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Water Main Extensions_June 1944
WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS 22. Book Page Res. #5733 passed authorizing City Mgr. to make application for priorities for materials necessary for construc- tion of water supply main across North Bay Causeway 6/7/44 22 Res. #5734 authorizing City Mgr. to make application to State Road Dept. for permission to construct water supply main across North Bay Causeway 6/7/44 22 Res. #5734 authorizing City Manager to apply to State Road Dept. for per- mission to construct water supply`1miy 22 336 338 338 W_TERMAIN EXTENSIONS- 23. Book Pagi Res. #5735 authorizing. City Manager to make applications to Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund to lay underground mains between Normandy Isle & LaGorce Island 6/7/4.4 22 339 Res. #5736 authorizing Acting City Engineer to make application to War Dept. for permission to lay underwater pipes from Normandy Isle to LaGorce Island 6/7/44 22 339 Mr. Renshaw advises priorities have been received 8/16/4+ 22 397 WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS 24. Book Page Bids received for furnishing water pipe for water main across North Bay Causeway 8/23/44 22 399 American Cast Iron Pipe Co. awarded contract in amount of $251,841.28 8/23/44 22 399 Permit received from War Dept. for installation of water matns across North Bay Causeway 10/4/44 22 411 Council appropriates $488,411 for cost of watermain extensions 10/20/44 22 421 WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS 25. Book Page Council rejects all bids for construction of North Bay Causeway water supply line 11/8/44 22 433 Council awards contracts for water supply line to Williams, Stockton & Cruze and to Powell Brothers 1/17/45_ 22 466 Mr. Renshaw outlines necessary programs of water extensions in 'Beach Bay Sub., Polo Fields, North Isle of Normandy and Lincoln Road - Council approves project and appropriates 97 10046 446 WATERiAIN EXTENSIONS 26 Book Page Council authorizes water exten- sion in Marseille Drive 4/3/46 23 496 $118,013 appropriated for water pipe 6/5/46 24 118 $1,766.85 appropriated for installing water mains in connection with H-288 6/5/46 24 119 Council appropriates $2,000 for 6" water extension in alley between Alton Road and Lenox Ave. from 15th to 16th Sts. 6/19/46 24 144 WATERMAINS EXTENSION. 27 Book Page Contract 46-6 for Mill Section mains awarded to Joe Reinertson 9/4/46 24 282 $10,500 appropriated for 6" water line in Blocks 9, 31, 32 & 34, Isle of Normandy 11/6/46 24 390 Council authorizes placing order for $63,367.00 water pipe 12/4/46 24 416 Council authorizes 6" water line in Block 6, Normandy 12/4/46 24 416 I:Je WATER14AINS EXTENSION 28 Book Page Joe Reinertson Is -given Water Contract 46-5 (Normandy Isle) 12/4/46 24 417 Council authorizes placing order with American Cast Iron Pipe Co. for water ippe in the amount of $70,404• 53 2/5/47 24 482 Council authorizes water mains extensions in connec- tion with H-307 at cost of $1,400 3/19/47 25 53 WATERfiuATNS EXTENSION 29 Book Page Contract 47-5, for James and West Avenue water mains, award- ed to Joe Reinertson 5/21/47 25 190 Contract 47-6, Jefferson Ave. water mains, awarded to R. E. Vaughan 5/21/+7 25 191 $2,225 appropriated for 6" water line in N. Bay Rd. 5/21/47 25 192 Council authorizes 11 waterrnains extensions at cost of X549000.00 7/2/47 25 248 WATERMAINS EXTENSION 30 Book Page 6" main to be extended along Lincoln Road from Washington to Collins 8/6/47 25 319 6" water main on Euclid Ave. authorized 10/1/47 25 411 $12,900 appropriated for water extension to service Biscayne Beach Sub. 12/17/47 26 32 $7,650 appropriated for extension in Harding Ave. from 85th to 87th Sts. 4/7/48 26 290 WATER MAINS EXTENSIONS $900 appropriated for extension of water mains on Jefferson Ave. $29,090.00 from Bond Fund appropriated for ektending water mains in Biscayne Beach Subdivision, etc. $800.00 appropriated for extension at east end of Lincoln Road Contract 48-1 (water mains extension) awarded to D. M. Papy 7/7/1+8 10/7/48 10/7/48 10/20/48 31 Book Page 26 437 27 128 27 129 27 160 WATER MAINS EXTENSIONS 32 Book Page Council authorizes extension of water mains in alley between Jefferson Avenue and Michigan Avenue 12/1/48 27 233 Council authorizes extension of water mains on 67th Street from Harding Avenue to Collins Avenue 12/1/48 27 233 Council authorizes water - mains extension on Post Ave. 5/4/49 28 131 WATER MAINS EXTENSIONS 33 Book Page Authorized in 14th Court between West Ave. and Alton Road 5/18/49 28 156 Council authorizes extension on 71st St. east of Collins 6/1/49 28 188 Council authorizes extension in alley east of Meridian 6/1/49 28 188 Council authorizes replace- ment of wooden water main in Alton Rd. from 1st St. to 5th St. with 16" cast iron pipe 8/17/49 28 353 WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS Council authorizes - installation of 16" water main in Flamingo Drive between 25th and 26th Sts. Council authorizes installation of 12" water main in 9th Street from Jefferson Ave. to Collins Ave. 34 BOOK PAGE 9/21/49 28 431 9/21/49 28 431 Replacement of underwater line serving Fisher's Island authorized 2-15-50 29 165 WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS 35 Book Page In Noremac Ave. from S. Biscayne Pt. Rd. to'Cleve- land Rd. 4-5-50 29 266 In S. Biscayne Pt. Rd. and Daytonia Rd. from Hawthorne Ave to Henedon Ave. 4-5-50 29 266 In 12th St. from Alton Rd. To Michigan Ave. 4-5-50 29 266 2" main on Marseille Dr. to be replaced 4--19-50 29 296 WATER MAINN'EXTENSIONS' 36 Book Page Authorized in Lenox Avenue between 8th & 9th Sts. and N. Meridian Avenue 5-3-50 29 328 Replacement of main prior to paving of 19th St. authorized 8-16-50 29 28 Installation of 16" main in Collins Ave. from Lin- coln Rd. to 14th Lane 8-16-50 30 28 WATER MAINS EXTENSIONS Installation of water mains in 7th St. and 10th St. 37 Book Page authorized 8-23-50 30 46 Replacement of 3" water mains on San Marino Is. with 6" mains authorized 5-2-51 31 110 Replacement of 2" water main on Tatum Waterway Dr. from 77th to 81st Sts. with 6" mains authorized 5-2-51 31 110 WATER MAINS EXTENSIONS 38 Book Page Installation of water mains in Indian Creek Dr. from 63rd St. to 71st St. authorized 7-3-51 31 317 Water mains under south side- walk of west 63rd St. bridge authorized --$6,800. 8-8-51 31 432 Water mains installation authorized across Harding Ave. at various intersections 9-12-51 32 45 Watermains on 71st St. bridge authorized. Geo. E. Bunnell to do tile' work for _ $2, 000.00 9-28-51 32 79 WATER MAINS EXTENSIONS 39 Book Page Installation of water mains in Carlyle Ave. & Byron Ave. north of Indian Cr. Dr. approved in advance of paving of streets. 11-21-51 32 193 Res. #7906 authorizing City Manager to submit plans of Reservoir, Pumping Station & Connecting Mains at 75th St. and Dickens Ave. to Board of Health for approval 1-16-52 32 306 WATER MAINS EXTENSIONS 40 Book Page Installation of 8" water main authorized in Pine Tree Dr. from' Dade Blvd. to 28th St. 3-5-52 32 411 Water mains installation authorized in Noremac Avenue north of Cleveland Road. 3-5-52 32 416 Water mains installation authorized in 9th St. from Meridian Ave. to Alton Road; and in Carlyle Ave. and Byron Avenue between Indian Cr. Dr. and 71st St. 4-2-52 32 463 WATER MAINS EXTENSION 41 Book Page Water mains installation authorized: In Lenox Ave. between 14th & 5th Sts. Across Harding Ave. at 69th St.; also most of the streets crossing Harding Ave. from 75th to 85th Sts. 4-16-5? 32 487 Res. #8081 authorizing application to Dept. of Army, for permit for construction of 16" water main under east channel of Indian Creek at 63rd Street 8-6-52 33 195 Special'apprbpriati©n authorized tc cover installation of 6" water main in 69th St. from Indian:_Cr.ltr 7ts'2ColVIns A2e6,� WATER MAINS EXTENSION 42 Book Page Water main installation authorized in alley between Lenox and Michigan Ayes., and between 7th and 8th Streets 12-17-52 33 435 Installation of 6 -inch cast iron water main in alley north of Biscayne Street between Washington Ave. & Alton Rd. authorized 1-21-53 33 477 Relocation of 10" water main in )rder to clear foundations for 63rd street overpass approved. 1-28-53 33 484 WATER MAINS EXTENSION 43 Book Page Installation of 16" water main in connection with construction of new bridge over Indian Creek at 41st Street authorized (line will extend from Royal Palm Ave. to Collins Ave.) 4-1-53 34 142 Approved allocation of $1,000. from proceeds from sale of $650,000 Reservoir Bonds, for installation of water line in advance of paving 74th St. from Collins Ave. to Harding Ave. 4-22-53 34 190 WATER MAINS EXTENSION 44 Book Page Allocation of $9,500. from sale of Reservoir bonds approved for installation of water mains prior to paving 63rd St. from Alton Rd. to bride west of Allison Island 7-15-53 34 397 $600.00 appropriation authorized to cover cost of installing 2" water main in alley bet. 71st St. and Normandy Dr. and east of Rue Notre Dame 7-22-53 34 408 WATER MAINS EXTENSION 45 Book Page Appropriation of $2,500 for installation for installation of 6" water main in Lenox Court between 7th & 8th Sts., prior to paving of alley, authorized 4-20-55 37 123 $11,000 appropriation authorized for cost -of installing 8" water main, 8" sewer force main, and 3" air line for sewer lift pumps, in advance of constructing the Sunset Islands Sanitary Sewer System. $5,000 to be charged against 1951 Water eservoir bonds and $b,000 against `Sewer Dept. (6,000 to be temporarily advanced from current funds, u are sold) repaid after 1955 10-19-55 37 416 WATER MAINS EXTENSION 46 Book Page Appropriation of $16,400 from Water Reservoir bond funds dated August 1, 1951, for installation of 8" water main and 4" water main in Pine Tree Dr. from 45th Street and the bridge south of 51st Street authorized 6-20-56 38 258 Res. #9283 authorizing application to State Road Dept. for permit to 'relocate a 20" water main on new east viaduct of MacArthur Causeway 6-20-56 38 259 WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS? Book Page Appropriation of $6,450.00 from Water Dept. Budget Account No. 806,to replace main feeder line crossing Palm Island with new 8" cast iron pipe,authorized 8-1-56 38 337 Appropriation of $15,000.00 from funds available from the sale of $650,000 Water Reservoir bond funds,to extend existing 2 -inch water main east on 78th St., authorized. 8-1-56 38 337 WATER MAINS EXTENSION$F Book Page Appropriation of $16,040 from sale of $650,000 Water Reservoir bond funds, to replace 8" high pressure main on Belle Isle with new 8" pipe, authorized 8-1-56 38 337 Requests for appropriations from $335,000 Reservoir and Water Main bond funds for installation of water mains required prior to paving of various city streets authorized 8-1-56 38 337 WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS 49 Book Page $6,700 appropriation from Water Main and Reservoir bond funds authorized for water main installations prior to paving Byron Ave. from 73rd to 74th Sts., Carlyle Ave. bet. 73rd and 74th Sts., and 73rd St. bet. Dickens & Carlyle Ave. 8-15-56 38 371 Execution of agreement authorized with Heavy Constructors, Inc. to install anchor bolts and construct 26" sq. opening in both end piers of new MacArthur Causeway bridge in connection with relocation of 20" water main, price $1,360.00 8-15-56 38 372