Tennis_July 27, 1927TENNIS COURTS: Engr.._instructed to make estimate Book City_Mgr.__instructed to construct 3 clay & 3 concrete_courts_ Estimates on tennis and volley ball courts ordered paid Bids received for two concrete and 1 asphalt courts (7_27_27) Temporary shelter authorized for tennis courts 0 0 N 1. 7 ,Page l4] 7, 8, n 11 11 45 502 21 H , n 32 TENNISCOURTS 2. BOOK,PAGE Petitions requesting clay courts in Flamingo Park 10-29-30 10,305 $1,000 for Tennis Tournament 11-12-30 10,335 Three Tennis Courts in Flamingo Park, Bids Called Por 8-19-!31 11,130 Bids received 9-!2-31 11,142 Contract let to Berry & 80n 9-2-31_ 11,154 Authority given for completion of 3 tennis courts started under CWA 11/21/341169 -Construction-of-tennis courts on Jots 14 & 15,B1k.910cean Beach 12-14-3g 17,402 TENNIS TOURNAMENT 1. BOOR, PAGE $1,000 for Tennis Tournament 11-12-30 10, 335 City underwrites for $500 1-6-32 11,_260