Trees_July 1933 to July 1946TREES
To be transplant dd from City
Nursery to Collins Ave.. north
—o 63rd Street
12, 99-._.
Appropriationaof $90.00 set up
for illumination- of _3_ RPp1 nIana
trees for one week �41 20 264
Mr. Link, Park Supt., is
authorized to proceed with
plair for Lopping- pi- le trees
on Pine Tree Drive on basis
of $15 per tree 7/3/46 24 181
Council authorizes removal
of trees from city property
in front of Singer's Roose-
velt theatre on 41st St. 11/2/49 29 20
Objections filed to re-
moval of trees on 41st
St. - Council takes no
action 11/9/49 29 37
Bids for topping and trimming approx.
400 Australian pine trees on Pine Tree
Dr. from 30th to 46th Sts. rejected.
9-7-55 37 342
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