Water_June 1946WATER ' Book Pagg7 $118,013 appropriated for purchase of water pipe 6/5/46 24 118 $1,766.85 appropriated for water extension in connection with H-288 6/5/46 24 119 John B. Reid protests article in Miami Herald about Miami Beach water 6/5/46 24 127 Dr. Cato to be asked to have immediate tests made of drinking water and beach water 6/5/46 24 127 WATER 26 Book Page Bethlehem Steel Corp. awarded contract 46-4, for constructing water reservoir on golf course 6/5/46 24 117 $82,090 appropriated from $400,000 Water Bond Fund to cover cost of contract for water reservoir 6/5/46 24 118 $17,910 appropriated to cover cost of inspections, tests and building base for water reservoir on golf course 6/.5/46 24 118 WATER. $2,000 appropriated for water extension in alley bet. Alton Rd. & Lenox Ave. 6/19/46 Agreement for water survey for year ending June 30, '47 7/3/46 $203,460 appropriated from $400,000 Water bonds for various extensions $525.00 appropriated from Current Fund Surplus for water line extension 8/21/46 28 Book Page 24 144 24 182 24 262 262 8/21/46 24 WATER 29 Book Page Contract 46-6 for mains in mill section awarded Joe Rinertson 9/4/46 24 282 Contract for pit rock for Golf course water reservoir awarded to Mills Rock Co. 9/18/46 24 301 $10,500 appropriated for 6" water line on Isle of Normandy 11/6/46 24 390 WATER Council authorizes placing order for water pipe in amount of $63,367.00 12/4/46 Council authorizes 6" water line in Block 6, Isle of Normandy Joe Reinertson given water contract %-5 (Normandy Isle) 12/4/46 12/4/46 30 Book Page 24 416 24 416 24 417 WATER 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance increasing water tapping charges Ord. #791, fixing water tapping charges, given 3rd reading 31 Book Page 12/18/46 24 438 1/2/47 24 447 Council authorizes plac- ing order with American Cast Iron Pipe Co. for pipe in amount of $70,404.53 2/5/47 24 aur 482 WATER List of Water projects included in $250,000 water bond issue to be submitted to freeholders on 4/8/47 31A Book Page FILED IN MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1947 WATER 32 Book Page Council authorizes water mains extensions in connection with H-307 at cost of $1,400 3/19/47 25 53 Contracts 47-1 and 47-3 award- ed to L. C. Morris 3/19/47 25 57 Contract 47-2 awarded to Higgins, Inc. 3/19/47 25 57 Council authorizes purchase of pump for Golf Course Reservoir from Burford, Hall & Smith 5/7/1+7 25 168 WATER 33 Book Page Contract 47-5, for James and West Avenue water mains, award- ed to Joe Reinertson 5/21/47 25 190 Contract 47-6, for Jefferson Ave. water mains, awarded to R. E. Vaughan 5/21/47 25 191 $3,800 appropriated to put in hydraulic lift at City Shops 5/21/47 25 192 $2,225 appropriated for 6" water line in N. Bay Road 5/21/47 25 192 WATER 34 Book Page Contract for motors for Golf Course Reservoir awarded to Ideal Electric Co. 6/11/47 25 214 Contract for controls for Golf Course Reservoir awarded to Burford, Hall and Smith 6/11/47 25 215 Council appropriates $25,400 from water bonds to cover cost of instal- ling pumps and equipment at Golf Course Reservoir 7/2/47 25 247 -7--7— WATER 35 Book Page Council authorizes 11 water mains extensions at cast of $541000.00 7/2/1+7 25 248 6" main to be extended along Lincoln Road between Washington & Collins 8/6/47 25 319 Council enters into cooperative agreement with U. S. Geological Survey for survey of water resources 8/6/1+7 25 323 WATER 6" water main on Euclid Ave. north of Euclid authorized 10/1/+7 25 411 36 Book Page Outstanding water accounts in amount of $1,674.73 charged off 3591.90 appropriated to cover deficit caused by over -refunds on water meter deposits 10/15/47 25 430 10/15/47 25 430' WATER Council appropriates $12,900 for water extension to servlb Biscayne Beach Sub. 12/17/47 26 32 Res. #6507 adopted, approving the general objectives of the U. S. Engineers' plan for water control in So. Fla. 1/21/48 26 151 $5,500 appropriated to enlarge Golf Course Pumping Station 3/17/48 26 268 $7,650 appropriated for extension in Harding Ave. 1+/7/48 26 290 37 Book Page WATER 38 Book Page Council renews agreement for survey of water resources, with U. S. Geological Survey, for year ending 6/30/49 7/7/48 26 437 Council agrees to loan water pipe to group of citizens who are operating Gratigny Road golf course 7/21/48 26 Bill of Ideal Electric Co. for 2 motors for Golf Course pumping station approved 10/7/48 27 128 457 WATER *39 Book Page Council authorizes extension of water main in alley between Jefferson Ave. & Michigan Ave. 12/1/48 27 233 Council authorizes extension of water main on 67th Street from Harding to Collins 12/1/48 27 233 Contract for water pumps for Normandy Isle booster pump- ing station awarded to Burford, Hall and Smith 1/19/49 27 381 WATER Final payment for Golf Course station pump purchased from Burford, Hall & Smith approved 1/19/49 27 381 40 Book Page Contract for motors for Norm. Isle booster station awarded to Ideal Electric Co. 2/16/49 27 437 Contract for control equip- ment for Norm. Isle booster station awarded to Burford, Hall & Smith 2/16/49 27 437 WATER City Manager authorized to call for bids for Normandy Isle booster pumping station shell Contract for Normandy Isle booster pumping station awarded to Paul Smith Construction Co. Bid of American Pipe Co. for cast iron pipe fittings in amount of $ 5,353.40 accepted 41 Book Page 4/6/49 28 26 4/20/49 28 79 9/7/49 28 398 WATER Payment of $13,771.20 for equipment for Normandy Isle Booster Station authorized 1-18-50 Final invoices for equip- ment for Normandy Isle booster pumping station authorized Installation of booster pump to increase pressure on Star Island authorized Purchase of water billing machine authorized 2-15-50 2-15-50 2-15-50 42 Book Page 29 141 29 165 29 165 29 177 WATER 43 Book Page Contract for cast iron pipe awarded to American. Cast Iron Pipe Co. 2-22-50 29 193 Purchase of pipe from American Cast Iron Pipe Co. authorized 10-25-50 30 120 Purchase of fittings from U. S. Pipe & Foundry Co. approved 10-25-50 30 120 Purchase of 520 water meters from Neptune Meter Co. authorized 11-15-50 30 169 WAS Assistant City Manager to investigate complaint of Sack Wechsler relative to exorbitant water bilis 2-21-51 30 376 Mr. Link reports on claim of Jack Wechsler that he was overcharged for water at his Lincoln Roadstore- Water Department to make adjustment but Wechsler not satisfied - matter taken under advisement 3-21-51 30 466 44 Book Page WATER 45. Council approves addition of Sodium 71uoride to City Water 4-18-51. 31 11. Action on water contract for Housing Authority postponed (water for 9-19-51 32 67 housing project) Bids for construction of water reservoir at 75th St. and Dickens Ave. rejected. New bids to be taken. 2-20-52 32 373 Miami HeQ.rtt Institute to be charged 20 per 1, 00 gals. of water with no discount 12-12-51 32 244 WATER 46 Book Page Res. #7941 authorizing agreement with Housing Authority of the City of M.B. to supply water requirements of housing project. 2-20-52 32 385 Council waives requirement for water meter deposits for housing project. 2-20-52 32 385 Contract awarded for construction of water reservoir. Council to inspect proposed location of reservoir on 75th St. west of Dickens Ave. 3-19-52 32 429 WATER 47 Book Page City Engineer submits analysis of bids for electric motors and controls for proposed water reservoir at 75th St. and Dickens Ave. Contracts awarded. 3-19-52 32 434 Councilman Richard inquires whether or not City has to furnish water to properties on Fisher's Island after they are removed from City limits. City Atty advises that inasmuch as there are other people living on is a 's island it was recommended a sgity coxtinue to furnish water g auen until next session of 5-21-52 33 48 WATER 48 Book Page Discussion re. site of proposed water reservoir in vicinity of 75th St. west of Dickens Ave. City Engineer authorized to proceed with construction 6-18-52 33 116 Jack Wechsler presents old claim against City for water damages to his property; also asks refund of water payments. Referred to City Mgr. and City Atty. 7-2-52 33 137 WATER 49 Book Page Jack Wechsler refers to his claim for water damage; asks $3,500. or day in court. Meeting of Council, Wechsler, and all interested parties to be arranged to discuss matter. 12-17-52 33 137 Jack Wechsler asks Council to pay him $3,500. for water:.damage, or permit him to reinstate his case in court. Mr. Lipp reports on damage. No action taken. 1-21-53 33 480 Action on Wechsler"s water damage claim deferred 3-18-53 34 109 WATER Transfer of Water Dept. funds approved 5-6-53 34 226 50 Book Page Report of auditors, Blumin & Co., presented, containing recommendation on inactive water meter deposits 7-21-54 36 99 Renewal of cooperative agreement between Dept. of Interior, Geological Survey; the City of Miami Dept. Water and Sewers; and City of Miami Beach for continuation of water resources investigations from 7-1-54 to 6-30-55 8-4-54 36 108 WATER 51 Book Page Renewal of cooperative agreement for continuation of water resources investigations approved for one year beginning July 1, 1955 8-3-55 37 305 City Mgr. suggests bids for construction of water storage tank at ?7th St. and sanitary sewers on Biscayne Pt. be held over until next meeting for action. 8-17-55 37 331 Mr. Renshaw to negotiate with property owners on Fisher's Island regarding their purchasing water o h City side of Government Cut and maintalning h supply lines and stora e t s on the the 3-2-ggk 38 192 WATER � 53 Book Page Res. #9516 authorizing execution of water contract with City of Miami for term of 30 years, commencing June 28th2 1959\, 6-19-57 39 385 Executed water contract filed with records of this meeting 7-3-57 39 419 Renewal of cooperative agreement for continuation of water resources investigations approved for one year beginning July 1, 1957 7-17-57 39 458 WATER 52 Book Page Renewal agreement, between Geological Survey, U.S. Dept. of Interior for continuance of water resources of Miami area in Dade County, entered into as of Jr 1, 1956, presented and filed. 11-7-56 38 512 Mr. Renshaw reports on his negotiations with City of Miami re. renewal of water contract. Suggests formal action on approval of contract be deferred until next meeting on June 19, 1957 6-7-57 39 377 WATER 54 Book Page Letter from Miami Water & Sewer Board re. effect of Bill passed by Legislature to deprive municipalities of exemption from taxation of all public utility property regardless of where located. Councilman Powell suggests Mr. Shepard study matter to see if City wants to oppose Bill. City Mgr. to apprise Fla. League of Municipalities re. Bill 7-31-57 39 468 Mr. Shepard reports to Council re. letter from Miami Water & Sewer Board. Mr. Lipp also reports. 8-7-57 39 489 WATER 56 Book Page 1st reading ordinance increasing water tapping charges. 8-19-59 42 246 3rd reading ordinance increasing water tapping charges -- Ord. #1362 9-2-59 42 279 Res. #10217 authorizing notification of Town of Surfside re. cancellation of water contract and directing City Mgr. to negotiate for new contract 11-4-59 42 353 WATER 57 Book Page Re. 410337 approving plans for water supply line for JuliaTuttle Causeway and authorizing City Mgr. to submit same for approval to the Fla. State Board of Health. 5-18-60 43 89 City Atty Wanick discusses proposed Metro Water Ordinance. No action. 6-8-60 43 105 Res. 410365 authorizing agreement with Town of Surfside providing for water service to same. 8-3-60 43 169