Water_June 19281. Q5 O -- ?y. 'Sa-,. 7 • 411- tzx fl/mi _Sunset Is. ReilnbuTeement Policy 11/20/29 9, 395 Res.2275 authorizing reimbursement to Sunset Is. Company 6-18-30 10, 167 Reimbursement of Normandy Beach Prop.Inc. for Water System authorized 7-16-30 10, 201 WATER j. BOOK,PAGE No second to motion for elimination of charges other than fire line 7-16-30 10, 203 Water Systems on Rivo Alto & Di Lido Is- lands offered City at discount 7-1-31 11, 93 Request that City purchase Rivo Alto water system 5-19-31 11, 130 Purchase of Rivo Alto Water System authorized 9-16-31 11, 155 11,000 for Rivo Alto & Di Lido 10-21-31 11, 204 WATER Advice from Miami of raise in rate of surcharge 1-6-32 See "Fire Lines" 3-2-32 4. BOOK, PAGE 11, 260 11. 286 Lower rates asked 3-2-32 11, 287 1st & 2nd Readings Amendment S ction D Ordinance No � 256 - --6-32 ---12-; -3i5- Increase in surcharges rate _ --21-32 11, 2 3rd Reading OrdinanINvi1o. _344_ -32 1st 2t_dReadings_,Amendment_ 5-4-32 3rd Reading_Ordinance #305 5-18-32 Water Bill-U.S.Engr.Office 8-3-32 11, 322 11, 322 11, 328 11, 364 WATER Res. #3346 authorizing purchase of booster pump and construction of station 10/19/35 5/ Book Page 14 153 Res.#3419 directing H.H.Horn to make application to War Dept.for permit to lay 8" Water pipe in Bay under East draw bridge of Venetian Causeway 2/5/36 14 294 Res.#3448 approving amendatory agreement between Miami Water Co. and City of Miami Beach lowering water rates 3/4/3.6 14, 326 WATER DEPT. Book Page $10,000. appropriated for booster pump at City shop 0-5-36 15 60 $9,000 appropriated for running line from Belle Isle Booster Pump $-5-36 15 60 _Bids__received and tabulated on booster pump for City shop 9-2-36 15 117 Above contract awarded Burford Hall & Smith -4,231.00 9-2-36 15 117 WATER (SEE WATERiMAIN EXTENSIONS also) SIS Book Page Res.#4280 authorizing CityJgr. to have survey made of water Appropriation of $1,231.50 made for installing -Fire Hydrant -on -NC= ndy Isle 4-g-38 17 111. X779 Recommendations with reference to Water supply made by__City gr Bias rec tv 17 146 on M.B.GolfCourse U--3 17 172 Contract on above tank awarded eel Co. 10-1g 17 -175 WATER (See Watermain Exten.also) Book Page _ $190, 000. appropri ated for water reservoir and work appurtenant therito 15-38 ig7 WATER (SEE WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS also) 6. Book Page Estimate to Betlielem Steel Co. $22,100. on Water Tank ordered paid 944-38 17 288 Res.#4417 authorizing Mayor andClerk to sign Agreement with Town of --Surfside for furnishing them water 11/9/38 17 340 Refunds authorized to Sunset Islands Co. (for 181.1,2 & 3) and LaGorce Islands Cti� on watermain-- installatians- - 11/16/3g - 17 3 9 WATER (SEE WATERIAIN EXTENSIONS al so) 7 Book Page 6" Cast Iron Water Main and 2 Fire Hydrants ordered in Abbott Ave. 12/1/38 17 372 Installation of 10" Oast iron water pipe -tin Bay Drive,Nonnandy Isle 12/8/38 17 393 uo ncib advised of water supply 39 situatio 133 participation in Cost of survey of water situation 6/26/39 1g 133 WATER (See Watermain Exten.also) 7A Book Page Mayor & Clerk authorized to sign formal agreement with U. S. Geological Survey. 8/7/39 18 192 WATER (SEE WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS also) -$ Book Page Form of Agreement to be prepared for furnishing of water to residents of San Marco- and Biscayne Islands 8-7-39 18 200 __-Res. *4625 authorizing_above agreement for furnishing water to -Biscayne & San Marco Isls. 9=6-39 18 230 Appropriation made for laying of watermains to assure service for Biscayne Point _ 9-22--39 18 2$3 2nd installment for water main install— ation on Sunset Islands Nos.1,2 & 3 414 —authorized 12/6/39---- 1 WATER (See WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS Also) 9 Book Page 1st Installment on Watermain in- stallation on Sunset Island No. 4, --authorized -D-ea. 13,1939 18 418 $425.00 appropriated for installing_ water pipe in 21st Street 12/20/39 187 $25,352.00 appropriated for. installing watermains in 6th,gth,12th,21st Streets _and Alton Road;-al-se-purchase-toek Haiaca ne Point watermain May is t 1Ans 19 101 � ins talTa�i�Sn s a�orized May 15, 1940 19 128 WATER (See Watermain Extensions also) 9A Book Page $732.28 authorized for extending water main in 73rd St. from Collins Ave. to Ocean Terrace. 5/15/40 19 113 WATER (See WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS also) 10' Book Page Appropriations made for certain watermain installations (West end of Isle of Normandy, Fire Hydrants, St. Fr ulcla Hospital–and 18th t . and Purdy Ave. ; inatal.ling 6" water pipe in 36th St.) 6/5/40 19 158 Mr. Renshaw instructed to employ cto-mpetent engineer to study our water supply AA -Wet -ion- —7/6/40 19 6-O0-.-00–app-opria-ted--€ems- watermain–in 75th St. (Collins to Ocean Terr.7/26/40 19,201 Conference held with MALCOLM PIRNIL as to water supply system .8-6-40 19, 215 WATER (See Watermains Also) Book Page Contract for furnishing cast iron water pipe awarded to American Cast Iron -Pipe Co.;-- 8=4=40 19 243 Appropriation of $61,504.74 -made o cover cost of above pipe and cost of installation S-8-40 19 243 Appropriation of $847-.00 for relaying of watermains in 41st St.(Prairie to Chase) 5-8-40 19 255 Authority given Mr.Renshaw to employ Malcolm Pirnie to make water survey 8-8-40 19 258 WA1 E,1{ 12. ----Book--Page--- $1,475.00 ook Page - $1,475,00 appropriated for installa- tion nstalla- tti n of 6" Water pipe at north end of Allison Island -- 24/--4A 19 494 WATER (ALSO SEE-WATERMAINS) Supplemental agreement -filed on Geological gurvey -9125/40 13 Book Page ounoil goon—re-co-rd—as approving 19 265 in principal installation of water system on Parkview Tract 9/25/40 19 273 Appro, made far--64—fird—Iine connection and purchase of stock 10-30-40 19 378 Wofford Hotel ask regaraing sprinkler system west side of their prop. 11/27/40 19 433 WATER (ALBO SEE WATERMAINB) 131. Bock—Page- $1,549.29 appropriated for watermain construction -in vicinity of 29th St. —a • :;+i 1- 20 153 City of Miami advise they will furnish Miami Beach water at the same rates as M.B. has been paying, until further notice 4/23/41 20 185 $5,553.1i appropriated from Current Fund. Surplus for undergruna_water --work in oanneetion-witn - 5/7/41 20 202 WATER (ALSO SEE WATERMAINS) City Manager and Councilman Levi to negotiatewithCity of --Miami with reference to furnishing water ---- 6/6 /41 15 Book Page 20 272 funds—surplus urplusaTbropurcnase o mate nis for watermain extension work 7/2 1 20 341 Council agreed to refudn 50% of deposit placed with City for installation of waterma-i-ns—on--Par —o=ew I laild. 12/ i/41 21 100 Refund of balance of deposit covering ParkView Island water in .11ation auorized 17 WATER (ALSO SEE WATERMAINS) 16. Hook Page Clerk reports receipt from Wm. W, Conant & Thos.H.Horobin of dedica:.,ion of water main easement on Park View Island (See Documentary File 2/25/42 21 219 32-16) Council agree to accept meter deposit from Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co. for 42 .Star Island and charge off delinquent water bill amounting to $572.20/ 7/28/42 21, 1I List of delinquent water accounts charged off as of Nov.19,1941,filed with mutes 7/28/42 21 416 WATER (Also see Watermains) 17 Book Page Letter from Hdq.of Fourth Service Command requesting reduction in water rates to U.S.Army - request denied by Council 2/3/43_ 22 22 Res. #5622 authorizing extension of discount ---period for payment --of water bills by Federal agencies 2/3/43 22 23 lst----and 2nd readings Ord.amending Ord.#256 regulating sale of water, permitting extension of discount — period for Federal agencies 2/17/+13 22 35 WATER (See Watermain,also) 3rd Reading Ord. 5day period in --agenciesmay pay discount #683 authorizing Which government water bills with 3/3/-3 18 Book Page 22 Col. Brag on appears_ before Council with reference to water rates to Army - — 3/17/43 City Mgr. reports with reference to conference with Army -Officers on water rates 3/19/43 22 59 1st & 2nd readings-_ Oxd..�uthorizi.ng co -n- tract for water to U.S.Army 3/19/43 22 37 22, 52-514- 59 2-54 59 WATER (Also see WATT MAINS) 19 Book Page 3rd Reading Orci.#686 authorizing contract with U. S. Army for furnish- - -ing water 4/7/43 - -- 22 70 Res.#568.3 authorizing H.H.Horn to sign change orders for Army Water Con— tract 7/7/43- 22 1514- Mr. 54Mr. Renshaw submits form of proposed water contract with Miami & he is instructed to continue negotiations for contract not to exceed 15 yrs. 22 281 2/18/44 WATER (Also see Watermains) Zoe Book Page Council agrees to include in coming bond election for purchase of Bay Shore Golf Course 500,000 water supply bonds and 250,000 sanitary sewer pumping systems bonds 2/18/44 22 281 Mr. Renshaw submits proposed water contract with City of Miami 6/7/44 22 336 Res. #5732 authorizin= contract to b� �,t ed, ` ; - , 6/7/44 22 336 ) Mayor Levi says he believes it would have been preferable to have our own plant 6/7/44 22 338 WATER (Also see Watermains) 21 Book Page Res. #5733 (re. application for priorities for materials for con— struction of water supply main across North Bay Causeway) 6/7/44 22 33g Res. #5734 (re. application to State Road Dept. to construct main across North Bay Causeway) 6/7/44 22 338 Res. #5735 (re. application to Trustees of I.I. Fund to lay underground mains 6/7/44 22 Res. #5736 (re. application to War Dept. for permission to lay underwater pipes 22 339 339 WATER (Alec see Wate:rmains) 22 Book Page Council agrees to participate in U. B. Geological water survey for another year 6/7/44 22 340 Mr. Renshaw advises priorities have been received in connec- tion with water line across North Bay Causeway 8/16/44 22 397 Bids receiv-d for furnishing waterctosw�.sa. u o.y{- pip? .�!. • 8/23/44 22 399 American Cast ' on Pipe C6. awarded contract in amount of $251,84i.28 8/23/44 22 399 WATER 23. Book Page Council agrees to participate in Geological Survey with Govt. for another year 6/8/45 23 119 Res. #5847 authorizing execu- tion of tender for furnishing water to navy -leased buildings 7/18/45 23 158 Mr. Renshaw reports on new 30" main across North Bay Causeway 10/17/45 23 256 WATER 24. Book Page Mr. Renshaw is authorized to advertise for bids for water pipe 11/7/45 23 278 Council awards contract for 02,548 worth of water pipe to American Cast Iron Pipe t' Co. 3/6/46 23 146 Council authorizes water extension in Marseille Dr. 4/3/46 23 496 WATER (Also see Watermains Extension) 25 Book Page Council appropriates $9,380 for water extensions in connection with H-278 (paving mill lsctection) 24 39 Council appropriates $1,366 for water extensions in connection with paving Chase Ave (�5) 4/17/46 H 24 43 J. B. Green Plumbing & Equipment, Inc, awarded contract for Indian Creek Drive Water extensions - Contract 46-2 5/15/46 24 94