Television Station-Miami Beach_April 1951 to December 1952TgL2VISION STATIOtr - kAMI EACH Ices. 47511 adopted, endorsing application of A. Frank Katzentine and Station WKAT FOR application to FCC for television channel in Miami Beach 4-4-51 30 532 Book Page Request of WKAT for permission to construct television tower at north end of city -owned submerged island north of Di Lido Island, taken under advisement 12-17-52 33 432 TELEPHONE SYSTEM, ETC. (i ,, -,Ca-a..c-i-� i Caj 3 1 Investigate rates . _ _ Book 7, Pae6 Statement from Telephone Company "_ 7,_"- 75_ Committee on Rate Conference " 8.,_ ' 244 Schedule of present and ,proposed telephone rates 5-1828 " 8, " 258 Council endorses above rates " 8, , "" 258 Telephone Company urged to place business office at Miami Beach 3/7/3- " 12, "303 City Atty. and City Mgrauthorized to attend hearing on rates 4/18/34 " 12, 376 TELEPHONE ,YSTEM 311 Book Page Res. #4746 proposing to make joint appeal with City of Miami for reduction in telephone rates Jan. 3,1940 18 438 Telephone Conference on rates to be held March 7th,1940 3/6/40 19 17 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE held and minutes filed in Minute book 3/7/40 19 17 to 00 Telephone company asks for renewal of their franchise - referred to City Manager 9/3/47 25 351 TELEPHONE SYSTEM 1st and second readings of ordinance granting a franchise to So. Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. 3rd reading Ord. #824 granting franchise to So. Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. Res. #6419 calling telephone franchise election 12/23/47 3B Book Page 11/5/47 25 445 11/19/47 25 471 11/19/47 25 474 TELEPHONE SYSTEM 4 Book Page Beuncil requests extension of time of rate hearing v before Railroad Commission 3/16/49 27 470 Res. #6822 requesting Rail- road Commission to hold telephone rate hearing in Greater Miami area 3/16/49 27 493 Council votes to employ rate expert to represent city at telephone rate hearing before Railroad Commission 3/23/49 27 503 TELEPHONE SYSTEM 5. Book Page Bill of V. Edwards in connec- tion with telephone rate hearing approved 5/4/49 28 131 Res. #7026 urging telephone company to use name "Miami Beach" in placing long dis- tance calls emanating from this City 10/5/49 20 453 Telephone company advises it cannot comply withRes.7026 11/2/49 29 16 TELEPHONE SYSTEM 6 Book Page Miami Beach Apt. Assn and Miami teach Hotel Assn. file resolutions re. long distance calls 11/2/49 29 16 Chamber of Commerce resolution filed re. Long distance calls from City 11/16/49 29 61 Council advised of hearing before Railroad Commission re. proposed rule affecting applications for telephone service 3-1-50 29 203 TELEPHONE SYSTEM 7. Book Page City Mgr. to confer with Local Manager re. delays in getting installations 3-1-50 29 203 City Mgr. to ask that they have all guy wires insulated 3-1-50 29 203 Mr. Richard's motion that proposed Rule of Railroad Commission re. applications for telephone service be endorsed receives no second 3-8-50 29 225 TELEPHOtgsys 8. Book Page Telephone Company reports on status of applications for new installations 3-15-50 29 232 Mr. Link is requested to report in regard to Sou. Bell's application to Fla. Utilities Commission for rate increase - Link to ascertain Gr. Miami Traffic Association will oppose increase 10-25-50 30 110 Res. /320 - commending SBT&T 11-1-50 30 150 TELEPHONE SYSTEM 9 Book Page Mr.'Henshawto check with cities of Miami and Coral Gables to see if all three can go together and retain a representative before the hearing before the FRR and Pub Utilities regard- ing rate increase 1-10-51 30 319 Mr. Renshaw advises that three cities are interested in having Gr. Miami Rate and Traffic Bureau to represent them at Telephone rate hearing - Council to hold joint meeting Lith other muni- cipalities on Jan. 19 1-17-51 30 331 TglgPRONE SY8TEM 10 Book Page Councilman Richard suggests that activities of telephone company since the war be investigated as to service in Miami Beach 1-17-51 30 331 T LE1PEONB SYSTXI 104 Book Page Resolution of political subdivisions passed at joint meeting read - designating Gr. Miami Traffic Association to represent them intelephone rate hearing 1-24-51 30 342 Council requests committee to look into possibility of identifying long distance Miami Beach calls , in- adequate telephone service 1-24-51 30 342 ttuption stst Res. #7+32, authorizing City to join with other munici- palities in opposing requested rate increase of Bell Telephone Co. and appropriating $4,550. from CFS to be contributed to the financing of the joint action 1-24-51 11 Book Page 30 31++ No action on request of Greater Miami Traffic Ass'n request that City representative be present at opening of Telephone Co. hearing on June 26th. 6-13-51 31 269 TELEPHONE SYSTEM 12 Book Page Request of Greater Miami Traffic Ass'n for additional appropriation of $1,500. to help defray expenses in connection with Telephone Rates hearing, taken under advisement 2-6-52 32 346 $1,500.00 appropriation authorized in connection with opposition to telephone rate increase 2-20-52 32 378 Request of City Atty to relieve Legal Dept. of any necessity of attending hearing set for 9/15/52 in Telephone Company matter, granted 9-10-52 33 243