"W" Miscellaneous_December 1938 to February 1939'W' MISCELLANEOUS 26 Book- P-ag e Whitman Hotel asks that RED Top eermit s abbe g The Wheel -granted beer and wine license 1-4-39 17 394 17t1.33- Reimbursement authorized to Mrs. Janet Walker on Septic tank --ov- low-l-ine 1 6-39-- 17 435 Wo-1per-t--,-Gabriel- request for park- ing lot permit denied 1-18-39 17 446 Walgreens Drug -Store granted liquor license 2 1-3) 17 461— Walgreeens Drug Store beer & wine2Llj39 1L461_ 'SWC' MISCELLANEOUS Book Page World Wide Travel Bureau given license for 436 Washington Ave, 1--1g-39 17 450 4heeler, Mary G.- attorney_requests waiving of interest on Espanola Way -Improve menta -C e -e --E PANOLA WAY` oartc j 3-1-39 17 g -- Council agrees to waive interests on Mrs. Wheeler's Espanola Way assess- ments 3-15-39 1& 15 Wasman, Mollie- offers to tr&de her Lot 1, B1k.113, O.B. #4 for Lot 2 if city buys same (rejected) 3-22-39 18 17 "W" MISCELLANEOUS Book Pages Woody Hayes - gives list of owners of automobiles to City 5/3`39 18 57 Washington Storage Co.Ine. given contract for furnishing equipment for Dade Rivd,-dire Station 6122/39 18 115 - Res. #4550 Weiss, Jesse - asks that his liquor application be considered for next year rather -than for -6 mos.period g -P-3-9 18 185 Weinkle-Carl, his atty.advised to have Mr.Weinkle file new application for liquor 1-Jeanse at -1711 Alton g_2-39 18 185 !'W" MISCELLANEOUS 29 Book Page WEINKLE, CARL - granted liquor permit for 1711 Alton Road 8/16/39 18 213 WOFFORD HOTEL FOUNTAIN granted beer and wine permit x/16/39 1-8 213 WHITE TOWERS - beer and wine (see Wmpey--i s -appIi atron 10 -II 3T Woffor3 Wot6I=given permit to oonstrut pergola providing they sign -agreement for widening of Collins Ave.9/6/39 18 227 White House Bar-grantedr & wine 9 /b/ 39 x 229 W4te House Bar- granted r permit "W" MISCELLANEOUS 30 Book Page Wofford Hotel Fountain granted Beer & wine license 9-20-39 18 276 Wirth,Lou - urges issuance of liquor license to him at old San Souci Club at 11-11zDade-B=vc1. -dented 10/4/39 1 297 -Wash to Drug Co. granted:Meer --an--w-i-n-e-1 i een-se 10/5/39- 18 314 1Nilliams, H.D.-requests amendment to Liquor Ord. to permit sale of liquor in cabana groups of 100 10/18/39 18 323 World Wide Travel bureau granted license 1939-40 11/1/39 18 352 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 31 -look Pnge Waldorf Cafeteria granted beer & wine license 1113L39 18 364 • Whelan.}J,.F. granted parking lot_ at B.W. Qorner lath. st&Ave • 11/29/39 18_ 396 WhiteHouse Hotel granted beer and wine license 11/29/39 —18 398 --Mrs.--Walte'e-requests that alley in Bik. 31,Fisher's lst Subdn, be kept open; also asks for widening of Pine Tree Dr. 12-6-39 18 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 32 Book Page Walsh School of Business Science grimed 1939-40H permit 12/13/39 18 415 Issuance of Renewal license for -ldquor in ROTEL WOFFORD authorized dahn B. #offord- --- 12/13/39 18---1-16 Whitehouse Hotel granted permit for - c-onstruction -of-cabanas 12/13/39 18 419 ---Wi s4om, W. C . ----denied liquor tic -e -ns a for old 41 Club 1/3/40 18 433 Whitehouse g Anted parking 10 perm ax of Lots 1 & 2 2/8/40 18 469 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 33. Book Page Wood, Hayes -County Tax Collector, presents list of automobile owners* --nates 3-640 19 1 Wof ford,John B. -asks that all trucks be kept off Miami Beach Drive 4/3/40 19 64. Walsh, John - Attys. to prosecute parties responsible for his accident in nameof Qi *Y 5/15/40 19 129 ratson,P.L. - request 'for beer and wine license at 6930 Collins Ave. 5/29/40 19 135 UH MISCELLANEOUS 31. Book_ Page intes Waffle Shop granted beer and wine license 9-25-40 19 265 WaganglUaLlore-TocA__Center ertinted beer and wine 9/25/40 19 265 Wilcox, Mr. - seeks permit for A & P. Tea Co. to park oars on llth St. & • t • le 309- otel ask permit y property 10/9/40 19 323 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 35 Book Page White,M.H.& Associates denied permit too rate -billiard p -e gold_ game on 5th St. 10-16- __. -1-9 35.7_ Whitehouse Bar granted liquor license 10-21-40 19 363 Witt s Ei ci (Dawson Corp.) granted liquor 1i-oense lO-21--40 19 363 Whelan, Bud- granted parking lot permit at 13th and Wash. 10-21-40 19 364 Wagstaff, V. E. transferred to Bldg. Dept. as Special Investigator, handling particuley the room_n.hauses 10-30-40 19 378 62t 61 Ot/t/ZI suolpoedsul esnott tut dmoos uo own. tln d- ` s v tgt 6I-- Ot/-t/ZI asueott gnto 4112Iu pe4uBa2 - pug si4TM CEt 61 Obi/LZ/II .. . 111 4sam uo wegsle Suit -xutads Sutp,IB9as s4s8 - ta4og psoJJoM —6I Off -a -II asueott eutan pue aaaq powBa2 don aajgoO asnouegpgm Ofi-9-II 'PgnS gst suxausld`LL'1S`3 9 1 e40,1 uo q-o'I 2uty[aBd peq.uBaStag0H asnoTlagwm rd tfdd 40Oa most alaNITtI au "W" MISCELLANEOUS 37 Book Page_ Walsh School of .business Science granted permit fUr71940-41 season 2/13 /40 19 477 Workmen's Circle Lyceum denied permit for auditorium 12/11/40 19 478 World Wide Travel Service granted travel bureau license 12/18/40 19 484 Wofford Hotel granted liquor license 12/24/40 19 492 —Z an's granted beer and wIne- 12/24/40 19 493 "W" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page 38 Wiener,Miriam - addresses Council in re: her unemployement plan 1/2/41 20 2 Walsh, W. E. suggests that we b n 4 - 41 • s - • 1/2/41 20 7 WheelerChas.F.complains of fish market at 604 Collins Ave. 1/22/41 20 17 Ward, W.G.Atty. engaged to assist Atty.Robillard on Ocean Inland oning Csse —x/2$/41 20 31 "W" MISCELLANEOUS S9 Book Page Winchell, Walter - Clerk to__thank him for favorable report concerning Miami Beach 2/5/41 20 34 WOOD, Hayes - gives City list of 1941 automobile license tags 2/I2/41 20 45 WITui s,. DR. G. H. retained to con- tinue work as School Health Officer 20 71 2/12/41 Whitelaw & els granted parking lot permit on Lot 15,B1k.12, O.B.#1 2/19/41 20 71 "W" MISCELLANEOUS - Waldman,Rosa - offer of 50% 40 Book Page settlement on 1938 & 1939 Tax Sale Cert. accepted 2/19/41 20 82 Mrs. H.W.Wylly asks for temporary permit for additional sightseeing bus 2/26/41 20 83 Walsh, W. E. - request for a change in zoning on south side of Belle Isle ( no a c ti aml—_2/_2 6/41 20 87 Workmen's Lirole - building permit granted fcr an assembly building at 25 Washington Avenue 3/19/41 20 118 "W° MISCELLANEOUS 4-1 Book Page White Line Gab 00. & Miami Beach Radio Segal ver aI1��2��1t-e�-a-��1rn. 20 133 G • y Wiese' -S-a reaY11 oint apt of Beach Patrol 6/6/41 ^1✓ -- 20 270 WARNER, M. G. regresentivg Natflorfman Organization of New York advise they wish to su mit proposal Publicity work 6/18/41 20 284 WIT'S END granted liquor license/ 1 20 3 06 1 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 42 Book Page Wolford, Mr Olive - Council takes no action on/lication for erection of Commercial sign on La$2/Pancoast 41 20 330 Walsh, Atty. W. E.-letter//from said atty_. presented re: Proposed application to War Dept. for permit to construct Island Along 79th St Causewaylyy b/41 20 344 Adams Sunray saes, Inc. / Washington Galleries awarded contract for furnishings in Normandy Isle Club House (Powder room,Draperies and Valance Boxes 8/6/41 20 387 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 43 Book Page Walters, Dr. A.L. -asks Council not to issue beer and wine license to LaTropical Fruit Shippers on Lincoln Rodd 10-2-41 20 427 Westrich, Mary - Grill - granted beer and wine license 10/2/41 20 427 WHITE HOUSE COFFEE SHOP,WHITMAN SODA BAR & GRILL, WHITE TOWER granted beer and wine licenses 10/2/41 20 428 White House Hotel graz�ted , rking lot permits ��/ 20 428 "W MISCELLANEOUS 44 Book Page Webster, J.0. - files objection to proposed location of poultry slaughter house 10/3/41 20 442 Wolfson, Philip - no action taken b y Council on his request for permit to erect a, storage and garage bldg. on Lot 32,B1k.7,2nd Ocean Front 10/3/41 20 444 White -Herbert - granted beer and wine license for "Harbor Bar" 10/4/41 20 461 WHITEHOUSE Cocktail Lounge granted liquor license 10/15/41 20 467 "W" MISCELLANEOUS Book _Page P.L.Watson asks permission to remove fram bldg. from 6944 Collins Ave. Denied. 10/23/41 21 7 44A "W" MISCELLANEOUS Watsonfr mid souse permit 1072V4ie B21k Pa e MffiS . as s errQman & Brucknerrr�� courtal ndnStr IS°Was iPdb on Ave. 11/541 21 11 Beer and wine license granted "Welcome Inn" 11/10/41 21 28 Wofford Hotel granted liquor license 11/19/41 21 50 Willard H. Webb Assessor Whit ehart Hotel lot permit, Lot Beach. appointed Tax 11/20/41 21 61 granted parking 6, Blk. h/fMil 21 100 45 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 46. Whitehall Hotel asx perm t to use 6 wooden cabanas 1/5/41 Bf k ��ge World Wide Travel Service 1 granted permit for Travel Bureau. 12/17/41 21 106 Mrs.Wolf asks to have traffic lights installed on 4th St. 1/7/42 21 126 Whitehart Hotel granted parking lot permit - Lot 13, Blk. 4, O.B. 1/21/42 21 147 Washington Galleries estimate in amount of $572.32 ordered paid for furniture on Norm.Isle Club Roue /20/42 21 212 "W" MI SCFT,LANEOUS 47 Book Page Workmen's Circle request for tax exemption referred to City Atty. 2/25/1-2 21 214 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 474 Book Page 250 21 346 21 459 472 Woman's Society of Christian Service of Methodist Church given appropria- tion of $50.00 3/18/42 21 Whitman's Grill license Winnie's Little license for 2218, granted beer 7/1/42 Club granted Collins Ave. and wine liquor 11/4/42 White Tower Lunch granted beer and wine license 12/2/42 21 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 48 Book- Page "Walters, Lou - protests high license fee for night clubs 12/21/2 21 493 Wheelan, E.P.-given tentative approval for liquor license at 518 Alton Road l/6/43 21 497 Gen. Wooten extended letter of thanks by Mayor and Council 1/6/43 21 500 Wasserman,Harry - again ask removal of handball court in Wash. Playground 1/20/4-3 22 11 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 49 Book Page Wheelan,E.P. granted liquor license for 518 Alton Rd. 1/20/43 22 12 Wofford Package Store granted pkg. liquor license (Shapiro) 3/3143 22 42 Welcome Inn (Rosley) granted beer and wine license 4/21/43 22 54 Weiss, Atty.Milton - letter in re: home- stead exemption for his client held over until Tax Equalization meeting 5/5/43 22 88