Thirty-Sixth Street Causeway_September to November 1938THIRTY-SIXTH STREET CAUSEWAY Book Page_ Proposed 36th St. Causeway- data on opposition to construction of same filed by Chamber of Commerce 9-27-38 17 293 Res. #4388 urging City Commissioners to withdraw application for PWA funds for 36th St.Causeway 10-19-38 17 295 Letter received from H.T.Cole of PWA that application for funds for 36th St. causeway withdrawn 11-2--38 17 332 THIRTY-SIXTH STREET CAUSEWAY 2. ' Book Page Councilman Burbridge suggests that committee be appointed to confer with Chamber of Commerce regarding proposed causeway 5/15/3+6 24 93 Councilmen Powell and Pole and Mr. Renshaw appointed on this committee 5/15/3+6 24 93 Council discusses communication sent out by Chamber of Commerce relative to proposed causeway and above committee is instruct- ed to meet with Chamber of Commerce in the matter 5/28/46 24 105 THIRTY-SIXTH STREET CAUSEWAY (PROPOSED) Book Page John B. Reid objects to proposed 36th St. Causeway 6/5/46 24 127 August Geiger says Chamber of Commerce has not committed itself regarding causeway 6/5/46 24 127 Committee appointed to investigate re. proposed causeway reports against it 6/19/46 24 144 Letter protesting proposed causeway are read and ordered filed 6/19/46 24 144 THIRTY-SIXTH STREET CAUSEWAY (PROPOSED) 4 Book Page Additional letters submitted objecting to 36th Street Causeway 7/3/46 24 181 Clerk is instructed to advise Chamber of Commerce of all communications received to date re. proposed causeway 7/3/46 24 181 Mayor appoints committee con- sisting of Councilmen Burbridge and Snedigar and Mr. Renshaw to meet with Chamber of Commerce about proposed causeway 1/14/48 26 94 THIRTY-SIXTH STREET CAUSEWAY PROPOSED 5 Book Page '+ist St. Assn. favors and urges early action 11/3/48 27 183