Tennis_April to September 1949TENNIS
Edw. Herr's request for
appropriation of $1,000 is
referred to Pub. Rel.
Advisory Committee
$100.00 appropriated to
aid in expenses of Jerry
Moss, tennis player,
during tournament play
Council appropriates
$1500.00 from 1949-5o
Publicity Funds for
Tennis Tournament
Book Page
28 81
7/6/49 28 232
9/21/49 28 425
M. B. Tennis Ass'n7.- ask for
allocation of $1,068.00 from
Orange Bowl underwriting for
191+9 tennis tournament
(no action)
Edw. Herr asks for payment
of $2,500 tennis appropria-
Book Page
12-21-1+9 29 90
1-18-50 29 11+1
Miami Beach Tennis Ass'n. re-
ceinies funds allocated in Pub.
budget for Good Neighbor
tournament 1-17-51 30 328
Request of Edward Herr for $3,000
appropriation to aid in expense of
lding Davis Cup matches in City
taken under advisement 4-4-51
Book Page
30 539
Res. #7723 congratulating Jerry
Moss, tennis player. $150.
appropriated to pay transportation
8-8-51 31 431
$250.00 appropriated toward expense
of "Tenni.s Week" honoring Doris Hart
and Gardner Mullov 10-11-51 32 104
Book Page'
$2,500.00 allocation in publicity
budget for Good Neighbor tennis
tournament made available to
M.B. Tennis Ass/n 3-5-52 32 406
$300.00 appropriated to defray.
expenses of Jerry Moss 3-26-52 32 443
Book Page
$500,00 appropriated for tennis
tournaments - funds to be distributed
through Flamingo Park Tennis Club
4-30-52 33 13
Orange Bowl Committee returns
$3,882,10 out of $12,000 underwritten
by City for 1952 festivities. City
Clerk to report on $2,500. allocation
by Committee for Orange Bowl tennis
tournament 5-7-52 33 15
City Clerk reports
Bowl Committee has
in past. Matter to
on above. Orange
not handled tournament
be discussed with
5-21-52 33
Book Page
Request of Suzanne Herr for tennis
appropriation referred to Pub. Rel.
Adv. Committee for recommendation
5-21-52 33 51
$250.00 appropriation to be made
from Publicity Funds to Suzanne Herr
for expenses in 8 tennis tournaments
as recommended by Pub.Rel.Adv.Comm.
6-11-52 33 102
Junior tennis stars commended.
7-2-52 33 138
$1,750.00 allocated in current budgetBook Page
for promotion of Good Neighbor Tennis
Championships for 1953 made available
to M.B. Tennis Assn 1-28-53 33 484
Allocation of $1,000.00 contingent upon
receiving refund from Orange Bowl under-
writing authorized, to assist junior
tennis players in tournament play --
recommendation of Public Rel. Adv. Comm.
4-15-53 34 178
Petition of residents, and letter from
Flamingo Park Tennis Club submitted,
requesting appointment of committee to
disburse $1,000.00 allocation by Council
to help Jr. tennis players. Payment to
be made to individual players
5-6-53±4 232
Book Page
Recommendations from Flamingo Park
Tennis Club; Public Rel. Adv. Committee;
M.B. Tennis Assn. and South Fla. Tennis
Patrons Assn. as to disbursement of
$1,000. allocation to Jr. tennis players
approved 6-10-53 34 335
$300.00 appropriation authorized
paid to Suzanne Herr for tennis
tournament play (available in
$1,000. appropriation authorized
4-15-53) 9-16-53 35 23
$100.00 allocated to Sylvia Ger, junior
tennis player, returned to city
10-7-53 35 65
Book Page
$100. appropriation authorized
to send Mike Green, junior tennis
player, to Nat'l Indoors Championships
11-18-53 35 162
$2,000. allocated in 1953 publicity
budget made available for "Good Neighbor"
tennis tournament. Funds to be disbursed
through Recreation Department by purchase
orders 2-17-54 35 334
k100.00 appropriation/from for Mike Green
publicity funds
approved for tennis tournament play
throughout country 6-15-55 37 235
Book Page
$1,000 appropriation authorized from
1956-57 Publicity Funds to defray
expenses of Mike Green and Jerry Moss
while participating in tennis tournaments.
$500.00 each. Future requests for funds
to be made earlier so that Council could
have benefit of Public Relations Advisory
Committee's recommendations.
6-6-56 38 220
Book Page
$1,000 appropriation authorized to
defray expenses of Mike Green and Jerry Moss
while participating in tennis tournament
play this summer. ($500.00 each)
5-15-57 39 344+
City Mgr. authorized to make payment of
$500. to Mike Green and Jerry Moss with an
accounting of how the money is spent to be
rendered to the City at later date
above 6-7-57 39 378
City Mgr. refers'to/payment to be made
to Jerry Moss who was injured and would
not be able to play. Payment to Jerry
Moss authorized, ($500.)) 6-19-57 39 397