Veterans_November 1945 to January 1946VETERANS
Request of Dade Co. Veterans
Service Center.for appropriation
of $21000 referred to Mr.
Renshaw 11/21/45 23 289
Council appropriates
$2,000 to Dade Co.
Veterans' Service Office 12/5/45 23 321
Council denies request of American
Legion for a committee to
handle veterans' problems 1/16/46 23 349
Book Page
Book Page
Jewish War Veterans ask the
City to open pier to provide
housing for veterans - Council
takes under advisement 3/20/46 23 453
E. Q. Rodgers complains that
veterans are unable to rent
apartments in buildings bhich
were built for veterans -
Councilman Pole is appointed
to investigate 7/3/46
Book Page
Marvin Adams, of
Committee, urges
reconsider their
building permits
Veterans Housing
the Council to
policy of issuing
prior to C. P. A.
8/7/46 24 232
American Legion's request that
city -owned property be sold to
veterans for housing purposes
is referred to City Attorney
and City Manager 8/7/46 24 249
Committee appointed to consult
with C.P.A. re. maximum cost
of residences reports 10/16/46 24 372
Book Page
No action taken on veterans'
housing project submitted by
American Veterans Committee 10/16/46 24 373
Veterans of Foreign Wars
ask City to purchase benches
for Nautilus Hospital grounds -
it is referred to Mr. Hice 12/4/46 24 414
Book Page
Veterans' Housing Committee's
request for $3,000 is taken
under advisement 12/18/46 24 427
City Attorney's opinion
is that Council is without
authority to appropriate
funds for Veterans' Hous-
ing Committee 12/27/46 24 439
Mr. Liberman's motion
that $3,000 be appropriated
for Veterans' Housing
Committee receives no
second 12/27/46 24 439
Book Page
Frank Dunbar urges that
taxicab permits be granted
to veterans having 30% dis-
ability or greater 1/2/47 24 442
His request is referred to
the committee on taxicab
matters 1/2/47 24 442
Request of Veterans Housing
Committee for $3,000 approp-
riation is again discussed
and denied 1/2/47 24 453
Book Page
Melvin Richard, representing
American Veterans Committee,
urges Council to appropriate
$3,000 requested by the
Veterans Housing Committee 1/15/+7 24 459
Harry Adams of Jewish War
Veterans, Mr. Lipton of Apt.
House Ass'n., Ed Friedson
and Marvin Adams of the
Veterans Housing Committee
urge Council to make the
appropriation 1/15/47 24 459
Council continues to deny
the request 1/15/47 24 459
Book Page
Veterans Council urges
adoption of ordinance
prohibiting discrimination
in employment - other
veterans organizations
join in this request 3/19/47 25 38
It is referred to City
Attorney for his
opinion 3/19/47 25 38
Veterans Council again
request ordinance pro-
hibiting discrimination
in employment 4/2/47 25 60
Book Page
Veterans Council again asks
for adoption of ordinance
prohibiting discrimination
in employment - it is left
with City Attorney 4/16/47 25 103
D.A.V. ask to use Flamingo
Park baseball field for
boxing 7/16/47 25 280
Permission given to place
tables on Lincoln Road to
aid veterans re. G.I.
7/16/47 25 289
Disabled American Veterans
ask for permit to operate
private club at 345 Lincoln
Road - Council denies
Book Page
27 272
$250. appropriation to
Veterans of Foreign Wars
for purpose of making effort
to secure 1952 convention for
M.B. From Publicity Funds. 7-18-51 31 407
DAV request to hold boxing
shows is referred to Mr.
DAV re quest for special
vehicle identification
cards iS referred to Mr.
Seabee Veterans ask for
permission to stay in
private club quarters at
228 Lincoln Road another
90 days - Council denies
Book Page
10/1/47 25 411
12/10/47 26 19
27 272