Water Main Extensions_April 1929 to October 1932WATER MAIN EXTEN,,,SIONS r BOOK, PAGE CITY MGR'S RECOMMENDATIONS 4-22-29 9, 126 Motion to sell bonds authorized 7-1-26 9, 128 6" Main from North Water Tower to Star Island 9-9-30 10, 262 Appropriation of $1,587.00 for " 11 10, 262 Repairs to Wooden Main aoross County Causeway authorized 11-18-31 11, 227 Water main Syphons ordered lowered & Water Supt. to make application to War Dep.10-5-32 1), 371 Contract let to Geo;Bunneel 1Qi-26-32 11. 418 WATERMAINS Book Page City Mgr.recommends laying of larger watermains 6/7/33 12, 74 Above recommendations authorized 6/7/33-12, 74 City Mgr. recommends replacing of 3900 ft. of wood pipe with cast iron 6/6/3+ City Mgr.authorized to call for bids on above work 6/6/34 $23,497.21 appropriated for new water main project on causeway 6/20/3({- Reconlanended. Watermdine exon tensions -s20- ns 6 $13,187.31 appropriated 12, 425 12, 425 44123 12,, 444 WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS Book Pae. Additional oastiron pipe authorized purchased for causeway extension 1n the amount -of -411,99M0 8/14/34,-- 13 43 3M feet C.I Water Main pipe for replacements authorized 10/3/3+ 13 97 600 -foot watermain extension requested for apt.house at Normandy -Isle 11/1/34 13, 135 25,000.appropriated -miscellaneous re- placements of water lines and installation of fire hydrants -also stock of materials 4/22/35 15 377 WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS $40,125.27 appropriated for Causeway watermain replacement. 6/3/35 R.D. Wood awarded contract for furnishing C. I. pipe and fittings on Causeway re- placement of water main. 6/3/35 Authority given for signing application to lay watermains on Causeway. 8/7/35 4 Book Page 13 435 13 435 14 30 WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS 5 Book Page Res. #3496 authorizing refund to Sunset Island Co. for installing permanent watermains on Islands No. 1, 2, & 3 within one year after revenue equals 15% of cost of installation. 4/15/36 14 389 Authority given for signing application to hang 20" Water main line on County Causeway viaducts. 6/3/36 14 468 Res. #3562 making application to War Dept. for permit to lay 8" Water Pipe. 6/3/36 14 468 Res. #3608, City agrees to reimburse La Gorce Island for watermains. 7/15/36 15 25 WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS Book Page Permit from State Road Dept. accepted for hanging mains on -causeway 7-15-36 15- 1 410,000.00 appropriated -fol -bo ester- -- pump_.a_t_- City Shop 5-5-36 15 60 19,-004-.00--appropriates--for running line from Belle Isle Booster Pump 8-5-36 15 60 Contract for -the Booster pump for City shop_ awarded Burford -Hall -Smith 9-2-36 15 117 -Appropritions made -for waterm1n ex- tensions and purchase---o-f -materia.-a 12-30-36 15 3_08 5A WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS Res. #3838 authorizing reimbursement to Sunset Islands on watermain instal- lation. 1/29/37 Res. #3850 authorizing reimbursement to La Gorce Islands on watermain installation. 2/17/37 6 Book Page 15 371 15 391 WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS Res. #4025 authorized reimbursement to M. B. Bay Shore Co. on water main installation. 5/19/37 7. Book Page 16. no Appropriation of $4439.18 authorized for Water Main in S. W. corner of Normandy Isle. 6/53/37 16 175 $860.59 appropriated for water mains in 20th St. east of Collins Ave. 7/i4/37 16 187 $895.29 a propriated for water mains, in 42nd St. from Collins to Indian Creek n " rive WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS 7A Book Page Res. #4136 authorizing refund to Sunset Islands O. for wat er- -ma-in installation on Is1. No.4. 10-20-37 16 331 Purchase of water system from Pen&nsula Terminal Co. authorized 12-8-37 16 443 Abovepurchaseof water system from Peninsulas Terminal -Co. con- firmed in amount of $3100.00 2-2-3g 17 17 $6,752.55 appropriated for replacing of defective pipe in Water System on Hibiscus Island 41--8.-38 17 111 WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS Book Page • $19p,,000.appropriated for water rein and work abp35t3r8ant 1T -117 Appro.of $284.& $4324.made for haying waterma±n-s--in Espanola Way and across Miami Ship 0ha nne1 , respectively 6-15-38 17 187 176,5 approprjated_for replac- ing watermain on DiLido Island 6-158 169 Bids received for furnis ng cast iron pipe & fittings 7-6=38 17 193 WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS 9. Book .Page Contracts awarded for furnishing oast iron pipe and fittings -74 4-38 17- 210- --Jaantraot for equipOent for -26th St. pumpingstation awarded to Burford, HL1 & Smith 8-10-38 17 248 3ethiehem Steel Co. final estimate for construction of storage tank ordered paid 11/11./38 17 33g -- Bur for d 'Hair & Smith estimat e for —equipment -ordered -paid 11/4/38 17 338 WATERI4AI N EXTENSIONS 10 Book Page_ 6" Cast Iron watermain and 2 fire --hydrants authorized in7Aibbott Ave. 12/1/38 17 372 Installation of 7 fire hydrants and a 6" watermratn-authorized 1=6-39 Watermain easement across Bay Shore -Coproperty- adjacent to -Causeway given City 2-1-39 17 467 Final est&mate to Burford,Hall& Smith for pumping equinent ordered paid 2-1-39 17 468 WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS 11 Book - - Page _Appropriation ,of $13,277.11 from 181-N for Watermains & fire hydrants --on-ends-Isle - —3/1/39 17 454 Appropyi-atton of $2600 for cast iron _maine._in_ Bay Drive 3J1139 17 494 Fairy sprinkling System on Normandy Isle Golf Course 3/1/39 17 1154 Contract for Normandy Isle Water -pipe and- 120 Sewer Force Main let -t-oAmer-loan-Cast Ire„ P, po CA 3/22/39 1g, 1g a Watermain installation authorized in Collins AveT26th to 30th) 8/7/39 18 200 WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS 12. Book Page Appropriation made for laying of -Watermains to assure service for -B s-eayne Point 9-22-39 18 -28-3 #2278.46 appropriated for installa- tion of 6" Water pipe in -75th -St &-Oeean Drive 10-x-39 18 321 Appro. made for installation off watermai-ns in 38th -S-: la 5 39 3 Appro. made of -$810;A-833.60 and:- _ OAO.A1 for_watern.a°ins in. 9th St., 27th St. and Alton Court 10/16/39 _it 321 18 335 WAT ERMAI N S EXT EtN S I ON S 13 Book Page _ Appro. of *400.00 for watermain in- stallation in James Ave. 10/18/39 18 341 Appro. for installation of watermain in 27th St. from Collins Ave.west to _Indian._ Creek Drive 1113/39 1$ 370 Appro. of $3g9-.-33 -ter 6" watermain-in 39th Street authorized 12/6/39 18 414 Appro. of $3,059.42 authorized for water - mains on Biscayne Point 3/28/40 19 46 Appru .. of *306.25 aict 172 5-0-inade-fir water- 17th ater- 17th of April 17,4,540_19 84 WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS 14. Book _ Page_ 6th St.from Eu • from Penn. to Alton; 12th St.from Meridian to Drexel; 21st St.from Col- ; Alton Rd.fromI9th to 63rd St.;also purchase of stock authorized May 1st, 191-0 19 101 #732.28 _authorized for extending water main in 73rd Bt.from Collins Ave.to Ocean erra.ce May 15, 19+0 19 113 ----American-oast 3 dei cors act for furnishing east ironipe for watermain extensions 5/15/40 19 124 WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS 15 Book Page Installation of Watermains on Biscayne Point authorized and appropriations -'or-Bam , ur: • s 19 128 Appropriations made for water n installations (west end of Isle of --fformarrire-tlydrantmTat.Trancis Hospital and at 18th and Purdy Ave. Installing 170 lineal feet of 6" pipe in 36th Bt. 6/5/40 19 158 $600. appropriated for installation of watermain in 75-th 3t. teci11 tns to _.0-cean-Se»e-r-ace) 7/26/40 19 201 WATEHMAIN EXTENSIONS 16 Book Page American Cast Iron Pipe Co.awarded contract for water pipe - $4-40 19 243 Appropriation of $61,504.74 made to cover cost of pipe and installa- tion 8-8-40 243 watdrmain in 41st St.from Prairie to Chase Ayes. 8-£-40 19 Approp. of -1300.00 for lowering water - ma ,; ;; . - orth of )10th and $620- In Prairie,north of 40th & 255 extending stub 9/25/40- 19 270 WATERIv1AIN EXTENSIONS Book Page Appropriations made for 4- watermain extensions:Mieh.Ave.at 17th St.,31st St. from Indian Or: to—Ocsan;2O1h St. from Wash. to Park; 7th St. at Lenox102/40 19 319 Watermain extensions authorized and approritiations made as foltows : in ---al-ley- west of - C o l i -ins_&- nor-th--of_7-3rd; Michigan Ave.east of Alton;James Ave. south of—lith Bt. also purchase of --stook for—BM.—A—extensions 10/21/44 19 364 -au-thoxi es--laying--o-f--water-ina4n--- on Parkview Property . 10-23-40 19 374 WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS 18 Book. rage. $1,475.00 appropriated for installation of 6" water pipe at. north end of Allison _Island 12/24/40 19 494 - Council agree to hold up for the present, the construction of a 6" iron main across -Pdie-Tres- o-aae-ommoda e-apar-tment- houee- at 42nd and Pine Tree Drive 12/24/40 19 494 $3755.00 appropriated for 1700 lineal feet of watermain on -Biscayne Point 1 29/41 20 31 $1,549.29 appropriated for watermain nstruation in vio •f 29th St. & Slyer j rentxe WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS Appropriation of 051.10 for under- ground watermain k ,in liberty Ave. Appro. of $900.00 for extension . B . . r .. 19 Book Page 20 295 6/18/41 29, 296 111.4tA:9 rio_n maUttnnan4WIII;e. Nnordma2ndy 2.0 on ? s 7/2/4 of20 330 Y / $234589.20 appropriated from Current Funds Surplus for purchase of materials —f'c '- waterma1 n -extens-}efn--work --7/2/-111 20 341 WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS 20 Book Pg. ;491.65 set upfor water line exten- sion on 42nd treet west of Pine Tree Drive 7/16/41 20, 358 $375.00 appropriated for water main work in 28th St. 8/6/41 $1,062.50 and $750.00 for watermain work in 36th and 39th St.respective- 1y. 8/6/41 20 $812.50 and $1300.00 appropriated for water dept.work in connection with H-267 and H-268,respectively 10/15/41 20, 20 381 382 476 WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS - 21. • Book Page Kppropriation of §675. authorized for water main extensions in alley east of Alton Road between 17th St. and Canal. 12/17/41 21 110 Council agrees to include in coming bond election forurchase of Bay Shore Golf Course 4500,000 water supply bonds 2/18/44 22 281