U Miscellaneous_August 1932 to June 1934"U" MISCELLANEOUS
U. S. Navy - See "Navy, U. S."
U.S. Engr. Office Water Bill 8®3-32 11, 364
Unemployed- Local merchants urged
to employe Miami Beach residents 12-27-32.11,473
U. S.Health Dept. negdiating for lease
of 100' section of municipal dock 5-16-34 12,410
U. S.Health Dept. granted use of section of
Book gratia, providing eto. 6/27/34 12 471
• Book Page
License authorized for
United Tours, Inc. 3/6/35 13 320
Ullian, A. J. urges that he
be permitted to sell liquor on
Lincoln Road 8/21/35 14 52
Ullian Liquor Store -1130 Lincoln Rd.
denied Pk oods license 9®18-35 1/1- 102
nitwitsequest permission to
maintain their package store on
Lincoln,Road. 9/30/35 14 114
Ullian's granted liquor license
Ullian' s granted pexmi1 to sell 1 152
beer and wine 11/18/35 14 195
trLC 9t
Temia4 pevues8 extol tlesaATun
9C -a -TT. esueoTT nna,znq
TGAvaa. pa.uas8 ,-oul'e.moy pa,Tun
n mg
L £-ttc-TT
LC -6T -TT _ asueoTE
nvaanq Tahe.zq pa�u�JS sanoy TsTaeATun
LC -9-T asueoTT
nve znq TeAva , peq uB.z2 -. nay pa4Tun
9af tit
9C/tt/C asueoTT nna.znq
taay.z4 pa.uws2 s.znoy pezTun
a2Bc xoog
snouzaoslx una
$200.00 appropriated
went of U. S. -Reserve
Training Corps
Booms Pyre
for entertain -
5/3/39 - _.8 54_
— United Tours, Inc., granted -travel
bureau license- i1/16/39 1 3 11
-bureau �m 18 398 -
United Service Carp.authorized refund
- for adjustment -on -I-937 taxes p [d on Lot
1, Blk.1, Subdn. of- Bik.1,Beach--View- Add. -
7f 26140
19 211
zz tttt/L/9 eoTAaas
op a2BaBf aauen o4 peaaa;suBa4
sagaaA •r paajw ao 4Tmaad TXB/
03 /9T I 7'6-TT76T aoj esuaoTt
nBaanq TaABaq pequyaS sanos, pagTun
91 OZ Tt/5T/T 1 -OV6T ao3
nsaanq TaABa4 pe UBaV sans TBsaaATun
19C 61 r_ 01i-91-01 Ttt-Oi76T aoa esueoTT
nBaanq Ta/Bay pavuBa9 sanoJ pagTun
aBd zoos
9noammaosTW done