Venetian Way Bus Line_December 1938 to November 1941VENETIAN WAY BUS LINE
Book Page
Lincoln Rd. merchant s asks that
Venetian Way bus line run over
16th St.
12/21/5Z 17
Referred to City Manager
_Authorization granted for Venetian
Way Buses to travel over Lincoln
Road 1-6-39 17 435
Venetian ShortWay Line submit pro-
posal for extension of service
10-30-40 19 375
Res.#5l09 opposing substitution of
—buses for jitneys --over- Venetian -
__Causeway 11/19/41 19 59
Book Page
Miami Bridge Co. protest use of
Venetian Way by M.B.R.Bo,buses
1/15/43 22 1
Venetiah Shortway System granted
permission to change their routes
and to run to 63rd St. 1/15/43 22 3
Discussion with reference to M.B.R.Co,
buses using Venetian Way 1/20/43 22 11
Council agree to await report from
O.D.T. before taking action 1/20/43 22 11