Traffic_December 1954 to July 1955TRAFFIC 59 Book Page (cont.) completed by Miami Traffic Dept. Mr. Lipp to follow up on plan and submit to Council. 12-27-54 36 386 Letter from Judge of Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court advising of passage of law at last session of Legislature, authorizing each municipality to try its juvenile traffic offenders, referred to Asst City Atty Wanick to take up with judges and report to Council 266 7-13-55 37 TRAFFIC 61 Book Page Restoration of one-way traffic on Normandy Drive and 71st Street approved 10-5-55 37 374+ 1st reading amendment to Traffic Code re. trial of juvenile traffic offenders in Municipal Court 10-19-55 37 414 3rd reading Traffic Code amendment re. Juvenile Traffic Court Ord. #1186 11-2-55 37 426 Employment of firm of Wilbur Smith & Associates to make survey of traffic signals in the City, authorized 12-7-55 37 483 TRAFFIC 61A Book Page Trafficways Plan presented by Mr. Lipp for inclusion in Metropolitan Miami Trafficways program approved provided it is amended to include 71st Street 12-21-55 37 501 TRAFFIC 62 Book Page City Auditor Davidson recommends cremation of copies of 1952 and 1953 traffic fine tickets. Res. #919+ authorizing cremation. 12-21-55 37 504 Letter filed, from Irene A. Snider, favoring restoration of 2 -way traffic on Normandy Isle 2-1-56 38 39 Palm Patio Shop objects to 1 -way traffic on 71st Street 3-21-56 38 105 TRAFFIC 63 Book Page Public hearing to be held on June 20, to consider recommendation of Wilbur Smith & Associates that Harding Ave. between 67th St. and 69th St. be made one-way, northbound. 6-6-56 38 230 Hearing re. proposal to make Harding Ave. one-way north bound between 67th and 69th Streets. Objections presented. Mr. Lipp to make further :'study.' 6-20-56 38 243 TRAFFIC 64 Book Page 1st reading ordinance amending Code so as to separate from Police Dept. all parking meter operations and placing Traffic Violations Bureau under Mgr. of Metered Parking System 8-1-56 38 337 3rd reading above ordinance deferred at request of Irving Cypen, atty for M.B. Police & Firemen's Benevolent Assn 8-15-56 38 372 1st reading ordinance amending Sec. 37.29 of the Code so as to prohibit driving school operations" in certain areas of the city 9-5-56 38 395 TRAFFIC 64A Book Page Operator of Al's Driving School on 5th St. 9bjects to pasDagperft9rdipance prohibiting driving schoolin certain areas until driving school operators' association has had opportunity to study it. Action deferred until October 3rd. Drivers requested to cooperate with Chief of Police and drive in designated areas only. 9-19-56 38 418 TRAFFIC Action again ordinance at 65 Book Page deferred on "Parking Meter" request of Irving Cypen 9-19-56 38 401 3rd reading again deferred on above ordinance 10-3-56 38 446 3rd reading Ordinance regulating auto driving school operations - Ord. #1231. Discussion held. 10-3-56 38 447 M.B. driving schools suggest that Miami iving schools be prevented from oerating it off Miami BB ach streets. Con °grating toeeld with Ciy Atty re. propose ordinance 10-3-56 38 447 TRAFFIC 66 Book Page Firemen and Policemen's Benevolent Assn withdraws objection to ordinance divorcing parking meter operations from Police Dept. Intention of ordinance is explained. 10-17-56 38 455 $27,000 appropriation authorized from u.c.f. in connection with traffic light recommendations made by Wilbur Smith in trfic light study _10717756 38 466 3rd' af reading ordinance separating all - parking meter operations from Police Dept. d placing Traffic Violations Bureau under. and . or meteresd Parking System, r.d . 3 470 TRAFFIC 67 Book Page City Mgr. advises Council of meeting to be held in Miami Court House on 11/20/56 at which time traffic survey of Greater Miami area will be presented. 11-7-56 38 497 Petition presented requesting installation of traffic light at 71st St. & Bonita Dr. Mr. Lipp does not recommend; states that officer will remain all day at 71st. St. & Indian Cr. Dr. to assist pedestrians and that Bonita Dr. will be made 2 -way south of 71st St. Post Office official objects to "NO Left Turn" sign at Bonita Dr. Matter refe red to M. . Lipp & Traffic Dept. to straighten out. 12-5-56 39 7 TRAFFIC 68 Book Page $9,000 appropriation authorized for purchase of actuated traffic equipment (from ucf) 2-6-57 39 115 Jaywalking discussed. Councilman Shapiro suggests fine. Other Councilmen favor educational program. City Mgr. to look into matter and urge Police Dept. to make arrests under existing regulations for violation of pedestrian traffic laws 4-17-57 39 300 TRAFFIC 69 Book Page 1st reading Ord. amending various sections of the Code making City Clerk appointing officer of Traffic Violations Bureau and making him responsible for all monies collected by it. 7-17-57 39 Traffic Court receives first place award for all cities having between 50,000 and 100,000 population 55 3rd reading ord. making City C e Clerk 40 27 a pointing ofrlceer of Traffic solations B e mon es co e to mbyeiton5_ _57 or 39 479 Ord. 1260 1457 TRAFFIC 70 Book Page 1st reading ord. prohibiting parking of vehicles on City streets for purpose of displaying advertising 12-4-57 40 149 3rd reading Ord. prohibiting parking of vehicles for purpose of displaying adver- tising - Ord. #1283 12-18-57 40 182 Petition and communications presented requesting removal of parking ban on Collins Ave. between 63rd and 71st Streets (action of Police Chief). C of C resolution urges Council to uphold parking ban. Discussion held with Police Chief present. Measures agreed upon re. Collins Ave. parking ban between 69th and 75t Streets. 219 & 1-155-58 40 232 TRAFFIC 71 Book Page City receives award from National Safety Council 6-10-59 42 112 3 readings given ordinance adopting Chapter 186, Florida Statutes, as Traffic Code. Emergency measure. Ordinance #1352. 7-1-59 42 153 1st and 2nd reading ordinance adopting by reference Chapter 186, Florida States, as Traffic Code. 7-1-59 42 153 TRAFFIC F2 Book Page Communication filed from Biscayne Democratic Club expressing commendation of Council's stand in rejecting request of Metro to have City turn over its traffic court to Metro control. 7-15-59 42 190 3rd and final reading ordinance adopting Chapter 186, Fla. Statutes, as Traffic Code. Ord. #1353. 7-15-59 42 194 Council receives National Safety Council Certificate of Achievement for Maintenance of Traffic Accident Records in Miami Beach 9-2-59 42 269 TRAFFIC 73 Book Page Action deferred on proposed amendment to TrafficCode regulating use of sirens on emergency vehicles as well as the speed. 4-20=60 43 65 Dade County to assume handling of traffic engineering and control-. City Mgr. to outline details with County.5-18-60 43 89 City receives certificates for maintenance of accident records and school traffic safety education from National Safety Council. 6-8-60 43 103 Recommendation of City Mgr. Lipp for sale. of City's traffic equipment to County accepted. 7-6-60 43 126 TRAFFIC City Mgr. to consider suggestion offered to place signs indicating tow away zones. 7-20-60 43 163 74 Book Page 1st reading ord:_nance restricting traffic on Lincoln Road Mall to trams, emergency and maintenance vehcles. 11-23-60 43 345 3rd reading ordinance regulating traffic on Lincoln Road west of Washington Ave. and East of Alton Rd. Ord. #1403 12-7-60 43 363 TRAFFIC 75 Book Page Mayor Oka to send letters to members of clergy requesting them to urge their congregations to respect traffic laws. 6-21-61 44 108 City Mgr. asked to have Mr. Kunde of Dade County check the timing on lights on Washington Ave. City Mgr. asked to check with Metro Dade County about addl traffic lights on Ocean Dr. 6-21=61 44 108 1st reading ordinance, amending Sec. 37.94.3 of Traffic Code re. trucks parking in Business Districts. Objection made. 10-4-61 44 238 TRAFFIC 76 Book Page City Mgr. recommends proposed ordinance re. parking of trucks in certain areas be amended on 3rd reading. Passage of ordinance urged. Mr. Hyman Lieberman objects. 3rd reading of proposed ordinance tabled until next regular meeting. 10-18-61 44 244 Mr. Lieberman asks postponement of 3rd reading of ordinance amending Traffic Code re. parking of trucks in certain areas. Ordinance amended. Ordinance adopted as amended on final reading. Ord. *1429. 11-1-61 44 256