Wage Scole_July 1933 to March 1952WAGE SCALE Book, Page Investigation to be made on lour wage scale paid by con tractors 7/19/33 12, 107 Investigation and report to be made in regard to payment of wages to employees of concerns given city contracts. Adoption or ordinance suggested, requiring in all city contracts, payment of prevailing wages as established for labor on federal contracts in this area. 3-26-52 32 443 WAGE OCALE Book Page City Engineer Lipp submits preliminary report re. prdposed ordinance providing for payment of prevailing wages on City contracts 4-2-52 32 466 Report of Asst. City Mgr. Lipp read relative to incorporating a wage clause in City construction specifications. Wage clause similar to the one used by City of Miami to be incorporated in IC:ity:. of M.B.:c:onstruct.ion contract specifications. 4-16-52 32 499 WAGE SCALE Book Page Re. contract awarded to Nicholson Paint Co. for painting bridges - check to be made to ascertain that he observes "prevailing wage" clause in contract 12-3-52 33 405 City Atty explains prepared resolution providing for wage scale clause for insertion in city construction contracts. Action deferred. 8-26-53 34 506 Res. #8499 including wage clause in all city construction contracts 9-2-53 35 8