W Miscellaneous_March 1927 to April 1928"9W" MISCELLANEOUS f J U , / _ Fes1 ) (1 W _,5AA7(3,044,r0,6 2 eR Ma I,LANEOU3 l7. //2.0 6 "rte o. 4- 11W"i MISCELLANEOUS 3. BOOK, PA" -E W. I. 0. D. - Res. 2084 Endorsing 9, 347 Walters, Mrs. request for appropriation 9, 350 Wood,Gar-Request for Waiver 12-18-29 9, 418 Webber,Oscar " " 0 12-1g-29 9, 41£ Weiss,Mrs.Rose-Objects to speeding in Alleyways 1-22-30, 9, 450 Wilson,Walter B. -Indian Creek Outlots Resolution No: 2186: 2-19-30 10, 9 Wheelan,E.P.-Request for Restaurant Con- trol Ordinance 9-3-30 10, 256 „W” MISCELLANEOUS 4, B00K,PAGE Wheelan,E.P.: Objection to houses used 10, 274 for restaurants 10-1-30 Wilkinson,G.C: Request for permit to move Pine Trees 5-20-31 11, 49 Wendler, J. H: Criticism - Diamond Ball so h e e -Free Shovers at Ocean Front- Request for use of publicity funds locally 11, 100 Wall on property line at 131 Euclid. Ave: Complaint of Mrs. Klein 11, 243 471 MISCELLANEOUS 5. BOOK, PAGE Wendier,J.H: Qualifications of newspapers to publish legal notices 2-17-32 11, 281 Webster,J.0: Letter re: Taxes 8 Liens on Lois -40-8c !1,B1. 111, O.B.#3, brought before --City Council -3-16-32 (Nom recorded] E.P.Wheelan urges provision for payment of taxes on installment basis 4-27-33 12, 31 E.P.%heelan urges ordinance re: lights on bicycles and urges City cooperation with Restaurant Owners Assn. 8-2-33 12,108 Wramp Realty Co. Sob1 _ PIr jects to 25 6_33 12,202 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 6. Book Page Woolard, J. S. request to lease Municipal Patio denied 10/4/33 12, 156 (Architect's drawings returned to Mr. Maloney 12-5-33) Wramp Realty Co. objects to park at 2nd St. and ocean 12/6/33 12, 202 Wendler, J.H. offers to print 1933 )elinq. tax list at 25% less than legal rate '2/15/33 12, 258 M.L.Woodward requests sidewalks on Sheridan Avenue 6/28/34 12, 472 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 7 Book Page Wylly,Mr.requests permission to establish dance hall on ocean front 4/29/34 13 - Wessel, Louis, requests bus ser- vice North of 63rd St.. 10/17134 13 113 Mr.Waltera-of Fla.Trans.Co. requests permission -to -operate -operate -2 World's Fair Sightseeing Busses 11/L/34 13 136 Wilson, Atty.Harold, requests on behalf of J.C.Penny, refund of et. pav't lien ey}16fWil,Atty. again r e Fn re- fund 13._23C "W" MISCELLANEOUS 8. Book Page Wine and Beer to be covered by Liquor license 1/30/35 World Wide Travel Service granted license 2/20/35 Wilson, Harold (Atty.) requests repeal of $10. license fee on cold drink stands, in behalf of East Coast Bottlers Assoc. 3/6/35 �3 13 264 13 310 312 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 9. BOOK PAGE Waterview Prado on Allison Island changed to Allison Rd. 3-6-35 13 320 (1st. & 2nd. Readings) 3rd Reading above Ordinance 3/20/35 13 330 Woodward, M.L.requests tanks and pumps at Deauville Filling Station be moved 4/17/35 13 357 Welbon, W. G. inquiries re:lots lying north of Flamingo Park on 12th St. 5/15/35 13 421 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 10 Book Page Woodward, M. L. again requests re- moval of Deauville Service tanks 7/3/35 13 466 Wilson, Walter B. objects to one- story apartments and calls attention to over -crowded conditions 7/17/35 13 493 Woolfe, Ernie - objects to ruling of no music in bars 7/17/35 13 494 Weinbaum, Mrs. - accident case not settled 7/17/35 13 507 Washington Drug Co.granted beer and wine license 10-30-35 14 170 Ur MISCELLANEOUS 11. Book Page Wramp Realty Co. offer to &ell Lots 6,7 and. 8,B1k.114,O.B.#4 8/15/35 14 45 Wei nkle-Aaron-Pkg. goo ds license 9/18/35 14 102 Woolfe ,A.E.granted liquor license for Village Tavern for 1 year 11/7/35 14 180 Walker-Skagseth Food Storesanted license to sell liquor 11/75 14 180 A. E. Wolfe urges that music be allowed in bar rooms. 11/13/35 14 182 White Rose Market granted beer and wine permit 11/20/35 14 199 "WI MISCELLkNEOUS 12 Book Page White Duck Inn - granted beer and wine permit 12/4/35 14 220 West Palm Beacif, City of - Council authorizes payment for loan of trucks, -divers -J fer-et�-m- .eanup-12/-4/35 14 226- Wofford Pharmacy granted beer and eine pe rmit 1/8/36--5g--- -Wofford-- i-ate1 granted 1/29/36 14 284 Woolfe,E.A.urgee extension to 2 A.M. closing time for barb 2/5/36 14 287 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 13. Book Page Whitiaan_ Hotel granted_liguor license 2/5/36 it 289 Walker-Skagseth Food Stores,Inc. granted beer and wine permit 2/190 14 296 _World Wide Travel Buren granted license 2/19/36 14- 305 Weinkles granted beer and wine permit 2/26/36 14 313 i+nd-3:er-aa. solicits ad in Miam i Be,ach__Time s 3/4136 14 j6 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 14. Book Page Woolfs, E. A. asks that portion of walk in Flamingo Park be se as .-de -for-bicycle-riding 5/2a 14 +3 443 itcffford i otea-reque et building per- mit-for er- 5/20/36 -an in o t --f �r-6-story -�a©til--buil Worard & W.li,ameoffer to_sell to City for Park site , Lots 22,23 & 24, Btk-. 1, 1 st Oce n Fron-- - sj 10 / 36 71 -0. Welbon-u es -passage of-Ordi. - obAn ing Miami View Bection-Isle of -Normandy 9-2-35 — 15 94 "W"MISCELLANEOUS 15. Book Page Woolfe, E. A. asks delay in 3rd reading Espanola Way rezoning for liquor sales 9-16-36 Walker -Mrs. Janet - request for permit to operate pet shop denied 9-24-36 15 153 Wasserman, Sam - request for permit to operate fish market -9= 136 15-1x55 Walsh, W. E. - requests permit for client to operate tennis & badkington oourts 9-30-36 15 153 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 16. Book Page _Wells, Arthur H-. -City agrees to reimburses forr e -ac i protection- -work Res- #3710 9-30-36 15 —155 Wolford Bar - granted 1936-37 -liquor-license 10-7-36 15 161 Woolfe, A. R. granted corn game -license - - 10-21-36 15 17 Wool fe ,A. E. asks f_unda for tr publicise Miami Beach song 11/ 15 2I 15 Winnipesaukee—Alr-s tce--as}t- erit o establish seaplaneservice 12/2/36 15 254 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 174 Book Page Walsh,W.E. - requests permit to operate 3admington Court -referred to Committee - 12/2/36 15 _261_ Whalen -J. G. N. W, cor. Lincoln Rd. M Lenox Ave. - parking Lot (never used) 12-3-36 15 278 WensLeT - Hobart L. *Parking Lot - Lot 5,B1k. 3k,0. B.##1 12-3-36 15 278 Whalen,Joseph--G.--- granted -permit to operate car rental lot at N.W.cor. 5th St. & Euclid 12-16-36 K E.Woolfe- given refund of IV for -corn game-li c ens 287 o C ;- LC-C-2 .Tmaad auTm pui3 aaaq pa.uva2 uT4aEW aT3jBM oSt LC-C-2 4-Tmaod auTm we aaaq pa4uva2 T'Tao u9Td s,uuIaau Tic 5t LC-6E-t esuaoTT nuaang Tanuay pa.uuaL wanting Tai►vay apTM pTaoM -9 t L£-oz t £asdmea hoer o4 asuaoTT gnTo 4112Tu jo aousnssT se2an •y•wS44y'6aTaom i O ST 9 -9T -8T I 1 IToa so asuao Taw u 2 u.» JO 2WT u13.z2 zaV p Tuoaaa4 uo TTom -03 y a;Toots a oed xoog T Sf103Nii7720SIW HMoi °"W"" MISCELLANEOUS 19 Book Page Whites- granted beer and wine permit 3-3-37 15 415 Williams, Elaine- granted permit for Numerology-Sthaol of America 3-22-37 15 471 Water lien of $1,003.50 against Fleetwood Hotel ordered charged 5/5/37 16 90 Washington Ave. & Liberty Ave. Bridge steel girders sold to Co. -6/23/37 16 146 4W" MISCELLANEOUS 20 Book Page Weinkles - permit to install gas tank in rear of store granted 9-1-37 16 242 Wimpeyis and Winkles Store granted r ang. wine permit 10-11-37 16, 306 �liTEPrto OlEgelc4grppperPot & Williams,J.J. - given Omit to operate motorized scooters 10-20-37 16 330 Williams, Elaine - given permit for private school (Numerblogy School of America) --- 10-20-37 16 333 Wensley -Hobart,- granted parking lot permit 10-20-37 16 335 "Wfi MISCELLANEOUS - 21. Book Page Whalen,J.G.-granted permit for car rental business 11T3/37 i6 339 Wynroth, Harry 8.,granted private school permit 12-15-37 Weeks Alfred J. -granted Cert. of Convenience 1-5-38 16 4g4 16 1445 Wofford Bar World Wide lioense teil,Bruno _Parkin granted liquor license 1 -19 -36 - Travel Bureau granted 2-2-38 17 13 - grantea Lincoln Road -21,60.5a °W" MISCELLANEOUS 22. Book Page ___mite Line Cab Co._- C.B.Thomlp- son transfers Cert. of Conven a nce to them 3-2-3S 17 61 Mary G. Wheeler offers to deed strip for widening Espanola Way and 201 --s-trig -fca continuing alley ---from Bik. 26, 0,B.#2 4-6-3817 82 Mary G. Wheeler renews offer for widenOing of Espanola Way 4.20-38 17 112 ns e n oopers 1- e o aim on ao-eiden-t-oaae F-1 _3 17 149 "W" MISCFTJIANEOUS Jesse Weiss suggests life rope be ?laced in ocean at foot of Biscayne Street 5-11-38 23 Book Page 17- 151 Winnie's Waffle Shop - application -for-beer license held up 5-25-38 - 17 Winnie's Waffle hop -application for beer license again presented 7-6-3$ WHITE'S and WASHINGTON -DRUG CO. granted_beer and wine permits_ _1O-19-38_ Walsh_achool of Business Science granted private school permit 10-26-38 163 1-7 300 17 312 ,Wn MISCELLANEOUS 24 Book Page Winnie's Waffle Shop denied per- mit to erect awning canopy 10-26-38 17 313 Winnie's Waffle Shop granted beer and wine license 10-26-38 17 313 Wheeler, C. F. granted fish market permit 10-26-38 17 314 Weiss, Jesse -asks widening of Alton Rd. from Biscayne St. to 1st St. 11/4/38 17 338 Walker, Mrs. Janet -granted pet shop permit 11/9/38 17 338 "WU MISCELLANEOUS 25 Book Page World Wide Travel Bureau anted travel bureau -license 1 • ' Walters, Mrs. A.L. asks Lincoln Rd. direction sign be corrected 11/23/38 17 364 Walters,Mrs.A.L, ask that traffic orficer be stationed on 41st St. 11/23/38 17 3 Wofford,Tatem-asks liquor zoning amendment 11/23/38 17 365 Wofford Magic Bar granted liquor 1 een-se 12/7/38 17 382