Taxicabs_October 1954TAXICABS 151
Book Page
Taxicab hearing set four 10/20/54
to consider applications for Certi-
ficates of Public Convenience and
Necessity 10-8-54 36 227
Taxicab hearing held. All applications
for certificates for taxicabs in excess
of present 204, denied.
Applications for for -hire limousine
certificates considered. Denied.
10-20-54 36 229-230
1 permit transferred from Alan
Mirsky to Max Kesten
10-27-54 36 288
Book Page
1 permit transferred from Frank Edelstein
to Meyer Heckler
11-3-54 36 309
1 permit transferred from Louis
Valinsky to Joseph Heckler
12-1-54 36 350
1 permit transferred from Bernard
Lakin to Frieda Lakin 12-1-54 36 350
6 permits transferred from Circle
Cab Co. to Samuel J. Keats, pres.
of Circle Cab Co. 2-9-55 36 437
5 permits transferred from Samuel
J. Keats, president of Circle Cab Co.,
to the following:
1 permit to Moness M. Schwertok
1 " to Arthur Lebig
1 " to Charles Klein
1 " to Seymour Gotman
1 " to Sylvan Blasberg
2-9-55 36
1 permit transferred from Samuel J. Keats,
president of Circle Cab Co., to
Mrs. Eleanor Gerlach
2-23-55 36 452
Book Page
Book Page
1 permit transferred to Sol Speichler
from Irving Karp
3-16-55 36 476
1 permit transferred to Abraham
Hoffenberg from Jerome Singer
5-4-55 37 133
Request for amendment to Code re.
taxicab rates deferred. Proposed
amendment to be discussed vdthCity Mgr.
Renshaw in meantime. 7-6-55 37 246
1 permit transferred from Louis Gill
to Mrs. Gene Gill
1 permit transferred from Isidore Millman 274
to Max Miller 7-20-55 37
Book Page
Taxicab hearing held. All applications
for certificates over the present 204
denied. Applications for for -hire
limousine certificates denied.
10-19-55 37 391
1 permit transferred to George Dragon
from William S. Siresk;r 11-2-55 37 435
Change in taxicab regulations asked,
to permit taxicabs to enter into agreements
with tour companies in connection with
package tours; also clarification of taxicab
standtregulat ons asked. Meeting to be
hon Dec.14 to discuss proposed ordinance,
and Po .ce Dept. to be apprised of
uouncil s intention 12-7-55 37 469
.Book Page
1st reading ordinance permitting
taxicab companies to continue making
contracts with travel agencies and passenger
carriers in connection with package tours,
to provide transportation to airport or
railroad stations for set price (Flat
rate $1.50 to airports and train stations,
and $1.00 to P. & 0. Boat Docks)
12-14-55 37 489
M.B. Air Traw @rtation Co. opposes
passage of/ordnance 12-14-55 37 490
Action deferred on proposed ordinance
clarifying taxi stand regulations
12-14-55 37 490
Book Page
1st reading ordinance clarifying
taxicab stand regulations
12-21-55 37 506
3rd reading ordinance re. taxicab
and tour company agreements -
Ord. #1190 12-21-55 37 508
3rd reading ordinance re. taxicab
stands, Ord. #1194 1-4-56 38 14
Book Page
Atty Frank Cohn objects to request for
transfer of taxicab permit to Miami
resident. He urges City to adopt
regulations to prevent sub -leasing of
permits and to provide for issuance of
permits to people who have been trying
to get them for years before: they are
sold to newcomers. 6-6-56 38 223
1 permit transferred to Jospeh Bleiweiss
from Abraham Hoffenberg
6-6-56 38 22L
City Mgr. to make complete investigation
of axicab matter and continue investigation
ofcar rental situation; find out hQw otber
cities are handling taxicab situation. b-6-56 33
Book Page
1 permit transferred from Philip
Leif to Angelo Vitucci
7-18-56 38 320
1st reading ordinance amending Code
providing that notice of hearing on
applications for certificates of public
convenience and necessity shall be
given by regular mail instead of registered
mail 8-1-56 38 335
3rd reading above ordinance.
Ord. #1224 8-15-56 38 373
Book Page
1 permit transferred from Mrs.
Gussie Singer to George Cohen
9-5-56 38 399
City Mgr. advises preliminary survey
re. taxicab transfers has been made
and will soon be presented to the
Council 9-5-56 38 399
1 permit transferred from Harold
Weinberg to Art Liebig 10-3-56 38 45
Taxicab hearing set for 10/17/56
to consider applications for
rtificates of Public Convenience
and Necessity 10-3-56 38 446
Book Page
Hearing conducted to consider applications
for Certificates of Public Convenience and
Necessity. Councilman Richard urges correction
of situation re. taxicab permits. Requests
for additional permits denied.
10-17-56 38 456
Mercury Cabs,Inc. request Council
to oppose granting Certificate of
Public Convenience to Red Top Sedan
Service to operate limousines from
City to all points in state and return,
n c n ectio with thea anneal toSupreme
ourt from Fia. RR Commiiss1ttn rung.
City to appear in appeal taken by Red Top.
11-7-56 38 482
Book Page'
1 permit transferred from Earl
Dresner to Isadore Shapiro
5-15-57 39 356
1 permit transferred from Nathan Frazin
to Isadore Shapiro 8-7-57 39 480
1 permit transferred from Irving
Goldberg to Nathan Wachtel
8-21-57 39 526
Hearing to consider applications
for taxicab permits called for
10:00 a.m. on October 16, 19575-57 40 60
Book Page
Taxicab hearing conducted.
Additional taxicab permits denied.
Council goes along with Councilman
Richard's proposal that City Manager
make a study of current taxi situation
and submit report.
10-16-57 40 66
Taxicab industry requests elimination
of provision lfi Code of $3.50 flat rate
to airport. Ordinance to be prepared.
11-6-57 4o 88
1st reading Ordinance eliminating flat
rate charge for trips to airport
11-6-57 40 100
Book rage
3rd reading Ordinance eliminating
$3.50 flat rate charge by taxicabs
for airport trips - Ord #1276
11-20-57 40 123
Request made for increase in
taxicab rates -- from 300 to 40¢
for first 1/3 mile. Hearing to
be held. 3-19-58 40 341
Hearing conducted re. taxicab
rate in rease. 1st reading ordinance
increasing "Flag Drop" rate to 40¢
for the first 1r3 mile. 4-2-58 40 361
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance increasing
taxicab flag drop rate -
Ord. #1295 4-16-58 4o 384
1 permit transferred from
Joseph J. Farrell to Nicholas
and Bessie DeMarco 6-4-58 40 461
1 permit transferred from Nathan B.
Klinsky to Mrs. Myrna Herschkowitz
6-18-58 40 48o
1 permit transferred from Seymour
Gopman to George Cohen 8-6-58 41 44
Book Page
Four (4) permits transferred from
Herbert Roberts to Herbert Roberts,
d/b/a OCEAN CAB CO., Inc.
8-27-58 41
Hearing called nn.Oct. 15, 1958 to
consider applications for Certificates
of Public Convenience & Necessity
10-1-58 41 147
Res. #9878 calling hearing to consider
increasing charge for time during which
taxicabs are stopped - from $3.00 to $x}.00
erhour. Hearing called for
Nov. 5, 1958 10-15-58 41 151
Book Page
Taxicab hearing conducted Requests
for add'l permits denied.
10-15-58 41 155
Taxicab permit transferred from
Fred Selevan to Jack Merchant
10-15-58 41 165
4 permits transferred from
Herbert Roberts to Ocean Cab Co., Inc.
10-29-58 41 177
Hearing on request of taxicab
industry to increase charge for
waiting time. Ordinance passed on
1st and 2nd readings increasing
charge to 10,0 for 1g min. wal4iRg4ime.
�1 l 2
Book Page
3rd reading ord. #1324 increasing
charge for waiting time in taxicabs
11-19-58 41 232
Fuller Warren representing group of
taxicab owners asks for action to require
airport limousine service to operate
from fixed termini. Wm. Segal representing
airline limousine servide objects.
City Atty is asked to submit written opinion
as to what action to be taken, if any.
2-4-59 41 326
Fuller Warren appears re. airport
limousine service. Mr. Spaet asks City
Atty for a report on limousines.
3-4-59 41 416
Book Page
Request made that "Turkey Money"
ordinance be amended to include
motels, inns, restaurants, etc.
City Atty to prepare amendment.
2-4-59 41 328
1st reading ordinance amending
Chapter 35 of Code re. solicitation
of patronage by taxicab drivers
"Turkey Money" 2-18-59 41 398
1d eading ordil} nce am nding
iapEer 35, re. rkey Money
Ord. #1339 3-4-59 41 428
Book Page
Findings and recommendations of
City Atty re. request of taxicab owners
that City petition Railroad Utilities
to restrict operations of airport
limousines. Report accepted by Council,
and request denied.
3-4-59 41 433
Taxicab industry asks for ordinance
regulating cars and buses operated
as courtesy cars . Referred 5-6-59 42 50
to City Mgr. for study.
Taxicab permit transferred from
Jacob Staiman to Joseph Laderman
5-6-59 42 74
Book Page
Taxicab industry asks for ordinance
regulating vehicles engaged in
gratuitous public transportation.
Proposed ordinance to be furnished
members of Council, and City Mgr. to
make recommendations. 7-1-59 42 144
1 taxicab permit of Joseph Laderman
transferred to Joseph and Harry Laderman
7-1-59 42 152
Request of Mercury Cab Co. for
gratuitous transportation ordinance.
1st reading given ordinance.
8-5-59 42 203