Trash_July 1940 to November 1941TRASH Book Page Purchase of trash trailer & tractor for pulling (lama, authorized 7/3/40 19 186 Purchase of low trailer trash truck. au-hr.zed Oct. 16, 19k0 19 362-- _ity linager to advertise for ,b1 ��on 20 192 trate exs and two tractors_ 4/25/ *1_ , „+ h ^ri-z- e-s—pug -chao a of 3 - trailers and 2 tractors for trash dept. 6/5/41 20 264 Appro. of 0.695 authorized for purchase of enclosed garbage collecting body 11/26/41 21 84 TR&SH 2 Book Page Council authorizes purchase of 1 Elgin Refuse Getter at $1690.00 5/7/42 21 318 TRASH 3. Book Page 1st and 2nd readings ordinance prohibiting throwing trash into bay or waterways 9-3-52 33 235 3rd reading ordinance #1028 prohibiting throwing trash into bay or waterways 9-17-52 33 258 Councilman Turk suggests educational program so that public is advised that rubbish is not to be placed on trimmings piles 1-20-54 34 306 TRASH Book Page Council gives Mr. Renshaw authority to locate property on Hibiscus Island for park purposes and use in connection with central trash site program 12-19-56 39 37 Hibiscus Island property owners petition City to establish trash pick-up spot. City Mgr. to negotiate for purchase of Lots 1,2,3, Blk 1, Palm Island for this purpose. 2-6-57 39 97 re. Trash burning - see cards captioned "Smoke and Smog"