3rd readings Ord.#640 prohibiting taking or giving turkey money 2/4/42 Taxi permit held by Sol Barenblatt • transferred to F.R,Barenblatt 3/4/42 21 220 Taxi permit held by Paul Galbut trans- ferred to Paul Goldberg 5/6/42 21 301 Taxi permit held by Sam Cohen trans- fe. red to Oscar Paris 4/1/42 21 48 Book Page 21 170 21 174 TAXICABS AND FOR -HIPS, CARS 49 Book Page 17 taxi permits held by Ray Orleman transferred to Mrs. Dorothy Chauncey 5/20/-2 21 333 Taxi companies ask Council to consider subject of reduced taxi rates with vew to establishing minimum rates A'Deity Mgr. and City Atty. to report 6/3/42 21 335 Taxi permit transferred from Sidney Levy to Bernard Knopp 6/3/42 21 335 2 Sightseeing permits held by Stan Stanley transferred for 2 for -hire 6/3/42 21 336 TAXICABS AND FOR -HIRE CARS 50 Book Page City Atty.submits opinion that City -Jouncil does not have power to fix mini- mum taxi rates 7/1/42 21 355 No action taken on request of H. Kapner to transfer his taxi permit .to Elmer Baldwin 7/9/42 2.1. 382 List of applicants for Cert. of Public Convenience for 1942-43 10-7-442 21 431 OCTOBER 28th, 1942 set as date for considering above applications 10/7/42 21 433 TAXICABS AND FOR,HIRE CARS Book Page C.W.Cummings requests .oermission to exchange his 2 sightseeing per- mits for two taxi permits 10/21/42 21 438 Petition from Taxicab operators urging reissuance of same number of permits as for 1941-42 10/28/42 21 453 Council authorize issuance of all existing taxi and for -hire permits 10/28/42 21 453 Matter of taxicab parking referred to com- mittee -(Renshaw, Shepard,Hoover and McGee) 10/28/42 21 453 TAXICABS AND FOR -HIRE CARS 5j2 Book Page Action of Oct. 28th, with reference to granting of permits for 1942-43 rescinded. 11/4/42 21 458 Council authorizes issuance of Cert. of Conveniences in total number of 199, with understanding that if cars have to be removed from service their per- mits will be issued after the war 11/4/42 21 458 TAXICABS AND FOR -HIRE CARS 53 Book Page Conti Cortland,representing operators of taxicabs asks permission to park on Washington Ave. and Lincoln Road 21, 481 and to be allowed to pull up in front of theatres and office buildings 12/16/42 Council agree to cooperate with taxi men over holidays 12/16/-2 21 481 City Manager Renshaw presents pro- posed ordinance governing taxi rates 12/16/42 21 481 Action on above ordinance deferred 12/16/-l-2 21 481 TAXICABS AND FOR -HIRE CARS 8 taxi permits held by Flamingo. Taxi Service transferred to Henry Barenblatt 2/3/43 22 18 54 Book Page Henry Freeman asks Council to grant, him one taxi permit 2/3/14.3- 22 18 /Henry Freeman granted one permit for operation of taxicab 2714./1.l3 22 31 Taxicab Assn. ask Council to permit them to change rates 3/17/43 22 55 Committee appointed to workout new Ord. regulating taxi business 3/17/1-3 22, .55 TAXICABS AND FCR HIRE CARS 55 - Book Page City Mgr. advises that taxi drivers were having meters changed to comply with taxi rate ordinance -4/7/43 22 69 Taxicab permit owned by Louis Dovsky - trarisferred to Mrs. Gertner provided Dovsky waives all future claim to same 5/26/43 22 122 Transfer of Taxi permits from A.Harold Binder to OscjParis & BernaA Knopp v/ , - 6/16/43 22 133 0 Permits of ,!!Achael—Dallettt's-transferred to Henry Freetan , . 6/16/43 22 _133_ =ICALIS AND FOR -HIRE CARS Book Request of H. Kapner to transfer taxi permit to Elmer Baldwin, held up 22 133 Taxi permit held by H.Eapner trans- ferred to Elmer Baldwin 7/7/43 22 151 Atty.Melvin Richards calls attentions to various abuses of taxicab business - suggests changes to -Ord.. 7/7/43- 22 155 Mr.Renshaw instructed to Incorporate in ordinance now under study -some of the changes suggested. by Mr.Richard 7/7/43 22, 155 TAXICABS AND FOR HIRE CARS 57 Book Page Attorney Richard calls attention to abuses in taxicab business & asks for 14 permits for Arrow Cab Ass1n. Council advised this would be____. considered at meets/6ofctober 27th 22 178 1st/reading of ordinance amending taxicab ordinance to correct existing abuses 10/6/43 22 178 No action taken on request of taxicab companies in re. reciprocal agreembnt with Miami as to picking up passengers n n return trips 10/20/43 22 189