Taxicabs_April to May 1963TAXICABS 197
Book Page
Action on proposed amendment to
taxicab regulations in connection
with taxicab stands deferred.until
full Council is present. 4-17-63 45 403
Councilman Englander states he will
introduce proposed amendment to taxicab
ordinance re. taxi stands at next regular
meeting 5/15/63 . 5-1-63 45 430
Proposed amendment to taxicab ordinance
introduced by Councilman Englander.
Objections raised. Ordinance passed
on 1st and 2nd readings. 45 441
5-15-63 ���
Book Page
1 permit transferred from Moses
and Lucille Goldenberg to Gold Cub
Corp. 5-15-63 45 445
1 permit transferred from Pbraham
Hoffenberg to Melvin B. & Lillie Kline
5-15-63 45 445
1 permit transferred from Charles
Fluxgold to K. & D. Cab Company, Inc.
5-15-53 45 445
Permits 426 and 466 transferred from
Harry Laderman, and Joseph Laderman
(deceased) to Harry Laderman
7-3-63 46 30
Book Page
Permit No. 89 transferred from Harry
Laderman and Joseph Laderman (deceased)
to Sara Laderman 7-3-63 46 30
Permit No. 48 transferred tom Benjamin
Schectman (deceased) to Esther Schectman.
8-21-63 46 94
Permit #388 transferred from Robert
Tucker to Edward Pavalow10-16-63 46 223
Permit No.140 from Florence Schwertok
(deceased) transferred to Milton
Schwertok 10-16-63 46 223
Book Page
Hearing called for Nov. 6, 1963
re. issuance of Certificates of
Public Convenience & Necessity
governing operation of taxicabs
and sightseeing buses. 10-16-63 46 232
Above hearing held. Requests- for
aditio,nal certificates denied;
existing permits (204) renewed.
Taxi 11-6-63 46 241
Fee to air port discussed by
George Kastenbaum, attorney, representing
160 taxicab drivers. Council requested
to change ordinance. No action taken.
11-6-63 46 251
Book Page
George Kastenbaum asks for Code.
amendment to provide that"it shall
not be unlawful for taxi drivers to
charge less than the meter rate".
Mr. Shepard advises Council it is
authorized to "fix" rates and not
authorized to fix maximums. Mr.
Kastenbaum asks for $3.50 flat rate
to airport. Representatives of
taxicab companies discuss matter.
Councilman Galbut withdraws motion
to amend Code to provide for $3.50
flat rate to airport. No further
action taken. 11-20-63 46 282
Book Page
Permits transferred:
#110 from Harold Friedman to
Har -Sid Investment Co.
#r85 from Sidney Kruger to
Har -Sid Investment Co.
#96, 97, 98, 99 and 100 from
George Cohen to L & A Corp.
11-20-63 46 301
Permits transferred:
#49 from Melvin B. & Lillie Kline
to Louis Millman
#'435 from Falcon Cab to 435 M.B. Taxicab Corp.
##436 from " 436
##437 from 437 "
i,_n_63 46 334
Book Page
Permits transferred -
438, 439, 440 and 495 from
Falcon Cab Co. to M. B. Taxicab Corp.
12-4-63 46 334
Maurice Holtzman, representing Atlantic
Cab Owners Assn asks Council to take steps
to correct: situation involving taxicab
stand jumping, and to abolish $3.50 flat rate
to airport. City Mgr. requested to hold
meeting with interested parties.
12-18-63 46 353
City Mgr. reports outcome of meeting
with taxicab parties. Matter placed on
0'an. 15, 1964 agenda. 12-23-63 46 364
Book Page
City Mgr. reports on meeting with
taxicab industry. Suggests adoption
of proposed amendment regulating use of
taxicab stands (previously passed on
two readings). City Atty advises that proposed
ordinance does not prevent answering of
"time" calls from any place except from a
line in a taxi stand. 3rd reading given
ordinance. Ord. *1504. 1-15-64 46 394
Taxicab permit transferred -
Permit *389 from Nathan Wachtel to
Nathan Wachtel and Selma Wachtel
1-11-64 46 399
Book Page
1 ta)icabit transferred from
Maurice GoiddDerg to M.B.R. Inc.
Permit 4102 2-5-64 46 423
Taxicab Permit #438 transferred from
Falcon Cab Co. to 438 M.B. Taxicab Corp.
2-19-64 46 435
Taxicab Permit No. 419 transferred
from 419 M.B. Taxi Corp. to
416 M. B. Taxi Corp. (change in
corporation officers) 2-19-64 46 435
City Attorney to prepare amendment to
taxicab stand ordinance regarding taxis
responding to calls. 3-4-64 46 459
Book Page
Remit Nos.130, 131, 132 transferred
fromCharles Klein to Aaro Cab, Inc.
Permit No. 84 transferred from Be -Bar -Loo
to Harry Friedman.
Permit No. 495 transferred from 495 Miami
Beach Taxi Corp. to Jack Tanner.
Permit Nos. 51 - 56 incl., 58, 61, 378,
386 transferred from City Cab Inc. to
Maxwell Marks and Caroline Marks.
Permit No. 150 transferred from Wm. Wand
toDora Wand.
3-18-64 46 481
Book Page
City Atty advises he had prepared amend-
ment to Code to further clarify Ord.41504
regulating taxicab stands. Suggestion made
that there be "open taxicab stands" all over
City instead of "Closed". City Atty to
prepare another amendment as suggested
above. 3-18-64 46 483
Discussion re. taxicab stands. Another
ordinance to be prepared. 4-1-64 46 499
Council approves proposed arrangements
for inter -city taxi operations during
American Bankers Convention Oct. 23-28,
1964. 4-1-64 46 503
Book Page
2 permits transferred from I & A Inc.
to Isadore Shapiro Nos. 80 & 82.
4-1-64 46 506
2 permits transferred fromEdward
Pavalow (deceased) to Anna Pavalow
Nos. 387 & 388 4-15-64 47 16
Letter from A. John Zurga requesting
application for 10 Certificates of Public
Convenience and Necessity to be answered
by City Clerk advising procedure to be
followed. 4-15-64 47
Book Page
City Atty presents another amendment to
Code re. taxicab stands. Objections.
No action taken; ordinance as it now stands
on books to remain; City Atty to again
prepare an amendment to clarify Council's
intent. 4-15-64 47 18
Further discussion re. taxicab stands.
City Atty presents clarification. Letter
from Police Dept. re. taxicab stands servicing
hotels read. 1st reading given amendment to
taxicab ordinance. 6-3-64 47 51
Taxicab permits transferred:
#470 from Richard Alfano(dec.) to Lois Bolt
Alfano 6-3-64 47 74
Taxicab permits transferred:
4142 from Nathan Wachtel to Nathan
and Selma Wachtel
-'4441 from FalconCab Co. to 441 M.B. Taxi Corp.
.#442 from FalconCab Co. to 442 M.B. Taxi Corp.
6-3-64 47 74
Amendment to taxicab ordinance
re. taxicab stands amended on final
reading. Ord. #1513 adopted as
amended. 6-17-64 47 83
Permit #1391Wnsferred from Nicholas
DeMarco to/Pniami Beach Taxi, Inc.
7-15-64 47 137
Book Page
Permit $86 transferred from Ocean
Cab Co., Inc. to Sue Zeichner.
Permit 487 transferred from Ocean
Cab Co., Inc. to David Bell.
Book Page
8-5-64 47 147
Permit 468 transferred from Seymour
Kline to Murray Priceman 8-19-64 47 182
Permit ##495 transferred from Jack
Tanner to Henry H. Honigberg 9-2-64 47 198
Permits 384 and 385 transferred from
Elmer Baldwin to Eleanor B. Baldwin.
10-7-64 47 265
Book Page
Permit 4131 transferred from Arro Cab.
Inc. to 131 M.B. Taxicab Corp.
Permit 475 transferred from Max Miller
to 75 Miami Beach Taxi Corp.
10-7-64 47 265
ng1Oct. 21, 1964 to consider
applications for Certificates of Public
Convenience and Necessity. 10-7-64 47 266
Hearing re. taxicab permits held.
Council denies all new applications
and renews existing permits. Wylly's (4)
sightseeing bus permitsapproved0-21-64 47 267
Book Page
Hearing requested to amend Code
to provide rate of 40 for first 1/3
mile and 10 for each addl 1/4 mile.
Public hearing called for Dec. 16, 1964.
11-18-64 47 343
Taxicab permits transferred:
#144 from Harry Valinsky to
Harry Laderman-
#F385 from Eleanor Baldwin to Jack Cohen
11-18-64 47 351
Hearing re. changing taxicab rates.
City Atty instructed to prepare amendment
to Code to provide for increase.
12-16-64 47 404
Book Page
1st and 2nd reading amendment to Code
providing for an increase in taxicab
rates (sec. 42-32) 12-16-64 47 406
3rd reading ordinance providing for
increase in rates.
Ord. #1541. 1-6-65 48 294
Permits transferred:
441 from Albert Rogel to
Abraham Hoffman
#401 from Jack Tanner to
401 M. B. Taxi Corp.
1-6-65 48 317
Book Page
Permits transferred:
$439 from M.B. Taxi Corp.
to Harry Laderman
#440 from Sara Laderman to
M.B. Taxi Corp. 1-20-65 48 339
Book Page
Police Chief recommends amendment to
taxicab ord. re. improvement of appearance
of taxicabs. City Atty instructed to prepare
amendment. Clerk to notify industry as to
date matter will be considered by Council.
4-21-65 49 35
Permit #413 transferred from Ben Cooper
to William Weiner 5-5-65 49 60
Res. #11507 adopted opposing passage of
Senate Bill 571 re. allowing airport
limousines to operate like taxicabs trans-
porting passengers to and from Miami Int'l
Airper t. 5-5-65 49 63
TA3n CABS 211
Book Page
Transfers approved:
Permit 4381 from Edwin L. Baker
to Arnold Kirshner
Permit #$424 from Leo Gershenhorn (Praeger?)
to 424 M. B. Taxi Corp.
5-19-65 49 94
Transfers approved:
Permit No. 43 from Louis Dovsky to
Arthur Kunen
Permit No. 472 from Estate of Harry Chubin
to Melvin Brown
6-16-65 49 120
Book Page
Council defers action on proposed
amendment to Code re. replacement of
taxicab equipment until Sept. 15, 1965.
Meeting to be held with taxicab repre-
sentatives in meantime. 6-16-65 49 122
Permits transferred:
Permit ##83 from Ida Bleiweiss to
Ida Bleiweiss & Fay Rubin
Permit #41 from Abraham Hoffman to
41 Taxi Corp. (Eleanor Weiner, Pres
7-7-65 49 165
Permit#480 transferred from Anne
Friedman to Julius Friedman.
_ 21�
Book Page
7-21-65 49 190
Transfers of permits approved:
#148 from Jack Kay (Dec.) to Helen & Gail Kay
153 Bernard Karp to Sylvia Karp
394 Hyman Katatsky to Louis & Sarah
395 " Louis Pugatsky to Louis & Sarah
403 Louis Poseman to 403 M.B.Taxi Corp
(Sol Hochman, Pres.)
8-4-65 49 204
Transfer of taxi permits approved: Book Page
4427-434 incl. from J & S. Transportation
to M. B. Taxi Corp. (Joseph Silow, Pres.)
8-4-65 49 204
Action on ordinance relative to taxicab
equipment deferred until Sept. 24, 1965.
9-15-65 49 289
Transfer of taxicab permits approved:
Nos. 63 & 64 from Harry Rosen to
Howard -Joan Co. Inc., Harry Rosen, Pres.
9-15-65 49 289
1st and 2nd readings ordinance re.
replacement of taxicab equipment.
9-24-65 49 293
Ord. 41564 adopted relating to replacement
of taxicab equipment. 10-7-65 49 309
Transfer of taxicab permit 4 470 from
Estate of Richard Alfano to Harry Chester
approved. 10-7-65 49 309
Taxicab hearing set for October 20, 1965.
10-7-65 49 309
Taxicab hearing. All applications Book Page
for additional permits denied.
10-20-65 49 330
Transfer of taxicab permits authorized:
Permit No. 65 from Charles Palley to
M.B. Taxicab Corp.
#94 from S & J Trans. to Sylvia G.Werner
and Sonia Hawkes
#95 from S & J Trans. to Sylvia G. Werner /
#142 from Nathan Wachtel & Selma Wachtel
to Nathan Wachtel, Selma Wachtel and
Linda Wachtel Barr
#389 same as above.
10-20-65 49 351
Book Page
Transfer oof taxicab permits authorized:
#408 Mitmia`taXi' Corp . to M.B. Taxi Corp. n
4411 M.B. Taxi Corp. to Morris & Lenora Goldstei:
#417 M. B. Taxi Lenora& Morris Goldstein
#422 M. B. Taxi S & J Transportation
4423 M. B. Taxi S & J. Transportation
10-20-65 49 351
Transfer of Taxicab Permit #54
approved from Maxwell Marks and Caroline
Marks to Marion R. Lefly. 11-3-65 49 409