Transportation Building_May 1946TRANSPORTATION BUILDING W. Bond Collins outlines his plan for interesting trans- portation companies in build- ing transportatitn building .n.Miami Beach 5/21/46 24 101 Council discusses Mr. Collins' plan to locate Transportation Building on municipal golf course 5/24/46 24 102 Mr. Collins is asked to go before -Chamber of Commerce and Presidents' Round Table -and explain his plan 5/24/46 24 102 1. Book Page TRANSPORTATION BUILDING Book Paget Lincoln -Collins Co, ask for permit to construct a public transportation building in Block 54, Fisher's lst, on Collins Ave. - Council grants permit 7/17/46 24 187 N. H. Hankoff urges the Council to seek authority from the Legislature to construct a public trans- portation building on the Municipal Golf Course 7/17/46 24 207 Council takes under advisement TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 3 Book Page 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance by placing property on which the above building is situated, in Area District #19 1/2/47 24 452 3rd reading of above ordin- ance, designated Ord. #796 1/15/47 24 461