W Miscellaneous_May 1943 to October 1943"Wti MISCr`LLANEOUS 50 .Book Page Whitly, Mayor Joe W._ of _ Coral Gables - Res. #661 Expressing sympathy on his death 5/5/4322 90 Res. #5664 expressing sympathon_ death of former Fireman Aubrey E. Willislost at --sea- 5/13/43 22 95 White House Coffee Shop (Segal & Lechner) granted beer & wine 10/6/43 22 179 White Tower Restaurant (Phillips & Efthemiou) granted beer &-wine 10/6/43 22 179 Whitman's Soda Bar & Grill (Lewis Loeb) granted beer & wine tic, 10/6/43 22 179 "W" Miscellaneous 51 BOOK PAGE Wofford Hotel Pharmacy granted beer & wine license 11/6/43 22 205 Williams, Henry, nominated by Mr. Clearyto fill vacancy on Council 11/3/3 22 211 Williams, Henry, not elected because of tie vote with Marcie Liberman 22 211 11/3/43 Weinberg, Dean, asks permission to erect boxing arena on Alton Road between 2nd & 4th Sts. 12/1/43 22 221 "Wu Miscellaneous 52 BOOK PAGE Walsh School of Business Science given private school permit 12/15/43 22 237 Application of William Penn Hotel for cocktail bar license referred to Mr. Renshaw & Mr. Shepard 12/15/43 22 237 William Penn Hotel again appears before Council regarding cocktail bar license - Council advise that they comply with ordinance 12/20/43 22 240 Action on liquor license for Wm. Fenn Cocktail Lounge deferred 1/5/4.4 22 24g P1W" MISCELLANEOUS 53 Book Page Liquor license authorized for Wm. Penn Cocktail Lounge 1/19/44 22 249 Chas. F. Wheeler asks that city remove tree from front of his lot 5, block 3, Hibiscus Island 4/19/44 22 313 Capt. E. S. Wiese authorized to be retained on payroll at half -pay in advisory capacity only - beginning June 1, 1944 5/3/44 22 322 Taxi permit of Alfred J. Weekes transferred to Usher Garage & Taxi Service 6/7/44 22 334 "W" Miscellaneous 54. Book Page Res. #5739 passed authorizing full release in ROSE E. WHITE accident upon payment of $4000 by Jos. Gonshor 6/7/44 22 341 Walter R. Ward withdraws applica- tion for beer & wine at 1029 Everglades Concourse 7/5/44 22 361 Wofford Package Store granted liquor license (Nadler Bros.) 9/6/44 22 401 Beer and wine license granted Whitman's Bar & Grill 10/4/44 22 412 "W" Miscellaneous 55• Book Page Beer andwine license granted White Tower Restaurant 10/20/44 22 419 Beer and wine license granted PANCHO WARD'S RESTAURANT 11/15/44 22 434 Liquor license granted Wofford Package Store (Robinson) 12/6/44 22 444 Liquor license granted Wofford Package Store (Yudien) 12/20/44 22 451 Weinkle"s Package Store granted permission to move from 1707 to 1711 Alton Road 1/3/45 22 461 6 "W" Miscellaneous BOOK PAGE A. E. Woolfe asks Council to pay 2 the cost of constructing groyne in ocean fronting on Lots 30 to 32, Block 1, 2nd Ocean Front 1/17/45 22 467 Walter R. Ward's application for liquor lkcense denied as being contrary to zoning (see index "LIQUOR) 2/7/45 22 471 A. E. Woolfe's request that city pay i the cost of constructing groyne in ocean fronting on Lots 30 to 32, Blk. 1, 2nd Ocean Front, accepted 22 4g1 2 21/47 "W" Miscellaneous 57• BOOK PAGE World Wide Travel Agency granted travel bureau license 3/7145 23 6 Ward's Coffee Shop granted beer & wine license 4/18/45 23 45 Beer & wine licenses granted Whitman's Grill & Watt Beverages (wholesale) 6/6/45 23 108 Council appropriates $200 toward entertainment of Southeast Regional War Finances Committee during convention 9/21/45 23 232 11W16 Miscellaneous 50 Book Page Wofford Package Store grantedliquor license 11/7/45 23 267 Application for permit to install gasoline tank at Wofford Docks referred to City Attorney 11/7/45 Winnie's Little Club granted night club license 11/21/45 Council retains W. G. Ward as Special Counsel in Warner property zoning suit against City 28.3 290 1/16/46 23 367 "W" Miscellaneous 59 Book Page Dr. Wasman given permit for veterinarian hospital on Lot 4, Block 14A, Island View 2/6/46 2384 Add. 3 Wagner's Delicatessen and Restaurant granted beer and wine license 5/1/46 24 49 William Penn Cocktail Lounge granted liquor license 6/5/46 . 24 109 Mitchell Wolfson given permit for sign on his own property 6/19/46 24 144 "W" MISCELLANEOUS W. H. Webb resigns as Tax Assessor Book Page 7/1/46 24 156 Res. #6048 passed commending W. H. Webb, upon the termina- tion of his duties with city 7/1/46 24 156 Dave White given permission to use Flamingo Park for boxing matches until July 17, 1946 7/3/46 24 161 Ar r G. Wein & Philip Le#ine permits to operate news 8/21/46 24 257 stand at 11+44 Coll.ns Ave. I i CJ fr7 • C- 4• "W" MISCELLANEOUS 61 Book Page Arthur G. Wein & Philip Levine given permit to operate newsstand in window of Collins Drug Store at i% Collins Ave. 9/4/46 24 273 Mrs. Thos. E. Warner's request that self-service automatic laundrys be permitted in "BA" or "BB" districts is referred to Zoning Board 9/18/46 24 287 A. E. Woolfe's suggestion that Biscayne Bay be designated an Anglers Park is referred to City Attorney 9/18/46 24 315 "W" MISCELLANEOUS Whitman's Soda Bar and Wofford Drug Company granted beer and wine licenses 10/16/46 Milton Weiss is reappointed on Public Relations Advis- ory Committee 11/6/46 White Derby Restaurant granted beer license Walburne Hotel granted beer and wine license n/6/46 12/18/46 62 Book Page 24 346 24 378 24 380 24 429 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 63 Book Page P. L. Watson given permit for archery school at 7420 Collins Avenue 1/2/47 24 448 Council rejects Wm. Weissbuch's proposal to construct and operate tennis courts on Municipal Golf Course 3/19/47 25 54 Wofford Package Store's application for liquor license held up 5/21/47 25 176 "Wu MISCELLANEOUS 64 Book Page Wofford Package Store granted liquor license 6/11/1+7 25 204 Winnie' s Chicken House granted beer & wine license 6/18/47 25 226 M. U. Woodward's request for resurfacing and widen- ing Sheridan Avenue is referred to Asst. City Manager 7/2/47 25 239 White House Coffee Shop granted beer license 10/1/47 25 387 "VY" 1M11aUWAJADMVUt`1.� iNhitman's Soda Bar granted beer license 11/5/47 25 453 65 Book Page Private School Ass'n. charges that Whitefield School is violating the private school ordinance it is referred to the Asst. City Manager Walsh School of Business Science is granted renewal license 0111, 12/10/47 26 19 12/10/47 26 19 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 66 Book Page Res. #6515, protesting application of Watkins Towing Co. to dredge in Norris Cut 2/4/48 26 178 A. E. Woolfe says he can sell city around 900 feet of ocean frontage @ $1.00 per strip 2/11/48 26 187 Jas. Wendler's request for permission to operate 50 Coca-Cola machines on Lincoln Road is referred to Ass't. City Manager 4/7/48 26 281 "!" MISCELLANEOUS Wofford Package Store granted liquor license. 5/19/48 67 Book Page 26 346 WKAT asks City to help find a suitable site for television tower and transmitter house. 6/16/48 26 411 Res. #6598 waiving as to encroachment of Wm. Penn Hotel. 7/7/48 26 421 John A. Wingard to be paid additional wages because of work -incurred injury. 7/21/48 26 453 "Wri MISCELLANEOUS Frances 0. Warriner offers to purchase Lots 1,2,3, & 4, White & Woodward's. 8/4/48 Res. #6694 to Walter Winchell, commending him for contribution to Dade County Cancer Clinic. 12/15/48 R. J. Walters objects to Segal Bros. request for 10 for -hire permits to carry passengers from airline terminal to airport. 3/16/49 67A Book Page 27 7 27 243 27 500 "IN" MISCELLANEOUS 68 Book Page A. Ernest Woolfe urges Council to attempt to amend state bill re. hotel rooms tax 3/23/49 27 502 Council declines to sell property on Fisher's Island to Gar Wood 4/6/49 28 27 Council advises Radio Station WLRD that it is not interested in broadcasting meetings 4/6/49 28 27 A.E. Wool1f 's p o os d Private clu pn Ing.. Qr . Dr. approve in princ pie 7/6/49 28 232 6W0 MISCELLANEOUS 68A Book Page $450.00 appropriated from Publicity Funds for 3 concerts in M.B. Senior High under the direction of Mr. Oliver P. Washburn 9/21/49 28 405 "WU MISCELLANEOUS 69 Book Page Taxes charged off against Whitefield School 1-4--50 29 121 Regi-## Proposed resolution re. R. J. WALTERS permit from R.R. Commission to transport passengers to and from Airport 1-4-50 29 122 Council denies Eugenia Woods, request- for use of Pier for plays 2-1-50 29 163 Rose Weiss presents city flag to Council 4-5-50 29 250 old,r MISCELLANEOUS 70 Book Page FrankWest objects to employment of man who is not engineer to handle air conditioning in auditorium 9-22-50 30 84, Frank West's Proposed ordinance reguiring that "all persons who act in capacity of stationary en- gineersbe licensed and take an examination" referred to City Manager for study 11-15-50 30 191 "W" MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. Marcia Warren's complaint re. noise from taxicabs parked in front of her hoti referred to Traffic Dept. for investigation 4-18-51 31 49 Book Page 71 Refund authorized to Mrs. Sadie Warrandein of unused portion of rooming house license 5-2-51 31 136 City to appeal Gar Wood case (jurisdiction over lands owned by Wood on Fisher's Island) 6-20-51 31 290 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 72 Book Page Donald Wilson's request to lease golf course property denied 7-3-51 31 318 Lloyd Wengrow urging establishment of city museum 7-6-51 31 364 No action taken re. return of Ward & Ward $1,000. check in connection with suit of Samuel Haas against , involving zoning of Ctr eanfront property north of Fi-,,estone Estate 10-30-51 32 135 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 73 Book Page Return of Ward & Ward 51,000. check in connection with suit of Samuel T. Haas vs. the City to be accepted. 11-7-51 32 1246 Wofford Beach Hotel requests new sidewalk on north side of 24th St. from Collins Ave. east, also adequate street lights. Authorized. 11-7-51 32 160 Honorary Golf Club memberships to be given Walter Winchell and Arthur Godfrey for Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Course -21-51 32 202 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 74 Book Page Council denies permit for auction sales room at 1637 Collins Ave., (Wallach Jewelers) in BAA Business District 12-5-51 32 213 Confirmation of reappointment of Byron Wheeler as Recreation Director denied 6-17-53 34 345 Mrs. John B. Wofford asks relief from street lighting assessment on 24th St. from Collins Ave. east, amt. 495.41. Action deferred until City Atty's opinion is obtained. 11-18-53 35 159 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 75 Book Page Mrs. Rose Weiss suggests construction of boardwalk along creek as Collins Ave. is widened along the 700 feet adjacent to Firestone property 3-17-54 35 382 Res. #9093 authorizing settlement Of City's claim against representatives of vessel "Winding Bay" for damage done to City Water line auth of the Albury Warehouse on Causeway Terminal 7-6-55 37 255 Waldman Hotel, oceanfront bet. 40th & 41st St. granted permission for contruction of bulkhead and retaining walls 7-55 37 316 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 76 Book Page Council authorizes reimbursement of cost of reconstruction of gate entrance to property owned by Robert M. Wynn at 3324 Alton Road necessitated by construction of Alton Road bridge over Biscayne Waterway - $2,231.25 9-5-56 38 377 Permission granted to Washington Federal to construct new building on northeast corner of 17th St. and Meridian Avenue. (RE Multiple -Family District) 11-21-56 38 514