Venetian Way_June 1928VE,TIAN WAY citee //6 7 Jo / 964 z 64- • /3 - " 1/40 /67 VENETIAN WAY 2. -T-c,11----Gate-over--causeway Re - . - • ; Request to operate Transportation System Owners to remove or change wording of signs leading to Ven. Causeway 7/19/33 12, 106 Committee appointed to consider increas- ing tax burden on Venetian Way Co. City Atty.,City Mgr. & Tax Assessor 11/18/42 21 465 Civic League of Miami Beach asks Council to urge State Road Dept. to acquire Venetian Causeway as public highway free of toll 11/8/44 22 428 VENETIAN WY 3. Book Page Council refuses request of Civic League to urge State Road Dept. to acquire Venetian Way 12/6/44 22 447 Protest possible establish- ment of tollgate at east end of Vendstian Way 1/16/46 23 357 Civic League of M. B. submits resolution urging State R. R. Commission to repeal its order establishing a tollgate on Belle Isle 4/17/46 24 48 VENETIAN WAY 4. Book Page Councilman Both writes re- lative to purchase of Venetian causeay by County Meeting arranged with County Comm. on 1/9/51 1/3/51- 30 309