Traffic_July 1928 to November 1929V U
�iz<B�sGe 7(
eilatat x,2U, :7 42 /
7-5-- 2Y 8 -Y141—
Pis- �� " 3G
Two Electro Matics authorized by
• Resolution 2109 11-20-29 9
Contrct on move filed 11-20-29
T,J.Pancoast-Traffic Suggestions
Traffic Lane on Causeway Authorized
9 4+12
9 429
Two Signals -Res. 2109 B 9,P 395 BOOK, PACE
Signs placed. on Posts on Causeway 1-22-30 9, 449
Signal at 5th & Washington
Contract filed with Minute Data
Signals on County Causeway at
Palm & Star Islands Bridges
11-19-30 10, 365
11-26-30 10, 378
11-26-30 10,
Contracts filed with Minute Data. 11-26-30 10,
Rate for Automatic Signal Reised 2-18-31 10, 474
Proposed Ordinance regulating traffic on
Ocean Drive 12-16-31 11, e53
J.J.Coyle: Request for protection at
Star Island fridge 2-3-32 11, 271
Police Dept.instruoted to make recori-
mendations re: traffic *directions 8/28/33 12,133
Councilman Keuling & City Mgr. com-
mittee on traffic regulations 8/28/33 12, 133
M.B.Chamber of Commerce requests Council
to devise more satisfactory system 9120733 12:111-!,
AuumaacaacighI t3Syrisi033 1:161
Book Page
Walter D.Payne Re: one—way traffic
on Fifth Street and traffic
control 11/1/33 12, 169
Above matter referred to City Mgr.
and Councilman Keuling 11/1/33 12, 169
Above matter brought up for discussion
and petitions presented opposing one—
way traffic -on -5th St. -11/15/33 —12, 1t2
No change made to present bystem 11/15/33 1a 1152
Espanola Way traffic referred to
traffic committee 1g, 1g�F
1/_3,513-3 --- -
ok Page
City Mgr, tO_negotlats for5 new
signal lights 8-21-36 15 86
Committee appointed to select sites
for five new signal lights 9/2/36 15 117
Report of Committee on locations for
above lights - contract authorized
9-4--36----_-15 120
Traffic light-authorized_for 5th _St.
and. Wash. Ave. 12-16-36 15 288
Suggested locations for new signal
10-11-37 16 301
Book Page
City Manager to negotiate for
purchase of 10' strip to widen
14th Lane to releive traffic -
1 -19-38 16 491
_1st & 2nd Readings Ord. Amending
Ord. #258, re: reporting acci denjas
to persons & dogs 4-20-38 17 112
3rd Reading #511 - amending 0rd.#258
as above 5-4-38 17 139
Traffic signal lights authorized at
8th,llth and 15th Stand Alton Rd.
5-18-38 17 152
TRAffic - 7
Book Page
Traffic light replaced at
5th & Meridian
17 175
].st and 2nd readings Ordinance
amending Traffic Ord.#258 creating
Traffic Bureau (Cafeteria Court)
1-1E-39 17 456
Parking Meters - Ord.#540 regulating
use and aOntrol 1-18-39 17 457
3rd Reading Ord.#541 creating traffic
bureau (Cafeteria Court) 2/1/39 17 462
let & 2nd readings Ord. amendingTraffic
Ordinance re• B s stands 12/1339 18 416
/k2/..0/37 �.
Book Page
3rd. Reading Ord.No.570 amending
--Traffic Ordinance re: designation
_ of _Bus_Stops and Taxi_stands_ 12/20/39 1 422
Oity--Mgr.-pr-esents plan for regulat—
ing traffic on Washington Ave. 9/25/40 19 302
Bartholomew reports approval of Washing-
ton Ave. improvement program 10/2/11-0 19 —319-
cetracti rat for controllers &
_signals; also_eable on Washington -
Avenue improvement 10/2/40 19 319
Council ordered re-routing of busses
and jitneys over 4th St . areoorniaended
by PallafLANmIt.,_ 11-13-40 19
a r4
Book Page
1st and 2nd Readings Ordinance re:
Amendment to Traffic Ord.making possible
a widening of the press o-s-eope of
Traffic rule violationsummons. feature
12/24/40 19 492
3rd Reading Ord. No.591 as described
above 1/2/41 20 6
Traffic Inspector Hoover to study com-
plaintsagainst-taxi-stands- -12/24/40-19-49-2-
12/24/40 -19 492 -
Res. of Board of County Commis-s-leners
urging City to cooperate in traffic
control 12/24/40 19 499
Book Page
No action taken jn4 .ai lation
of Push-button traffic signals
on Dade B1• &. for safety of golfers
1/27/41 20 24
of blinker lights at 20th St and 21st
Hote-1 propriety -ask -for traffic
lights at 15th St. and Collins Ave.
and -Espanola Way- Traffic Ins ector
.to t ake--care--of r-e$u
20 a
Book PageO
Council Authorizedlacin o__f_ signal
-11ghters-Causeway a FIbr da Power
Light Co. Plant 3/5/41 20 88
Del ati n of Amt owns s nd ma
p��o ste� trairSic regu a on� es
Avenue and Fifth Street V19/41 0 113
Traffic light to be placed at Meridian Ave.
and 16th Street X1/2/ 1 20 133
Trap —at inter-
- ae on of lst Street and Collins
20 156
Avenue 4/16/41
Book Page
Traffic Ins. Hoover Rroposes
eliminating certain No Parking"
zones 11/6/41 21 23
Angle parking onAlton Road1tp9 remain 21 4$
Matter of bus stop at 6th St.
and Washington Ave. referred
to Traffic Inspector 11/19/41 21 48
Mrs. Wolf asks to have traffic
lights installed on 4th St. 1/7/42 21 126
City Mgr. Renshaw to act on matter of
turns made on red lights 3/4/42 21, 234
PPtrope]mrrty owners request traffic turn
tof CityoMgr.& iraffictInsp. Ave6/42fer21d 236
Book Page
Petition filed seeking removal
of all street markers,placed to
reduce speed of traffic 6/16/43 22 138
Bid of Graybar Electric
Co. for 1 truck signal
maintenance tower is
accepted in the amount
of $1,951.15
7/3/46 24 176
Res. #6116 is passed, author-
izing execution of lease with
Automatic Signal Corp. for
traffic control equipment 9/18/46 24 314
Book Page
Res. #621+2 passed, authorizing
lease contract with Automatic
Signal Division for traffic
light at Alton and Dade 3/19/47 25 57
North Beach Business Assn.
request for parking lanes in
front of Abbott Ave. post
office is referred to Mr.
Thompson 1/21/48 26 149
Request for traffic light
at 17th St. and Collins
Ave. referred to Capt. Hoover 2/11/48 26 189
Book Page
Councilman Powell calls
attention to bottleneck
at 63rd & Indian Creek 3/3/48 26 246
Res. #6550, requesting
the State Road Dept. to
make an origin and
destination traffic survey
and interstate highway
plan for Greater Miami 4/7/48 26 281
Book Page
1st and 2nd readings of
ordinance amending Traffic
Ordinance No. 258 4/21/48 26 312
Mr. Powell asks for plans
for alleviation of traffic
bottlenecks 4/21/48 26 313
3rd reading Ord. #849
amending Traffic Ordinance
#258 5/5/48 26 322
Capt. Hoover is asked to
iiaitYg Yo f I gg;ie 2/2/49 27 400
Book Page
Traffic bottleneck at
63rd and Indian Creek
to be studied 4/6/49 28 23
North Beach Business
Association's plans for
alleviation of traffic
at north end of city
referred to City Manager
Traffic director to
recommend re. proposed
ordinance regulating
parking lots 11/2/49 29 22
5/18/49 28 142
Book Page
Traffic Director reports
re removal of parking
meters on Washington Ave 11/2/49
Washington Ave. Assn.
objects to removal of
meters on Washington
Ave. for bus loading
zones 11/9/49 29 4O
Council discusses Traffic
Directors report. Orders
meters re -installed 11/16/49 29 43
29 23
Book Page
Request for traffic light
at 41st and Alton referred
to Traffic Planner 1-4-50 29 111
Traffic Planner directed
to install traffic signal
at 41st & Alton 1-11-50 29 135
Traffic Planner to study
conditions at Indian
Creek Dr. and. Abbott
Ave. and Pine Tree Dr.
and Dade Blvd, 1-11-50 29 135
Book Page
Mr. Richard submits 3 plans
for alleviation of major
traffic problems 1-18-50 29 138
Entire Council to inspect
sites involved in his plan 1-18-50 29 138
Property owners on Normandy
Isle object to Traffic Plan
affecting Normandy Drive and
Everglades Concourse 2-1-50 29 158
City Mgr, asked to investi-
gate need for traffic lights
on Venetian Islands 2-22-50 29 192
Book Page
Mayor Turk suggests that
jitneys be routed on 17th
Street and Washington
Avenue instead of Lincoln
Road and Collins Avenue,
to alleviate traffic
congestion 3--15-50 29 239
Council instructs
Traffic Planner to
install light on Rivo
Alto Island 3-22-50 29 244
Book Page
A. J. Kaplan, Jr. calls
attention to hazardous
traffic conditions around
Normandy Isle Playground -
referred to Traffic
Planner 3-22-50 29 244
Benjamin Lewis complains
of traffic conditions 4-19-50 29 301
Benjamin Lewis complains
of traffic conditions 6/7/50 29 300
Book Page
Council authorizes purchase
of 50 steel traffic stand-
ards from Graybar Electric 8/23/50 39
City Mgr. to investigate
placing traffic lights on San
Marino Isl. and Belle Isl. 10/26/50 30 131
Installation of traffic lights
on Belle Isl. and San Marino
Isl. approved 11-15-50 30 169
Book Page
Councilman Powell_ urges that
Council_take steps to
alleviate the situation at
63rd Street by the construction
of a cut-off causeway from the
vicinity of 63rd St. to
Normandy .Isle - City Manager
to investigate ways and means
regarding construction of a
causeway as a self-liquidating
project 12/6/50 30 211
Book Page
Councilman.Both!s suggestion
for relief of 63rd St. con-
gestion t-o. bediscussed by
Mr. Renshaw with Capt. Seiler
and Mr. Lipp (One way traffic) 12/6/50 30 211
Property owners object-,to
proposed 63rd St. causeway 1/3/51 30 30!
City Manger to negotiate for
traffic study as needed 1/3/51 30 309
Irving Firtel objects to use of
62nd St. for thru traffic 1-17-51 30 329
Book Page
Communication from Councilman
Powell relative to traffic con-
gestion in 63rd St. area read,
advocates either construction
of new causeway or widening
of present bridges 1/17/51 30 330
Traffic lights to be in-
stalled at 34th St. & Alton
Rd. and intersection of
Alton Rd., Chase Ave. and
N. Bay Road 1/17/51 30 335