"V" Miscellaneous_May 1931 to November 1935"V" MISCELLANEOUS 1. BOOK, PAGE Veterans' Petition to hold Boxing Matches 9, 169 Veterans of Foreign Wars: Request appro- priation for Convention 5-6-31 11, 30 Veterans License to Kraft Awning Com- pany 5-20-31 11, 37 11-12-31 11, 222 Virginia KEY, Commercial Bathing prohibited 10-26-32 11, 419 VanNess Bros. object to comfort st hetrshotelsmmus Paril f bite 14,171 "V" MISCELLANEOUS Voss Soda Shop grantfgye58license B k la�gle Village Tavern granted liquor_permit for one year 11/7/35 14 180 Van Ness Bros. object to comfort stations erected opposite their two ocean front -hotels 11/-6/35 14 171 Gomf ort Statl e -n --at 14-th—S44-. & Lummus Park discussed 11/29/35 14 218 2. 10 a t '..- .. .. ordered (removed at request of Van Ness' __Itenetian Docks granted beer & wine permit 12/11/35 14,233 °V'! MISCELLANEOUS 3 Book Page Venetian Shortwa, Inc. granted Cert- ofPub.Convenience for cars 12-9-36 15 2g� - -Res-43789 Village Tavern,Inc. granted beer and wine License 1=20=37 15 349 Vanderbilt -Dempsey Hotel granted per- mit to construct cabanas 11-10-37 16 359 Venetian Island property owners e-str1ctions tocconform with d=ed restrictinna 18 160 7/10/39 "V" MISCELLANEOUS 4s Book Page Vote's Soda Shop granted beer and wine license 9-20-39 18 276 Voss, W.R. granted parking lot per- mit at Lot 2, Blk. 116,0.8.#4 1/17/40 18 451 -Venetian Causeway denied permit to erect post sign 5/29/40 19 135 Versailles_ Hotel_- granted -liquor license 11/6/40 19 387 Veterans of Foreign Wars granted permission for poppy day on Jan.11, 1941 Dec. 9,1940 19 460 "V" MISCELLANEOUS 5. Book Page VERSAILLES HOTEL- Council authorizes transfer ofresent liquor license :Tw to trustees of this hotel 3,5/41 20 88 VISITOR PUBLISHING CO.- 3,g/iiniod 20 111 Vogue Laundry - granted permit to install ga . gaso ne pump3,19 41_ n 20 11 Vercellino, Emilio - granted beer and wine license for 1663 Lenox Ave.10/2%41 20 427 Versailles Hotel granted liquor license 10/15/41 20, 467 "Vtt MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Vic's Sandwich Shop and VENETIAN SUNDRY STORES,Inc. granted beer and wine licenses 10/15/41 20 467 The Vanderbilt granted Night Club license 10/23/41 21 7 W.E.LORD Veterinarian granted permit at 1764 Wast Ave. 11/6/41 21 23 Res. #5409 passed opposing substi- tution of busses for present jitney service over Venetian Causeway 11/19/41 Visitor Publishing Co,requesting 1 59 advertising (no action) 2/18/42 21 202 6 "V" MISCELLANEOUS 7 Book. Page Victory Bar and Sandwich Shop granted beer and wine license 4/28/42 21 VERSAILLES HOTEL given tentative approval for liquor license 1/6/43 21 497 Venetian ShortWay System granted per- mission to run to 63rd St. and change route 1/15/43 22 3 Venetian Shortway System granted per- mission to extend service to 71st St, VERSAILLES HOTEL granted 1/20/43 22 11 liquor license 1/20/43 22 12 "V" MISCELLANEOUS 74 Book Page Vies Sandwich Shop granted beer and wine license 1C/28/42 21 453 "V" MISCELLANEOUS 8 BOOK PAGE Liquor license granted to VENETIAN PACKAGE STORE (Morris T. Kelly) 10/6/43 22 180 Liquor license granted to Hotel Evans Cocktail Lounge issued under name of HARP VAUGHAN'S MEXICANA BAR 6/7/44 22 334 Villa Nova Restaurant granted beer and wine license 12/6/44 22 443 Venetian Way Drugs (Held) granted beer & wine license 5/16/45 23 89 "Vu Miscellaneous 9. Book Page Vito's Market (Vito Borgine) granted beer & wine license for HOT BEER ONLY 8/1/45 23 183 Victory Market granted beer and wine license 10/17/45 23 248 Versailles Hotel granted liquor license 10/17/45 23 250 Villa Nova Restaurant grant- ed beer and wine license 11/7/45 23 264 "V" Miscellaneous 10 Book Page Victory Market is granted beer & wine license 10/2/46 24 319 Request of Veterans Economy Transit System, Inc. for Council to endorse their application for a public transportation system (application before Railroad Commission) is denied ' 10/16/46 24 345 "V" MISCELLANEOUS 11 Book Page Versailles Hotel granted liquor license 10/16/46 24 348 Request of Venetian Sedan Service for permission to charge 20¢ fare on 71st St. route is referred to City Manager 11/64+6 24 389 Veterans of Foreign Wars request City to pur- chase benches for Nautilus Hospital grounds - it is referred to Mr. Hice 12/4/46 24 414 "V° Miscellaneous 10 Book Page Vanderbilt Restaurant & Bar granted liquor license 11/21/45 23 294 Variety Theatre's request for permit for vertical sign taken under advisement 5/1/46 24 49 Mrs. Arnold Volpe's request for financial aid for "Pop" concerts denied 5/15/46 24 • 97 Beer and wine licenses granted Venetian Lunch and Van's Restaurant 7/3/46 24 162 "V" MISCELLANEOUS 12 Book Page Venetian House at 1253-55 Dade Blvd. granted beer license 3/5/47 25 13 Vito's granted beer and wine license 8/6/47 25 296 Venetian Sedan Service's request for fare increase is referred to City Mgr. 10/15/47 25 430 Venetian Sedan Service given permission to increase fares 11/5/47 25 464 "V" MISCELLANEOUS 13. Book Page Venetian Sedan Service's request to extend jitney service north of 71st St. is referred to Mr. Renshaw 4/7/48 26 290 Victory Fish Market granted license 5/5/48 26 336 Veterans of Foreign Wars endorse Council's agreement with Mt. Sinai Hospital for operation of Nautilus Hospital 6/2/48 26 362 "V" MISCELLANEOUS 14 Book Page Veterans of Foreign Wars given permit to construct club house at 64o West Ave. 10/7/48 27 113 $3,000 appropriated for Veterans of Foreign Wars convention 8/3/49 28 293 Veterans of Foreign Wars and Elks Club given permit to hold cha±ity bazaar just north of Fleetwood Hotel 12-21-49 29 90 $500.00 appropriated for VFW State convention 4-505- 29 272