Underground Utility Lines_August to November 1945UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES 1. Book Page Councilman Powell urges that utility lines be laid underground 8/17/45 23 203 Committee comprising Messrs. Powell, Pole and Resnahaw appointed to confer with utility companies re. laying lines underground 9/5/45 23 215 M. B. Elks endorse Council's efforts to have Unity lines laid underground 1l/7/45 23 263 UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES City Attorney is instructed to prepare ordinance requiring utility companies to place lines underground within period of 5 years 11/21/45 2. Book Page 298 UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES 2. Book Page Florida Power & Light Co. sets forth proposed program for placing wires undergound - Council asks that -the committee continue to meet with the utility companies 2/20/46 23 410-12 Florida Power & Light Co. submits additional proposal re. laying lines underground 4/17/46 24 47 UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES Council accepts improvement Book Page program of Florida Power & Light Co. with understandng that negotiations will be carried on for further improvements 4/17/16 24 47 1st & 2nd readings of an ordinance requiring customers served by Fla. Power & Light underground wiring system to make necessary connections 11/6/46 24 393 UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES 4 Book Page 3rd reading of Ordinance No. 786, requiring customers served by Fla. Power & Light Co's. underground facilities to make connection thereto 11/20/46 24 403