Traffic_January 1951TRAFF/C Asst. City Manager to contact Safety Director Henderson of Miami relative to "no left turn's signs at Miami ends of three causeways - possibly to have matter come before Miami City Commission 1/17/51 30 338 26 Book Page Police Department double and triple Dade Boulevard in night clubs to prevent parking on front of 1/2+/51 30 343 TRAPP/C 27 Book Page Resolution of Mayort s Safety Committee recommending one- way traffic on Normandy Isie taken under considera- tion 2-7-51 30 359 Report of Planning Board on proposed 63rd St. cut-offcauseway and 63rd St. bridges under consideration 2-7-51 30 359 Hearing to consider one-way traffic on Normandy Isle called for Feb. 28, 1951 2-2':51 30 376 TRAFFIC Hearing conducted on one-way traffic on Normandy Isle 2-28-51 30 403-4 One-way traffic onNormandy Isle approved - westbound on Normandy Drive and eastbound on Everglades Concourse 2-28-51 30 404 Hearing to be held on 3/7/51 relative to one-way traffic 63rd St. area and Collins Ave. between 26th and 44th Sts 2-28-51 30 405 28 Book Page TEAF'F`TC 29 Book Page Hearing conducted - one-way traffic on Collins Ave. and Indian Creek Drive between 26th and 1+1+th Streets 3-7-51 30 1+30 One way traffic to be insti- tuted in the above area 3-7-51 30 1+30 One way traffic in 63rd St. area plan temporarily abandoned (hearing held) 3-7-51 30 1+31 Parking to be eliminated on Collins Ave. in 63rd St. area 3-7-51 30 1+31 TRAFFIC 30 Book Page Councilman Richard suggests that Pine Tree Drive be made a one-way ,street from 51st to 63rd northbound and La Gorce one-way southbound 3-7-51 30 431 Council authoriz€s insti- tution of one-way traffic on Pine Tree Drive and La Gorce Drive 3-7-51 30 431 TRAF1P TC Book Page Attorney Alex Gordon objects to one-way traffic in 26-th 44th St. areae.". 3-14-51 30 445 Safety Committee recommends that one-way plan in 26th -44th St. area be deferred until December 1951 - 3-19-51 30 446 Council authorizing institution of one-way traffic 3-19-51 30 446 TRAPPIC Petition of residents of La Gorce Drive presented - objecting to one-way traffic on La,Gorce Drive and asking for restoration of two-way traffic 3-19-51 30 447 Request of Mr. Evans of SeaGull Hotel to consider making 21st St. one-way from Collins Ave to ocean referred to Traffic Department for recommendation 3-19-51 30 447 32 Book Page TROPIC Abe Allenberg requests that signs be placed on Indian Creek Drive in the 26th - 44th St area indicating what hotels can be found on Collins Ave. - Mr. Link to report 3-19-51 30 447 Council defers action on directional signs on Indian Creek Drive. (Hotels on Collins Ave.) 3-21-51 30 470 Book Page TRAFFIC 34 Book Page Petition of 98 residents of Pine Tree Drive urging retention of one-way traffic 3-28-51 30 481 Charles Danton objects to one-way traffic plan for La Gorce Drive 4-11-51 31 5 City Engineer reports on traffic survey Pine Tree Dr. and La Gorce - found nothing to justify changing streets back to 2 -way traffic. 5-2-51 31 104 TRAFFIC Education program concerning speed regulations requested by Council Petition of hotel operators on Collins Ave, from 26th St. to 44th St. asking that Collins Ave. be designated 2 -way street. Reports to be submitted. Hotel owners ask resumption of two-way traffic on Collins Ave. 35 Book Page 5-2-51 31 104 6-13-51 31 264 6-20-51 31 297 TRAFFIC 36 Book Page 2 -way traffic permitted from May 15 to November 15 on Collins Ave. and Indian Creek Dr. between 26th and 1414th -z®.s/ Streets —3 31 298 Requezt of Moe Hellman for traffic lights on streets crossing Collins Ave. between Lincoln Road and 41st St. referred to Traffic Dept. 8-8-51 31 1438 Res. #7778 approving proposed Miami -Jacksonville Toll Turnpike 9-12-51 32 148 TRAFFIC 37 Book Page Action deferred on merchants' request for resumption of two-way traffic on Normandy Isle 10-3-51 32 87 Public hearing to be held re. two-way traffic on Normandy Drive and 71st Street (on Normandy Isle) 10-11-51 32 106 Safety Committee recommends that parking be eliminated on east side of Collins Ave. from 26th St. to 72nd St. 10-17-51 32 122 TRAFFIC 38 Book Page Resolution adopted by Mayor's Safety Committee asking Council to request State Road Dept. to make traffic survey without cost to city. City Mgr, 10-30-51 32 134 directed to request survey. Council discusses traffic law enforcement 10-30-51 32 134 Police Chief reports on traffic enforcement means 10-30-51 32 135 TRAFFIC 39 Book Page Rader Engineering Co. engaged as traffic engineers to make survey and report on operation of traffic system for 1952 calendar year 1-2-52 32 277 Mr. Lipp to check with Police Dept. about violation of traffic laws, ie. double and triple parking on streets and use of Library Parking area for parking by various establish- ments 3-19-52 32 439 TRAFFIC Motion of Councilman Richard that one-way traffic plan on Collins Ave. between 26th St. and 44th Street be kept in effect on year-round basis fails to receive second. 5-7-52 33 25 40 Book Page Miami Beach voted first place award for outstanding ach1evement in traffic engineering in Group VIII cities in the U.S. 5-21-52 33 59 TRAFFIC : 3 Book Page Collins Ave. one-way traffic plan clarified - to be in effect on Collins Ave. from 26th to 44th Streets between November 15th and May 15th; and 2 -way traffic from May 15th to November 15th of each year 5-21-52 33 63 Normandy Isies Improvement Ass'n invites Council to attend their meeting in connection with two-way traffic on Normandy Isle 6-4-52 33 96 TRAFFIC Safety Committee recommends elimination of parking on Collins Ave. between 26th & 44th Streets, since Council ag.in voted to change one-way traffic system on Collins Ave. Recommendation to be clarified. City Mgr. and Traffic Dir. to submit their recommendations to Mr. Lipp for report. 6-11-52 33 105 4• Book Page City Engr. reports re. elimination of parking on Collins Ave. from 26th to 44th Streets, during time 2 -way traffic is in1effect 33 118 TRAFFIC 43 Book Page City Mgr. asked to see what can be done about traffic conditions around Biscayne School 10-1-52 33 296 Two-way traffic to remain in effect on Collins Avenue 11-5-52 33 356 Resolution of M.B. Taxpayers' Assn filed favoring synchronization of all traffic lights on Lincoln Rd. and opposing elimination of parking meters on that street 11-19-52 33 380 TRAFFIC 44 Book Page Petition filed requesting that 2 -way traffic again be instituted on Normandy Isle. Action deferred. 11-26-52 33 393 No action on petition requesting restoration of 2 -way traffic on 71st St. and Normandy Drive 12-3-52 33 413 Petition filed requesting resumption of 1 -way traffic on Indian Cr. Dr. and Collins Ave,between 26th and 424th Streets. Motion to do so denied 12-3-52 33 413 TRAFFIC 45 Book Page Taxpayers Assn urges return of one-way traffic on Collins Ave. & Indian Creek Drive 12-17-52 33 427 M.B. Apartment Assn. urges restoration of 1 -way traffic on Collins Ave. & Indian Cr. Dr. from 26th Street to 414th Street on all -year basis. 1-21-53 33 469 Hearing re. 1 -way traffic to be held January 28th. 1-21-53 33 469 Rotary Club petition filed favoring restoration of 1 -way traffic on Collins Ave. & Indian Cr. Dr. bet. 26th & 44th St. 1-21-53 33 478